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What Do You Do When You Lose Your Dream Job?

Cry, Cry a Little More and then Create a New Dream Job

By Spirit Guide Communication through the Art of DivinationPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
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How it feels to lose your dream job

Well, I was told that I could use this as a place to post my thoughts and ideas. So far, I have been sharing my favorite books that are on virtual book tours or a few articles that on meditation but today I think I may share with you my purpose for being on Vocal.

Currently, I am about to turn 49 years old. When I was younger, I worked hard and went to college and thought that I would be teaching college until I died at my desk much like Professor Binns from the Harry Potter series. Well, this was a dream come true for 9 years. I found my dream job. I taught at a community college…. I did more than teach... I put my heart and soul into what was my dream. I lived there practically. Received or was nominated for Mentor of the Year (much like Teacher of the Year) and won awards for dedication to the college etc. Students loved me, well most did, and I have made some very close friends from there. I had moved here to Bowling Green, KY from Lexington, KY 10 years ago this week to start a new life. I was so happy and put all my energy into that job.

I was department coordinator for sociology, criminal justice, and social work and over saw four clubs at one time. Heck I was the first one to start a club there and I built the above program from nothing.

I created classes such as Sociology of Harry Potter, Sociology of Comic Books, Sociology of Horror and more. I did creative and interactive classes. I was great at my job and I loved my job and my students.

I sponsored a sociology student to receive free tuition for a class in the sociology department each semester and volunteered every time I could. Then in May, my worst nightmare happened. I had been saying that I was going to be let go because I did not get along with either of the new administrators, but I did not think it would really happen. But when I went to my evaluation meeting (until then I had the HIGHEST evaluations that could be given) I was shocked when I was told my contract would not be renewed. With no reason, no thank you for having the media here monthly and promote our college. Nothing.

I was heartbroken. I was devastated and honestly, I felt betrayed. I spent from May until August crying. I am almost 50 years old. Who is going to hire me? What about retirement? I have very little savings and unemployment has been hard to get. So, what is next?

Well, more crying and fear crept up as I have applied to over 300 jobs from teaching, counseling, coaching, administrative assistant, admission reps, everything. And no responses. When I lost my jobs before due to legit contract reasons or moving, I did not have a fear of not getting a job. I could walk into a business and hand over a resume and get the job. But now there are online applications with algorithms that I have no idea how to work. Plus, my age hurts me. Honestly, it does. If I can walk in and they see me, I look younger but you are required to put when you graduated college and this tells your age and I feel it is a type of ageism. Why do you need to know the year?

So, what do you do when you lose your dream job? I really do not know. I feel as if I have no purpose if I am not going to a job. But, at the same time I have decided to put my hobbies to work and try to build a business. Trying to think successful.

In the past, I had these businesses on the side as hobbies while I worked. So, I am going to try and focus on them. I am going to try and build my dream into a new area- coaching, fitness, and spirituality. I have business licenses, promotions material and Zoom. Zoom is where I am holding these classes and events each day. And yes, it is each day. It seems that building your business takes a lot of time so that is what I am focusing on. I am planning, building, and creating and waiting for Covid to well do whatever so we can have some type of normalcy and I might can get a brink and mortar business or open up my home studio again. I had to close it in March due to state regulations.

So, here is a small description of each hobby turned to a business. And you will notice it is still a form is teaching just not in the college setting.

First, Inner Bliss began in 2018. I offer my spiritual services and help by connecting their soul self with their physical self through meditation, yoga, reiki, intuitive services, and spiritual coaching. You can find out more here at https://www.facebook.com/innerblisss3 as well as innerblissspiritualcenter.com.

Second, A New You Self Care Center was began last year in 2019. Here I work with clients on their self-care needs. This could be through shadow work, personal training, weight loss/fitness programs, journaling, meditation, and yoga therapy. Self-Care Coaching encompasses physical, mental, and emotional services. You can out more here https://www.facebook.com/anewyouselfcare and coming soon https://anewyouselfcare.com/

Third, I am a published author since 2009 of nonfiction horror in my younger years and now journals and self-care books. And of course, you know I write here and hope to have more varying topics soon. You may find out more about my books on Amazon at https://amzn.to/327ouia and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bertenavarneyauthor

Fourth, I am trying my hand at YouTube. Yes, I am old, but I am going to try and use Midnight Musings with Bertena to get a small following and have fun. I miss having fun and sharing my knowledge of unusual topics and facts to anyone who will take a few minutes to watch it. The channel is here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHA5C5qAsXCJXwbNxqjedVQ and the Facebook page is here https://www.facebook.com/midnightmusingswithbertena and with a website coming soon to midnightmusingswithbertena.com

So, join me on this new journey and see where I go. If you want to support me in helping, make my hobbies become my new dream job simply leave a tip for me then visit my profile here.


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About the Creator

Spirit Guide Communication through the Art of Divination

Welcome to Spirit Guide Communication through the Art of Divination where you will read about spirit guides, meditation, divination, and more

Learn more about me here https://yourcosmicconnections.com/pages/bertena-varney

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