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Types of Massage and Their Therapeutic Effects

Do you like massage?

By Sean ThorntonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Types of Massage and Their Therapeutic Effects
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Massage is the oldest method of treatment known to man and has been used since ancient times. In Eastern cultures, massage is considered a means of transferring electromagnetic energy, so-called chi energy or "life energy". If you are stressed or tired, weekly massages will help you maintain your health, look and feel younger:

  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Strengthens the body.
  • Improves circulation.
  • Improves the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  • Helps to tone the skin and eliminate toxins
  • Psychological effects
  • Relaxes and removes the effects of daily overwork.
  • Removes stress, depression.
  • Stimulates mental activities (for example, increases the accuracy and speed of solving mathematical calculations).
  • Charge your batteries with optimism and a good mood.

How it works

When the muscles are intensely stressed or for longer periods of time, the muscle fibers contract and become stiff. Through massage, the muscles regain their elasticity; In addition, massage facilitates blood circulation, accelerating the transport of toxins to the organs of elimination or detoxification.

How it can help you

Neck and back pain, migraines, and arthritis can be relieved by massage. Through repeated sessions, massage also helps in post-traumatic recovery (if you have suffered sports or other accidents). A light massage can relieve physical and mental strain during pregnancy. For premature babies, massage is a useful therapeutic method in their normal development.

Massage techniques

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, often referred to as "needle-free acupuncture."

What it consists of: It exerts pressure on certain points located along with an invisible system of energy channels inside the body, called meridians. Because these points are directly related to the organs and glands in the body, the tension of the energy flow accumulated here causes disease and discomfort.

Effects: Pressing and massaging these points activates the energy flow, reducing stress.

2. Chi Nei Tsang

In Chinese, "chi" means "energy" and "nei Tsang" means "internal organs."

What it consists of: It is a massage technique invented by Taoist monks and consists in delicately touching the abdomen, in order to stimulate the internal organs to function efficiently.

Effects: Improving energy flow in the body.

3. Shiatsu

Shiatsu ("finger press") is the most popular form of acupressure, being practiced for more than a thousand years in Japan.

What it consists of: It rhythmically presses specific points, located along the meridians of the body (a press lasts between three and ten seconds). Fingers, hands, elbows, knees, and sometimes feet are used to unblock and stimulate the flow of energy in the body. No creams or other oils are required, and the patient may remain fully clothed during the massage session.

Effects: Relieves pain, relaxes the whole body, and maintains a general state of health.

4. Watsu

Watsu is a form of shiatsu massage, practiced in the water.

What it consists of: It combines elements specific to this technique with movements similar to those in hydrotherapy (floating, rocking, light squeezing, dance movements - all in the pool with water).

Effects: Increases the mobility of the spine and relaxes the muscles.

5. Thai massage

Thai massage uses light squeezing and pressing along the body's energy lines. The method combines shiatsu, acupressure, and yoga.

What it consists of: To stimulate the circulation of energy in the body, therapists follow the energy meridians using the palms, the big toes, and the feet.

Effects: Stimulates and relaxes, improves body flexibility, reduces tension.

6. Swedish massage

Swedish massage consists of: long movements of the therapist's palms sliding on the massaged area, friction, light blows, movements similar to kneading dough.

Beneficial effects on nerves, muscles, glands, and circulatory system.

7. Lymphatic drainage massage

Improves the circulation of lymph in the body, which has the role of removing bacteria and toxins from the body.

What it consists of: Rhythmic, light movements, acting on the lymph nodes and on the circulatory system. To get rid of dark circles, gently massage the area behind your ears, both sides of your nose and temples. For bags under the eyes, this massage works wonders.

8. Myofascial massage

Muscles, arteries, bones, organs are held together by a certain type of tissue, called the fascia.

What it consists of: The massage acts on the fascia that connects and envelops the muscles. Because the fascia extends throughout the body, a strain or trauma present in a certain area of ​​the body can affect another part.

Effects: Recommended in inflammations, blows.

9. Myotherapy

It is a method of relaxing the muscles through massage, to improve circulation and remove pain.

What it consists of: Myotherapist acts on the points of muscle tension for a few seconds with the help of fingers, knees, and elbows. After the massage, the patients perform physical exercises to keep the muscles in shape. Myotherapy is a method by which endorphins are released - the body's natural "analgesics".

Effects: Recommended for acute and chronic pain, to improve the balance between the nervous and muscular systems, and for the proper functioning of the joints and muscles.

10. Massage during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and feel the need for a massage, you do not necessarily need to go to a specialized center. You can ask your future dad to massage you lightly on the surface of your whole body. If you feel sick or have certain odors, do not use creams or massage lotions.

Effects: Relieves tension and pain caused by extra pounds, reduces inflammation, soothes irritation, acts as a tonic.

The first massage session

Professional masseurs take specialized courses and have experience in the field. To avoid unpleasant surprises, only use therapists recommended by your doctor or people in your circle of acquaintances; if you want to get on well, don't look for your masseur in the small advertising pages of newspapers. It is best to go to health centers, which specialize in massage.

If bruises appear on your body after the first massage session, don't be alarmed. Normally, they will disappear in a few days. During the massage, you may feel slight physical discomfort, which will gradually subside at the third or fourth session. If you have severe pain, report it to your therapist.


If you suffer from thrombophlebitis, kidney or heart disease, skin infections, it is a good idea to consult your family doctor before going to the first massage session.

To avoid any complications, consult a specialist in the field, who will show you the most appropriate massage technique for your health.


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