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This Is What Happened When My Doctor Suggested I Eat Two Bananas Every Day.

I ate two bananas every day for 60 days. The end product was fantastic.

By Health care Published 12 months ago 4 min read
This Is What Happened When My Doctor Suggested I Eat Two Bananas Every Day.
Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

A few months back, I had a cervical scare. The life of a student is generally sedentary, and sitting with my nose buried in a book all day caused me severe back and neck pain.

So much so that one day I couldn't even get out of bed. My upper back was in excruciating pain when I awoke. To sit up, I have to twist my body in a painful way. I went to the doctor, and he confirmed what I had suspected. Swelling around the base of my neck resulted from a lack of stretching and poor posture. Physiotherapy and multivitamins were advised by the doctor. He also recommended that I eat two bananas per day to improve my bone and muscular health.

I was in excruciating discomfort, so I followed his suggestion and ate two bananas every day. One in the morning and one before the workout in the evening. In the past, I followed the age-old wisdom of eating one apple per day. Until I read this, I honestly believed that an apple could keep me away from doctors.

Bananas have five times the amount of Vitamin A and iron, as well as three times the amount of phosphorus, as apples. Potassium, fibre, and natural sugars are all abundant in bananas.

This quote motivated me to keep my commitment of eating two bananas every day. Here's how eating two bananas a day improved my health.

They'll make your bones stronger so you can support your muscles better.

Bananas are high in nutrients that can help you keep your bone density healthy. Magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B and C are abundant in them. All of these nutrients are beneficial to bone health.

Bananas also contain a lot of fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a prebiotic that aids in the development of digestive enzymes. These enzymes help the body absorb calcium more effectively.

Calcium is also required for strong bones.

They'll ensure that your morning bathroom visit is a success.

My mother has severe constipation, which is a hereditary condition. As a result, I make it a point to eliminate bodily waste first thing in the morning.

Bananas are natural laxatives, according to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, since they speed up the transit of food in the small intestine.

By eating two bananas every day, I was able to increase my daily fibre intake by 6.2 grammes (which is 25 percent of your daily fibre recommendation). It made it simple for me to relieve myself in the morning.

Most days, I awoke with an uneasy feeling in my stomach, prompting me to rush to the bathroom. Defecating had never been so simple in my life.

They will help you to be happier.

Vitamin B6 is abundant in bananas, and it aids in the creation of serotonin, the happy hormone. Including bananas in your diet will ensure that you produce more serotonin.

Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that has been shown to increase serotonin levels. It calms you down by managing your emotions. Vitamin B foliate has also been reported to help people with depression. So, while eating a banana may not immediately make you joyful, it does contribute significantly to enhanced mental health.

Muscle cramps are no longer an issue.

I've been working out on a regular basis for almost 5 years. Muscle cramps are the most difficult thing for me to deal with. Hip cramps have been the scourge of my existence for as long as I can remember. Running, jumping rope, high-intensity interval training, and even yoga can cause unpleasant cramps.

I occasionally have to skip an exercise in order to recover and stretch. For the past two months, my pre-exercise snack has been a banana and peanut butter; I ate it 40 minutes before a workout and noticed fewer cramps.

The cramps were also less painful. Because there is no scientific evidence that bananas can help with muscle cramps, what worked for me may or may not work for you. However, there's no harm in giving it a shot because bananas are a wonderful pre-workout snack.

The Biggest Banana Myth Dispelled.

To boost my bone and muscular health, I ate two bananas every day for two months. Several times during the experiment, I was cautioned that it could lead to weight gain.

However, I could afford to add a few pounds, so it didn't deter me in the least. I weighed 44 kgs when I started this challenge in December, and my weight has remained the same after two months. During these two months, I did not acquire any weight. But, if you're still worried about gaining weight, allow me to persuade you otherwise.

Bananas can genuinely help you lose weight. Bananas' high fibre content aids digestion and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.


My health improved significantly once I began eating two bananas every day. I grew tired of eating them, but I persisted in continuing the experiment since I knew they were making me stronger and happier.

Following the doctor's recommendations provided me the satisfaction of knowing that I was improving my health.

Bananas, in my opinion, are a superfood that should be consumed on a daily basis.


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Health care

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