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What Diet 'Rules' Can You Break According to a Nutritionist?

You may have heard that eating carbs will make you gain weight, that too much red meat will clog your arteries, or that you need to constantly eat smart to lose weight. But as it turns out, not every diet rule you’ve heard is true. Nutritionist Dr. Megan Rossi, who specializes in helping people follow the ketogenic diet and treats obesity, has revealed some of the most common food mantras that you can ignore if you want to lose weight... or simply eat healthier in 2019!

By Nilesh HendalkarPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
What Diet 'Rules' Can You Break According to a Nutritionist?
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

What Diet 'Rules' Can You Break According to a Nutritionist?

You may have heard that eating carbs will make you gain weight, that too much red meat will clog your arteries, or that you need to constantly eat smart to lose weight. But as it turns out, not every diet rule you’ve heard is actually true. Nutritionist Dr. Megan Rossi, who specializes in helping people follow the ketogenic diet and treats obesity, has revealed some of the most common food mantras that you can ignore if you want to lose weight... or simply eat healthier in 2019!

How Many Carbohydrates Should I Eat Per Day

It’s no secret that refined carbohydrates are responsible for many people gaining weight. But is it better to completely cut out carbs, or should you limit your intake of them? Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals—and fewer calories—than processed foods do, so I suggest incorporating plenty of these healthy foods into your diet, says Dr. Rossi. That said, she does not recommend going totally carb-free—just try restricting your intake to less than 200 grams per day (usually around 50–100 grams at each meal). That will reduce inflammation and give you more energy for losing weight! Remember: Carbs don’t have to be bad if they come from wholesome sources such as whole grains, legumes, and fruits.

Can I Eat Bread

Bread is definitely allowed on The South Beach Diet, Rossi says. We’re not looking to deprive our dieters of certain pleasures. However, she cautions that it's important to pay attention to portion control. While whole-grain bread is an excellent source of fiber and other important nutrients, refined carbs like white bread and white rice should be consumed sparingly. The difference between whole grains and refined grains is really in how much nutrition has been removed in order for them to be commercially available, Rossi says. In general, try not to have more than one slice of bread per day — or opt for alternative grain choices like barley or quinoa instead.

How many salts Should I Eat

It may be shocking news, but most people are actually eating too little salt. The FDA recommends consuming up to 2,300 milligrams per day. It's especially important for anyone over 50 years old (this is when salt naturally decreases in your system) since it helps maintain blood pressure and prevent dehydration. If you’re overweight or have heart disease, however, you might need less than that. If your doctor has instructed you to limit your sodium intake (perhaps due to high blood pressure), don’t immediately assume that you need to completely eradicate salt from your diet.

Is Brown Sugar Worse Than White Sugar

I get asked all of the time whether or not people need to eat dairy, and my short answer is yes. Dairy products provide protein and calcium, which are both important for overall health. A growing body of evidence suggests that consuming dairy products such as yogurt may also have several additional health benefits such as helping with weight management. Although I highly recommend using whole foods like low-fat yogurt and cheese in your diet, I don’t think you necessarily need dairy in your diet if you’re following a healthy eating plan.

Do We Need Dairy in Our Diets

Dairy products, especially yogurt and cheese, contain several important vitamins and minerals, like calcium and vitamin D. Milk is rich in protein and is also relatively high in water, so it can help keep you full when consumed with other foods. That said, people who are sensitive to lactose (the sugar found in milk) can experience digestive distress after eating dairy. In addition, many products that contain dairy use hormones and antibiotics on their cows—and those hormones may be hiding in your favorite flavor of ice cream. If you’re not digestively sensitive or vegan, then I recommend eating yogurt or ice cream occasionally as part of a balanced diet that includes protein-rich foods along with fruits and vegetables.


About the Creator

Nilesh Hendalkar

I am a passionate publisher who want to provide diet plans, weight loss tips and health & lifstile

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