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50 Habits That Prevent Serious Diseases

Actionable advice.

By Sean ThorntonPublished 2 years ago 12 min read
50 Habits That Prevent Serious Diseases
Photo by Roman Grachev on Unsplash

In order for you to be in good health, it is important to take into account what is written on the labels of the products you buy, up to what foods you include in your daily diet!

1 Read the labels

Because autumn is coming and you don't have so many 100% natural products at hand, the first step you need to take in a healthy lifestyle is to learn to read the labels carefully. Not all "dietetic" products are healthy (because that's not their goal).

2 Avoid processing

Try to eat as little cooked food as possible. Don't have time to cook? The alternative to semi-prepared foods is not the right one. These foods have great added preservatives.

3 Prepare homemade food

Even if it's harder, replace canned and frozen products with those you bought from the market. Even if you spend more time in the kitchen, your body will be grateful.

4 Wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly

This is one of the essential things to keep in mind. Do not think that cooking your vegetables and fruits will get rid of all microbes. It doesn't always happen that way.

5 Three meals a day

Create a healthy lifestyle. Do not skip any of the mandatory meals of the day and respect the rule of not eating after 7 o'clock.

6 Choose fiber

Fruits, vegetables, and cereals are very low in fat and do not contain any cholesterol. They are an excellent source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, and vitamins. Eat at least 25-30 g of fiber every day.

7 No milk-free morning

In addition to being easily assimilated by the body, milk is an important source of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, with an important role in maintaining the health of the skeletal system and teeth.

8 Remote relative, soy milk

Compared to animal milk, it does not contain hormones. The value of isoflavones in it helps to: reduce cholesterol, lower menopausal symptoms, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of cancer (especially prostate and breast).

9 Lots of vitamin C

If you want to avoid problems with vitamin C deficiency, choose to eat tomatoes and apples every day. Tomato contains 50% of the daily requirement, and in addition has an increased intake of organic phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, oxalic acid, sulfur.

Also, don't shy away from citrus fruits, because they bring in as much of the mentioned vitamin.

10 The power of spinach

If we are talking about vegetables with many vitamins, it is time to mention spinach, which contains at least 13 beneficial substances, which have the role of antioxidants and cancer prevention. Because it has very few calories (about 40/100 g) it is recommended in diets. It is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals, magnesium, and iron; does not contain fat or cholesterol.

11 Wine, a good digestive

Red wine prevents cancer, due to the flavonoids contained, which have a strong antioxidant effect, annihilating the harmful effect of free radicals. Red wine also contains quercetin, which increases the body's immunity, prevents cancer and heart disease.

The wine also helps to dilate the capillaries and helps prevent angina pectoris and clots. It can also be consumed in weight-loss regimens but in moderation. The best friend of the figure is dry white wine.

12 Salt in dishes

You know that no food tastes good if you do not add salt and, of course, it is good to give it to the body. But studies show that Romanians eat too much. The recommendation of the World Health Organization is 4-6 g of salt per day, ie about half a teaspoon. The sodium salt is necessary for health, but should not be consumed in excess. So read the contents of the food on the labels to avoid hidden sources of salt.

13 “The bushes” of parsley

Parsley should not be missing from your diet. It is a powerful antioxidant and a purifier of the body that strengthens immunity is anti-allergic and helps to destroy free radicals. Among the substances contained are worth mentioning: vitamin C (it is 4 times richer in vitamin C than an orange), provitamin A, iron, manganese, B vitamins.

14 Lettuce

It has an appetite-stimulating effect and regulates the hemoglobin index. A useful recommendation from nutritionists is to eat a raw salad, not overcooked too much, to keep all its benefits intact.

15 Honey is essential

It has multiple therapeutic effects, being indicated in the diet of children in growth, in specific treatments (chronic bronchitis, for example, reactive osteoarthritis), it is recommended in heart and rheumatic diseases, digestive, liver. It is also recommended for respiratory disorders, senility, and insomnia. 100 g of honey has 328 calories, being the equivalent of 5 eggs, 1.5 kg of tomatoes, 3 liters of milk.

16 Apple cider vinegar

An appreciated natural remedy, it is considered a real panacea. It works as an anti-inflammatory joint and prevents the aging and degeneration of the skin.

With half a glass of apple cider vinegar consumed daily (not empty, in combination with other foods), you will be able to benefit from the effects of a general natural tonic. It is also recommended in diets, in combination with water, taken before meals, on an empty stomach.

17 Eating “slow food”

A strong current of opinion against fast food chains emerged in 1986 in Italy. The purpose of the supporters of this movement is to bring back the pleasure of eating in an elegant setting, in silence, not on the run. Be one of the followers of this style of diet.

