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Want to supplement calcium, in addition to milk can drink, there are 4 kinds of food can eat more

Calcium supplement food to share

By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Original 2022-08-27 11:38 - Yanzi's healthy new life

Calcium is a word often heard in life, children grow to calcium, elderly people with bone growth to calcium, and calf cramps to calcium. Many people sleep at night and fall asleep to the phenomenon of calf cramps, which takes a while to relieve, and many times when people talk about calf cramps, the first time say that it is a calcium deficiency, is to supplement calcium.

When it comes to calcium, the first time we will go to the doctor, or else to the pharmacy to buy some calcium to eat there are many foods in life that have the role of calcium, such as milk, milk is rich in calcium, whether it is a man or a woman, a glass of milk every day can effectively replenish calcium, but also enhance the body's physical fitness, good for the body!

In addition to milk, there are many foods in life that have the role of calcium, known as the "King of calcium" to help the body to replenish nutrition at the same time, children can also grow, but also to relieve calf cramps!

Soybean products for calcium

Soy products are made from soybeans, soybeans have a high calcium content, 191mg of calcium per 100g, and soy products are dried tofu, tofu, tofu skin, and so on. Among them, dried tofu is the highest, followed by tofu, and tofu skin, so you can eat more soy products in life to supplement calcium.

Shrimp skin can be a calcium supplement

The calcium supplement does not only know to drink milk, but you can also eat some shrimp skin, but shrimp skin also has a high calcium content, and children and the elderly can eat more shrimp skin. Shrimp skin-wrapped dumplings, or shrimp coronary, are very delicious food, is a very good calcium food.

Black sesame can be a calcium supplement

Black sesame is not only nutritious but also contains vitamins, protein, and calcium. Especially the calcium content is very high, which can help the body to replenish nutrition and calcium at the same time.

Black Fungus

Black fungus is a black food with high nutritional value, high protein, and high calcium content. Eating black fungus when you have nothing to do can remove blood waste, promote calcium absorption, and help strengthen bones, which is good for your health.

So, what are the manifestations of calcium deficiency in the body?

1, poor sleep

If the body is deficient in calcium, it will lead to a decrease in the control of the nervous system, and sometimes at night, it is always unable to sleep. This is because the body's blood calcium concentration is not enough, this problem not only makes people unable to sleep, even if they fall asleep, but also easy to dream, which will lead to a decline in sleep quality, and over time, people will seem to have no spirit.

2, the skin becomes bad

Some people's skin is rough, aging, and even hardened, but also prone to acne, dark spots or dermatitis, and other problems. These symptoms are not only skin problems, if the body is deficient in calcium, these phenomena will also occur, so pay attention to them.

3. Cramps

Just mentioned that the phenomenon of calf cramps that occur at night while sleeping is caused by calcium deficiency. In fact, in addition to calf cramps, there are also thighs, armpits, arms, and other places that are prone to cramps due to a lack of calcium in the body. Over time, not only will cramps spread to other parts of the body, resulting in muscle aches and pains and other uncomfortable symptoms.

4, affect vision

If the body is deficient in calcium for a long time, it will cause cataracts, which will lead to vision loss. This problem can be improved by supplementing calcium to improve the vision problems caused by cataracts.

5、Dental calcification

Calcium deficiency in the body will also cause dental development problems, such as yellow dots and horizontal lines on the teeth, as well as enamel development disorders and calcification of teeth.


About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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