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Easy At Home Workout #1

Little space? No equipment? Not a lot of time? Try this easy to do full body workout!

By TJ JonesPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

This is a timed workout. 45 seconds of active work and 15 seconds of rest before moving on to the next exercise in the set

See below for full explanation of all the exercises and goals for each set.

A full set should take 8 minutes. I encourage you to try to go through it 3 times. With a 2 minute break in-between sets, making the workout 30 minutes. It can be lengthen or shortened as desired.

1. Jumping jacks

2. Squat jumps

3. Mountain climbers

4. Push ups

5. Sit ups

6. Jack knives

7. High knees

8. Forearm plank

Explanation of exercises

Jumping jacks

One of the most common bodyweight exercises, jumping jacks can be used in a variety of ways. Commonly used as a part of a good warm up, this exercise can also be incorporated into any workout routine to help conditoning calf and shoulder muscles as well as raise your heart rate for an overall cardiovascular effect.

Starting with your feet together and hands by your side, jump and spread your feet to shoulder width while at the same time extending your arms outwards to above your head. Once there, simply jump back into your starting position.

To get the desired effect, do these at a faster steady pace. Ideally aim for at least 25-35 jumping jacks in 45 seconds.

Squat Jumps

Used for conditioning all the muscles in your legs, Squat jumps are primary effective in targeting your quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Starting in a standard standing position, bend your legs until you reach 90 degrees. A great idea for starters is using a chair to gauge proper depth. Once at 90 degrees, push through your feet, extending your legs back to a straight position, using the force to hop off the ground.

Everyone is going to have a different range of motion, 90 degrees is ideal however 45 degrees can still get the desired effect. 15-20 squat jumps in 45 seconds is a good goal.

Mountain Climbers

Targeting your shoulders, core and hip mobility, mountain climbers are another great exercise for improving cardiovascular conditioning as well.

Beginning in a push up position, arms straight and back flat, you are going to take one leg and bring it as close to your chest as possible and return back to starting posisition and then do the same with the other leg. This should be done at a non stop consistent pace.

30-40 reps in 45 seconds should be a reasonable goal to achieve.

Push Ups

Everyone loves a good push up, another exercise focusing on shoulder and core strength, they also emphasize chest and tricep muscles.

Starting in that same straightened arm, back flat push up position, bend your arms keeping your elbows tucked in at about a 45 degree angle to avoid added stress on your shoulders, go as deep as you can and push right back up into the starting position.

Push ups can seem more intimidating than they are at first. If you aren't confident in trying a full push up at first, you can always rest your knees on the ground to take off some bodyweight.

An ideal goal should be 10-15 push ups in 45 seconds.

Sit Ups

Time for some more core work! The classic sit up is a great way to work your abs and stabilizer muscles.

Start laying on your back with your knees bent and feet tucked towards your butt. All you are going to do is sit up and forward, bring your upper body closer to your knees. Some people find using a counter balance weight or object on your feet to be helpful.

10 - 15 sit ups would be a great starting goal in 45 seconds.

Jack Knives

Another exercise focusing on your core and stabilizer muscles, Jack knives use a little bit more range of motion than a sit up.

Again laying on the ground, but this time completely flat with your arms above your head, at the same time lift your arms and legs off the ground trying to touch your toes in the air above your stomach and back to starting position.

Aiming for 10-15 in 45 seconds will make your abs feel like they are on fire.

High Knees

An exercise also commonly used in warm ups, high knees are great for conditioning your legs, particularly calf muscles and well as warm up the range of motion in your hips.

From a standing position, bring one knee up as high as you can, aiming for hip level. As you lower your leg, raise the other leg. Bouncing from leg to leg in a faster more dynamic pace.

This exercise should be done at a faster pace to achieve the desired cardiovascular result. 30-40 high knees in 45 seconds should be your goal.

Forearm Plank

Your core is an essential group of muscles. Used in every exercise you can imagine so it's important to make sure we are keeping them well conditioned.

Going back to a similar position as the push ups, however this time with a bend in your arms. Try to keep as stable as possible, flexing your abs the entire time.

45 seconds will be a challenge but not impossible. If you need to take a break, rest for a few seconds but try to work through as long as possible.

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