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Tips and Tricks to Losing Water Weight

And Sweat It All Out!

By Alix NicolePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Hello, my little lovelies!

So one of the tricky things about weight loss, especially for women, is water weight. For some reason, God has a thing against women so we have to carry a lot of water weight in our bellies. Now the body is supposed to have a certain amount of water weight, but the reason why a lot of overweight people like myself have excessive water weight is because we don't drink enough water. Sounds crazy right? How can we have excess water weight even though we don't drink any water? Good question!

The reason being is because your body is basically storing and retaining water to keep your body going because you don't drink any. Once you start drinking water that your body isn't retaining then some of that water weight will start dropping. I know it sounds crazy and complete nonsense but its true. That's how I've been dropping weight rapidly recently because I've been drinking more water. When the people at my gym told me that, I didn't believe them until I started drinking more water and actually dropped weight faster than I could keep track. So I've come up with some simple tricks to lose water weight and things that can speed up losing the water weight as well.

Tip #1: Drink water.

Photo courtesy of Wellandgood.com

This is the key to really losing all that water weight that your body has been storing. Once you start drinking water on your own accord your body will start letting go of the water it's holding on to. You'll start losing water weight rapidly and you'll see fast results fast. Now the big side effect of this is that you're going to be going to the bathroom. I'm talking at least four or five times a day. And that's just for pee alone. But what it's doing is basically flushing out your body of whatever bad things you have in your body. The more you drink the better you'll feel. So drink up!

Tip #2: Cardio

Photo courtesy of Livestrong.com

Once it comes to losing water weight, cardio can and will be your best friend. When your heart rate is elevated you start sweating and that water weight/fat will start melting off. Now I'm not a big fan of cardio and I absolutely dread doing it so I go to group exercises once a week to get cardio into my week. My cardio at home is chasing my four-legged furry princess around the house because she acts like she lost her mind everyday and acting stupid. I also take her on long walks to tire her out which really doesn't work because she's only two and still has the energy of a six-week-old puppy. So cardio will definitely help shed some of that water weight. And remember to drink water while you're doing cardio so you don't faint or pass out.

Tip #3: Use a wrap or waist trimmer.

So if you're one of those people who doesn't sweat easily or want to shape your body a certain way, I suggest a waist trimmer. Whether you're lifting weights or doing Zumba or MixxedFit (which I highly recommend), your midsection will start sweating like nobody's business. Unfortunately, us women carry a lot of water weight around our bellies and sometimes we need a little help. The heat provided by both you working out and the waist trainer will have you sweating in no time, and that water weight will come right off thanks to the heat. You can find inexpensive waist trimmers off Amazon, I got mine off there and it was only $15. Now there are the waist trainers that you can buy that are ungodly expensive but still have the same result. I just wanted something to help shed the water weight around my belly so I just got something simple that will do the job. So buy one and try it!

weight loss

About the Creator

Alix Nicole

24 year old doggy mommy to an an adorable 2 year old Shiba Inu named Lucy. Loves history, loves to write and relax while enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

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