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Top 10 Tips For Weight Loss

10 easy tips for a safe and healthy weight loss journey

By TJ JonesPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

10. Limiting Sugar

Sugar is the thing most people are addicted to whether they realize it or not. It can be found in anything or added to something in order to make it seem more appealing. It’s true your body needs some sugar on a day to day basis for energy in the form of glucose. However an over abundant amount of the sweet stuff leads to many serious health issues such as obesity and diabetes. Trying to decrease the amount of sugar one consumes on a daily basis will place a major role into how much fat your body is storing.

9. Increase Daily Protein Intake

An essential nutrient with many different functions, protein tends to get a bad wrap from people that don’t know much about health and nutrition. Especially in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, the idea of taking protein automatically meant you’d become a jacked muscle man ready for the Mr. Olympia stage and to tell the truth that just isn’t correct. Protein does help your body create lean muscle, yes. However it does so much more than that. Protein can help balance out blood sugar levels, helping you avoid sweet cravings late at night. It also helps to satiate a person, making them feel fuller for longer. Playing a vital role in the muscle tissue recovery process, it even elevates your body’s metabolism thus making it easier for your body to burn more calories throughout the day.

8. Increase Daily Fiber Intake

Similar to protein, fiber plays a vital role in many functions throughout your body. Aiding in digestion, similar to protein, it also helps to regulate blood sugar levels and helps to make you feel fuller from your meal. Proper fiber intake will help to make sure you’re “regular” and not constipated. There are many sources of fiber, whether it be from fruits or vegetables or supplementation through ingredients such as psyllium or apple pectin. Fiber helps to keep your digestive tract clean and regulated.

7. Drink Water

55-60% of our body is made up of water. It is THE essential nutrient we need in order to function. We can go 8 days without food however we only survive about 3 days without water. Water is responsible for all the chemical reactions within our body. Many people feel like drinking any sort of liquid throughout the day is enough to suffice our body's need for H2O, however that simply just isn’t true. Nothing beats the real deal, people need water period. A simple yet effective tip for wanting to lose weight, if you feel hungry, first try to drink a glass of water. Many people get the feeling of hunger, not realizing it’s their body trying to look for water.

6. Regular Exercise Routine

Not everyone loves to go to the gym. That’s OK. You don’t need to go everyday all day to earn any sort of weight loss results. If you are brand new into the health and fitness world and looking to lose a bit of weight, it can definitely seem pretty intimidating. There are more options than just a gym. First, setting a weekly routine and doing your best to follow it will make huge improvements. This can be anything that has the proper intention behind it. Walking 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes is a fantastic way to start. You don’t have to walk 5km in 30 minutes for any results but make sure you are consistent with your pacing. Eventually once you can honestly say you’ve committed yourself to 3 workouts a week, adding in or substituting a bodyweight workout would be beneficial. There are many different bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. But at the end of the day, as long as you are consistent in what you decide to do, that is what will yield the best results.

5. Mindset

Having a good mindset is essential to all facets of life. How are you going to want to eat healthier or get a workout if you are constantly dreading the idea of doing so? You have to enjoy what you do. If you don’t it will be an uphill battle that most tend to lose. If you find yourself in a spot where you are dreading the idea of something during your weight loss journey, I highly suggest making a few tweaks and changes. Hate going to the gym and only lifting weights? Trying something else, there are many options, strength and conditioning classes, plyometrics, boxing, the list is endless. Hate coming home and having to eat chicken and broccoli every night? There are other options there as well. You have to enjoy what you are doing if you are going to be successful in doing so.

4. There Is No One Way For All

Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Intermittent fasting there are many different types of diets coming out and they don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Most claim to lose a ridiculous amount of weight in a short period of time which is what everyone wants, isn’t it? Well the truth of the matter is, that there is no one diet for all. Everyone’s body type is different and the way they react to different types of foods and diets will be different as well. It’s about finding what is right for you and your lifestyle. Unfortunately, if it’s too good to be true it probably is. Most of these diets that promote losing 20 lbs in a month fail to mention the rebound rate at which most people gain back the weight and then some. Many small goals lead to a big overall goal. Don’t aim for 20 lbs in a month, that’s ridiculous. Personally, I’d set a goal of 1 lbs a week. Keep it simple, you don’t need to follow the herd and do what everyone else is doing. At the end of the day a balanced diet, not over indulging and some regular exercise is the simplest way to a healthy weight loss journey.

3. Stop Overindulging

Too much of a good thing can definitely become a bad thing and fast. As mentioned early with sugar, overindulging will lead to many negative health effects. People have gotten into the habit of needing to feel completely full with each meal. Which usually puts added stress on your digestive system and slows everything right done. There are many different things that people indulge in. Whether sugar, alcohol, breads and pastas, the key to a healthy weight loss is everything in moderation.

2. Proper Digestion

How often do you poop? Did you know that you can regularly have one bowel movement a day and still be considered constipated? How well our gut functions and digests the foods that we put in it are vital to some many functions within our body including our ability to lose weight. Most people don’t realize that what they drink and eat on a regular basis is destroying their gut microbiome. We need these bacteria so that they can help break down the nutrients in the foods we eat so our body’s can continue to function. Supplements such as probiotics can be effective but if you aren’t continuing to eat the right types of food, even they can go to waste.

1. Take Your Time

Everyone wants results immediately. If there was a pill to lose 20 lbs in 2 days, the health industry would be turned upside down. Unfortunately that just isn’t the case. Rome wasn’t built in a day, a person doesn't gain 20 lbs in a week either. It doesn’t make sense that one could lose the same amount of weight in a lesser amount of time. At the end of the day, hard work and consistency is what pays off. As mentioned above, setting many small goals will help to reach a bigger, overall goal. You don’t need to have a picture perfect diet tomorrow. Making small changes adds up. Start by eating less sugar and drinking more water and continue from there. Aiming for 1 lbs of weight loss is ideal but even with that, it isn’t all over if you don’t achieve that every week. Everyone is different as are their body’s and routines. Results aren’t going to happen overnight.


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