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Ways to Make Intermittent Fasting Easier

Use these tactics to improve your fast!

By Niko KritikosPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Checkout Fundmamental Health on Youtube for more tips and tricks!

Hi, my name is Niko Kritikos, I am 21 years old and am very interested in learning about different ways to improve my health and increase longevity. Intermittent fasting has been one of the best ways I’ve found to do that. I have been doing intermittent fasting for about 4 years now and have learned a lot along the way. At one point I did a 50 hour fast just to test my limits. Over the last few years, I've spent countless hours researching fasting and how I could make it easier or more effective for me. Here is a quick summary of one of my strategies!

In this article, I will explain the different types of drinks you can utilize during your fast to not only make your fast easier but also to increase the benefits of your fast. This includes increasing autophagy, increasing fat-burning, increasing your mood, and finally making you not as hungry. The first drink is water. I prefer to get carbonated mineral water because the carbonation helps curb hunger and the minerals will help you feel more alert and energized. If you aren’t adding minerals like Sodium and Potassium in during your fast, then you will feel weaker and your body will not be functioning as well as it could be. H20 will also help you burn more fat and not feel as hungry.

The next drink is Coffee. This may be the most enjoyable thing you can do during your fast. The only thing to make sure of is that you don’t add any cream, milk, or sugars to your coffee because that will break your fast. If regular black coffee hurts your stomach during a fast like it does to me, try drinking cold brew coffee. Cold-brew coffee is less acidic making it much easier on your stomach. Cold Brew also has more caffeine than regular coffee so you will feel energized faster. Coffee has tons of antioxidants and the caffeine will accelerate your fat-burning so it’s a great addition to pair with fasting. Coffee is also very powerful at suppressing appetite so you won’t be as hungry during your fast.

The third drink is tea. Green Tea is excellent because it is filled with antioxidants and polyphenols like EGCG. Green Tea also has caffeine but less than coffee. It also contains a compound called L-Theanine. This compound helps promote calm and relaxation. Therefore green tea is a fantastic thing to add during your fast. You can try other types of tea such as Black Tea which has more caffeine but doesn’t contain all of the polyphenols that Green Tea has.

The final drink I would incorporate during my fast is ACV. ACV stands for Apple Cider Vinegar and contains something called Acetic Acid. This drink is 0 calories and is extremely powerful. This drink helps with digestion and nutrient absorption. Therefore, during your fast or right before you break your fast is a great time to consume ACV. ACV has also been shown to curb hunger, reduce blood sugar levels, and help burn fat by burning extra calories and activating the AMPK pathway which encourages your body to use more fat for energy.

If you are interested in learning more about health and intermittent fasting, I have a youtube channel called Fundamental Health where I make videos about health and fitness. Here is one of my videos that goes in-depth on different ways to make intermittent fasting more effective and easier to do. Check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

Signing off

Niko Kritikos



About the Creator

Niko Kritikos

Health Wealth & Happiness

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