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What are the symptoms of gynaecological inflammation

How to prevent gynaecological problems

By CustoPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Women are most likely to have headaches with the occurrence of gynecological diseases. Gynecological inflammation is not difficult to detect, we just have to observe it well in our lives and we will find the symptoms of gynecological inflammation. The reason is that many symptoms of gynecological inflammation should not be ignored, so we must pay attention when these symptoms appear.

What are the symptoms of gynecological inflammation?

1. abnormal leucorrhoea

The fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

Causes: In the event of abnormal leucorrhoea we can experience several diseases, such as cervical erosion, cervical polyps, cervicitis, mycotic vaginitis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

2. Irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhoea

Symptoms: Every month a girl has her period, but sometimes she has irregular periods or abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain before or during menstruation, and general symptoms.

Causes: organic pathology or malfunction. Blood disorders, hypertension, liver disease, endocrinopathies, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, fetus, reproductive tract infections, tumors (e.g. ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids), etc.

3. Itching and dampness of the private parts

Symptoms: Itching of the vulva is mostly located on the clitoris and labia minora, but can also spread to the labia majora, perineum, and even the perianal area, were scratching for a long time can lead to scratches, blood scabs, or secondary folliculitis. It is often paroxysmal, but can also be persistent and can be humid in the summer heat.

Causes: mycosis fungoides, trichomoniasis, chronic vulvar dystrophy, poor hygiene, skin lesions, abrasions, common warts, herpes, eczema, tumors, etc.

4. Irregular vaginal bleeding

Symptoms: Bleeding can come from the vulva, vagina, cervix, and endometrium but most often from the uterus. Long-term persistent vaginal bleeding, irregular bleeding after menopause, bleeding after sexual intercourse, spotting before and after menstruation.

Etiology: fibroids, myometrium, gonorrhea, endometrial cancer, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, gravida, cervical erosion, cervical polyps, cervical cancer, or submucosal fibroids.

5、Lower back pain, abdominal pain

Symptoms: pain on one or both sides of the lower back, lower back pain often radiating to the legs, often accompanied by external or internal symptoms. Lower abdominal swelling, pain, and lumbosacral pain.

Causes: Tubitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis, uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, ovarian cysts, bladder infection, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, etc.

6、Urinary frequency and urgency, burning at the urethra

Symptoms: frequent, urgent, painful urinary tract irritation, frequent and short urination, dripping and stinging, wanting to come out but not finished, bloody urine, cloudy urine, difficulty in urination, burning, and painful sensation.

Causes: cystitis, urethritis, vulvitis, urinary stones, occupying lesions in the bladder, tuberculous contracture of the bladder or compression of the bladder by a pregnant uterus, uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, etc.

How to prevent gynecological problems

1. Do sit-ups often

Exercise is a universal way to prevent disease, more exercise, enhances body resistance, which is also a way to prevent gynecological disease in women.

Women can often do sit-ups to prevent gynecological disease. There are many acupuncture points and capillaries in our groin. When we do sit-ups, the blood vessels in the groin are exercised, which can promote blood circulation in the abdomen and relieve gynecological diseases in women.

When doing sit-ups also need to pay attention to the skills, women are best to use the bent knee position method, backward supine when inhaling, touching the pad when holding the breath to close the abdomen, and then when the abdomen has a sense of distension when quickly exhale, forward lead the body low to complete the action.

2, underwear hygiene is very important

Underwear and women's intimate places in direct contact, if the underwear is not hygienic then the private parts are susceptible to infection, causing various inflammatory diseases.

The best way to clean your underwear is to wash them by hand and not to use too many cleaning substances (it is recommended to use special underwear cleaning supplies).

3. Don't make your underwear too tight

The vagina, urethra, anus, and these intimate parts of the female are in close contact with the panties, if the panties are too tight and the intimate parts of friction, it is easy for the anal dirt bacteria to infect the vagina and urethra, bacteria into the vagina to multiply will cause gynecological diseases.

Therefore, to prevent gynecological disease underwear should not wear too tight, but also not wear too dark color underwear, the best choice is to choose cotton underwear.

4. Age-appropriate childbirth

Relevant research data are showing that if a woman has a complete pregnancy process once in her life, then she can increase her immunity for 10 years, which can reduce the chance of gynecological cancers such as uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer, as well as relieve menstrual pain and delay menopause.

5、Safe and regular married life

Some gynecological diseases are caused by unsafe conjugal life. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the actual situation.

6, pay attention to diet and nutrition

If you want to have a healthy body, diet is an indispensable part. Women should take high vitamins, low sugar, low fat, low salt, and moderate protein as principles in their daily diet, eat less cold, spicy, and fried food, and try to keep their weight within normal limits, not too fat and not too thin.

Causes of gynecological diseases

1. Physiological factors

The skin of the vulva is very delicate, and rich in sweat glands, very hidden, so the permeability is very bad, easy to suffer from the sneak attack of germs, at the same time, due to the special physiological mission of childbirth, also increases the chances of women infected with gynecological diseases.

2、Pathological factors

For example, postpartum or post-abortion infections, improperly placed intrauterine devices, etc., are also causes of gynecological disease.

3, unhealthy lifestyle

(1) Blind dieting and weight loss

This leads to nutritional imbalance, endocrine disorders, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders, and other gynecological diseases will find you.

(2) Prolonged sedentary lifestyle

The fact that sitting for a long time will cause the blood to run poorly, resulting in a stuffy and unbreathable lower body, which induces bacteria to breed, which in turn leads to gynecological inflammation such as pelvic inflammatory disease and adnexitis.

4. Excessive cleaning of the private parts

Women's vaginas are naturally self-cleaning, so if you blindly use cleaning solutions to flush your vagina, it can upset the balance of the vaginal flora and cause gynecological inflammation such as vaginitis.

5. Inappropriate exercise

Exercise that is too intense can cause abnormalities in endocrine function and affect the normal level of sex hormones in the body, causing delayed or irregular menstrual cycles and even amenorrhoea.

Poorly safe exercise may cause injury to the vulva, resulting in bleeding and swelling. If you exercise vigorously during your period, it may cause menstrual blood to flow back into the pelvis, leading to gynecological diseases such as endometriosis.

Conclusion: I believe that you have read through the above to know what symptoms occur when gynecological inflammation occurs, and we have also shared with you that some diseases can also occur when gynecological inflammation occurs, so we hope that women must pay attention to our body condition to avoid threats.


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