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Tips to feel stimulation during (low) back exercise (for beginners)

Train your back!

By Salman siddiquePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Most of those who have been bodybuilding for about 2 years do not seem to find a feeling in the lats when rowing. Actually, it's expected now, but it's too difficult.

Many people are doing latissimus dorsi exercises, but can you feel the latissimus dorsi swelling as much as your chest is pumped when you bench press?

Or do you not feel pumped like this when you row, but just do it until you are exhausted?

I also received continuous guidance from a professional athlete for a while, but I was so passionate and short of command that I couldn't get the feeling of my lats for a long time. So it seems that I had a mental plateau for a long time.

After watching and researching videos of foreign bodybuilders, I found a tip that beginners need . Beginners don't have much muscle mass, so even if they stimulate in the correct posture, it doesn't seem like they did it, and it's just hard. I was also taught the correct posture, but I was tired during back exercises and I didn't feel that my lats were pumped like my chest.

1. Basic posture

Low exercise is basically based on complete relaxation and complete contraction (everyone knows)

Starting posture => During

low exercise, start with your legs slightly bent.

At the start of lifting a barbell or dumbbell, the shoulders should drop down as if dislocated (meaning complete relaxation). Keep your head facing the front so that your entire waist is not bent down.

Finishing position =>

Pull up the barbell vigorously and press it to the lower chest. At this time, fold the shoulders back from the starting position and bring both shoulder blades together vigorously, while simultaneously pushing out the chest. Of course, it is important to keep your head facing the front so that the entire waist does not bend down.

=> This method is a textbook method commonly referred to by experts. However, we beginners lose their energy after doing this several times, and only the time of pain passes without any feeling in the back. Of course, even with this posture, masters stimulate the muscles they want precisely. The reason they can do that is because they twist their bodies slightly to stimulate the latissimus dorsi muscles and stimulate them in their own way anyway.

This is because it is easier to find stimulation points if you have a lot of muscle mass. As with chest exercises, you cannot find stimulation points if you do not have basic muscles. So when I was a kid, I didn't know what that meant.

2. The solution is simple. If you simply stick out your chest and bring your shoulder blades together at the moment of lifting the barbell, it will be very difficult and will consume your physical strength. Our beginners .. Slightly deformed, the stimulation point is formed exactly on the back muscles.

1. Bending the wrist at the moment of lifting the barbell <= important (must break)

2. At the timing of sticking out your chest and bringing your shoulder blades together, lift your head accurately and move your chest upward by about 45 degrees. Instead of moving forward step by step, you can move forward a little like a dragon dance (like a break dance) as if your head and chest are undulating. If you don't understand, you can imagine the scene of coming out of the water from the bottom bottle (butterfly) in swimming. It's like moving forward, but since it's impossible to actually move forward, the upper body lifts slightly while moving forward a little.

At first, practice only with your body and shoulders without any hand movements. The moment you stick out your chest and bring your shoulder blades together, you'll feel a slight tingling in your lats. Keep this feeling and start rowing with a light weight.

Dumbbells and rows are the same way. You'll probably feel the lats pumping for the first time and cramping. Now you will meet the lats that grow as much as you exercise.

If you have any points to point out, please leave a

message. I love you guys. ^^


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Salman siddique

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