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Purpose is the big thing for longevity, and being partnered or single, you can thrive either way

By Bruce ThomsonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The alternative


1. Purpose is the big thing for longevity

- The single most important factor promoting longevity is 'purpose' in life.

- All other interventions work towards 'purpose', without which they are entirely vacuous and boring and tedious.

- Obviously when people retire, they lose major purpose of work, and neglect their already

-aging bodies, hastening illness and death.

2. Being partnered or single, you can thrive either way

- When married or partnered, I often yearned for personal freedom.

- Between those periods, I yearned to be partnered and 'belong'.

- So do most people at least some of their time, either status.

- In a recent phase of miserable solo loneliness, I happened to socialize a few times with really good friends, which totally evaporated the craving to be partnered. I went home happily ultra-free and ultra-loved & loving. The reverse has happened in the past, that is, craving 'individuality', going away for a few days, being met with warm love by my partner, glad to be attached.


- I've been struggling to know what happens to purpose if I live for decades or centuries more. I'm healthy and have ample money. I've lived interestingly, traveled far and wide, "seen everything, done everything". So where does purpose come from when life is extended indefinitely long?

- The answer is 'action' that continues personal growth and personal contribution to society, in contrast with 'relaxing and enjoying and being proud of past achievements'.


- I've always been a renovator and handyman as well as doing countless active 'productive' things online and physically.

- I often re

-view an excellent rah-rah motivational video (very good) at https://youtu.be/KYRyFoEdsO4?t=100 as part of my self-therapy for good motivation and attitude.

- A major point it makes

- for achieving 'success', but it's hugely important for longevity

- is that motivation is not the cause of action, but rather it is the OUTCOME RESULT of action.

- So, in short, our best strategy for longevity is simply to be very active, which will generate heart-inspiring motivation that makes life mostly a joy.


- Note well... The 'action' doesn't have to be big and important, just very engaging and satisfying. Example: Last night I worked very hard physically for an hour with a hand file, intently shaping axle stubs to support the wheels of my bicycle trailer.

- It could be said I was a blind fool not to just pay someone to create it for me, which I totally easily could. But I deeply enjoyed the purpose of the task, and the feel of the file biting smoothly into the steel axle end, as well as the occasional purposeful use of the electric grinder - it's sound, even the smell.

- Similarly, I spent an hour on my PC developing a sound font for the electronic concertina (accordion). Fairly dumb work, but full of purpose, because I'll be able to load those sound notes later into the Concertina Nova, and play and sing with friends.

- THAT is LIVING. I will deliberately design and do purposeful action forever if I can, regardless of economics or approval of others.


- Currently, at age 72, I'm determined to learn to be very useful in...

• Obviously, MUCH better knowledge to enhance body physiology

• Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, to earn for personal & Bill & Melinda Gates-style charity funding, and be able to globally business & open source-distribute apps of various kinds.

• Artificial intelligence apps I can use off-the-shelf or code myself

• Hobby-or-commercial creation of electronic devices, using perf. board and various off-the

-shelf integrated circuits such as the Arduino board, the WAVtrigger board (storing/playing music/sound) • Landscaping my gardens for beauty and socializing.


- If it happens, 'fine. Fifteen times in the past, happy to share life, up to 10 years each time https://bit.ly/31AX1nQ.

- If not, 'fine, 'plenty of great living to be lived solo. See https://bit.ly/3vjMBqq


- It'll happen more slowly if I'm active as above.

- It'll enjoyably distract me from the aging.

- When I die, and the neurons and dendrites of my brain turn into a centrally-insensible smelly mush of compost, I won't be able to mind, so I won't mind. =)


About the Creator

Bruce Thomson

- Retired contract technical writer and IT trainer

- Frequent writing in Facebook groups I run or have joined.

- Various topics: Current affairs; science; futurism; healthy living; investing; self-motivation & management; environment, etc.

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