18 Rice in abundance

However, you know that it is good to eat rice because it has a lot of fiber, which helps digestion. But do you know that you can replace the usual varieties with brown rice because they are even healthier?

Brown rice contains slow-absorbing carbohydrates, which help you maintain an enviable figure and be happier. The carbohydrates contained in brown rice trigger the release of serotonin and norepinephrine from the body, and as a result, you will be able to cope better with stress and you will show a more good mood.

More exotic

19 Avocado, high in fat?

Yes, but unsaturated fats, which have a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels. This exotic fruit has a role in regulating the body's functions and stimulates growth. It has a high concentration of iron and copper, useful elements for regenerating red blood cells. It prevents anemia, so it fights effectively with its effects: fatigue and stress.

20 Peanut Butter

Overseas, children's sandwiches are the order of the day with peanut butter. But did you know that it is an excellent substitute for butter or margarine? Americans believe it plays a role in preventing cancer, heart disease, and type II diabetes.

Peanut butter is an excellent source of vitamin E, vegetable protein and fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, copper, potassium, and zinc. It has a strong antioxidant effect, is recommended in the prevention of diseases. But don't go near peanut butter if you're on a diet.

21 Seafood

Even if they are a bit expensive, they should be products that you should not miss from your diet. They are very healthy and are recommended by nutritionists especially for the low level of fat they contain. However, protein (easy to digest) is found in abundance (especially in shellfish), along with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. They have great nutritional value.

22 Apple cider

A traditional drink rather in other lands, cider is obtained by fermenting apples (but it can also be made from other fruits). It is considered a true medicine for the prevention of heart disease. Be careful, however, when you drink it, because it has an alcohol content of 3 - 8%.

In combination with tea, apple cider is helpful in reducing cold symptoms. It can also get rid of the discomfort of a stuffy nose. You can consider, at a meal, that you have covered all four food groups necessary for balanced nutrition if, instead of vegetables, you drank apple cider.

23 Coconut oil

It is rich especially in saturated fatty acids, of which it contains over 80%. Of these, lauric, palmitic, myristic acid are worthy of mention. The composition of coconut oil is recommended for patients with hypercholesterolemia.

Coconut oil stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps cure liver disease. It is also recognized as a powerful antioxidant, which is why it is used successfully in diets.

24 Mango fruits are rich in vitamin A, C, and beta-carotene.

Provides up to 76% of the daily requirement of vitamin C and can be successfully consumed as an alternative to the beneficial orange. No other fruit has as many vitamins as mangoes.

Carotenoids (such as beta-carotene) and bioflavonoids, which mango is not lacking, are also essential for your health. These are powerful antioxidants that help regenerate cells and support the immune system.

25 Asparagus

Considered exotic for European cuisine, asparagus is one of the few vegetables brought to America by European settlers. Asparagus is also a diuretic, helping to relieve stomach and intestinal disorders.

Contains phosphorus and vitamin B, thus being recommended for remineralization and stimulation of the body. It is recommended against physical and intellectual asthenia, in cases of anemia and convalescence.

26 Brussels sprouts

It is very suitable for a balanced diet, being recommended especially in colder periods, with an increased nutritional intake. It is an important source of vitamin C and B6 (which is recommended in the treatment of PMS and depression).

Recent research shows that this vegetable protects against breast and colon cancer. If you need extra energy, a Brussels sprouts salad is the right choice. It is also low in calories, so it can successfully replace white cabbage in the diet.

27 Fluffy and tasty

If you know you are allergic, have diabetes, or are diagnosed with obesity, then peaches are not for you. But if your health allows, do not hesitate to eat peaches, because they eliminate toxins from the body.

They are fruits rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin PP, and vitamin C. Do not beware of dried peaches if you need extra potassium in the body because they are found in the proportion of 10 to 1.

28 Rice oil

It is a lesser-known variety in our country, but much healthier than the traditional sunflower oil. It is extracted from rice germs and contains large amounts of unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and compounds that lower the ability to absorb cholesterol.

It is rich in vitamin E and as a culinary recommendation, we mention the preference of chefs to use it mainly for frying in a cauldron or in clay pots.

29 Yogurt

It is recommended both as a snack and as a breakfast. It contains few calories, and the milk in it makes it indispensable for the body. Contains protein and carbohydrates, calcium (provides over 30% of daily calcium requirements), probiotic substances, which strengthen immunity, prevent infections, and maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

30 Miraculous water

No matter how much diet advice I give you if you fail to hydrate properly, in vain. Even though it has no nutritional value, water acts as a catalyst for the body, promoting digestion, metabolism, and cell function. No diet will have any effect if it is not supplemented by high water consumption.

31 Garlic

has many medicinal properties. It contains allicin, a substance that makes it an amazing bactericide that does not resist staphylococci, streptococci, and Salmonella. It thins the walls of blood vessels and facilitates blood circulation.

32 Onions

Contains albuminoids and vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, silicon, sulfur, fluorine, essential oils, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and E. Substances responsible for the destruction of pathogenic microbes are similar to antibiotics.

33 Lemon

You can replace the vinegar you put in salads, usually with lemon juice. You will be able to take advantage of the vitamin C that it contains and that provides you with half of your daily needs. It has a bactericidal, antiseptic effect, it is a cardiac tonic, diuretic, antirheumatic, antigout, decreases gastric acidity, antiscorbutic, hypotensive, etc.

34 Basil

In addition to the fresh aroma it gives to food, basil is recommended in the treatment of nervousness and rheumatic pain. A dried basil leaf tea will relieve you of headaches, especially those caused by stress or fatigue.

35 Grapes

Have many healing virtues, being rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, and K. If you need remineralization with potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, then the wonderful autumn fruits are the right choice. However, they stimulate digestion, increasing appetite.

36 Snacks

for the day For a balanced diet, take a few carrots with you to work, cut sticks, and when you feel hungry, nibble on them during short work breaks, instead of regular biscuits. If you don't like raw carrots, you can also choose the slightly stewed carrots.

37 Mustard

It has no calories or cholesterol but is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In combination with hot water, mustard increases blood pressure and strengthens blood circulation. The seeds have a laxative action, taken 2-3 times a day, one teaspoon each, in combination with water.

38 Wholemeal flour

Nutritionists have shown that it brings only benefits, being rich in bran, cellulose, vitamins, minerals. It has a low caloric intake, it has magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, minerals, and B vitamins.

39 Green tea

It is rich in vitamins A, B, E, C, but it is not too bad in terms of minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It helps fight the effects of aging and can effectively fight free radicals. It has a diuretic and detoxifying effect, being recommended in diets.

40 Cereals

These are some of the foods that charge you with energy, keeping it constant for several hours. They contain B vitamins and, thanks to fiber, help digestion.

41 Olive oil

It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E, and K, being also a source of iron. Even if it helps digestion, it is not much better than other types in a weight loss diet. You should also know that it works as a mild laxative, being beneficial for the intestines and fighting gastritis and ulcers.

42 Coffee

Researchers have found that drinking in moderation daily helps reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, liver cancer, gallstones, and type II diabetes.

43 Seeds

It is not recommended to nibble seeds every night on the TV, but do not remove them completely from the diet. Pumpkin, for example, is rich in amino acids, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. Pistachio gives you extra potassium and sodium.

44 Bananas

They have a high nutritional and energizing value, which is why they are excellent snacks on colder days or when fatigue has knocked you down. Helps lower cholesterol and relieve PMS symptoms.

45 Bell Peppers

Did you know that they are rich in vitamin C, but did you know that they also contain bioflavonoids? The "red" variants have more beta-carotene. They are beneficial in fighting cancer and heart disease.

Vitamin C in peppers helps lower blood pressure, with half a red pepper a day bringing in twice as much vitamin C as the recommended daily dose. The lutein contained is an ally of eye health.

46 Tomatoes

They are extremely rich in beta-carotene and lycopene, they also contain potassium and vitamins C and E. They have a strong antioxidant role, being recommended in lowering blood pressure, removing water from tissues, preventing heart disease and cancer. Remember that tomatoes are some of the few vegetables that retain their characteristics even when preserved, so don't be afraid to use them in broth.

47 Fish

Any healthy diet (for example, the Mediterranean diet) will be rich in fish. Choose it too, because it is an important source of Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B, iron, and selenium. It is one of the healthiest choices because it plays a role in activating the immune system.

Change recipes

48 Ready for oil

Learn healthy alternatives to traditional fried foods. Use palm or rice oil instead of sunflower oil or get used to putting certain types of food in the oven, grilling, steaming, or in a Teflon pan.

49 Salads, always healthy?

Not every salad is healthy. Replace mayonnaise with yogurt, cauliflower potatoes, canned fish in oil with water in water, processed white pasta with wholemeal pasta, and fat cheese with a fat-free one.

50 Healthy canning

No more other types of canning that involve a lot of oil! Put jars of vegetables in salted water over the winter. Freeze as many vegetables and fruits as possible, to be sure that you will be able to enjoy their benefits during the winter as well. Freezing will preserve many of the basic vitamins and minerals.


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