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The Untold Story of Water

Is your water safe?

By Bobby BushnellPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

As a society, we have begun to enter a new era, the age of Aquarius. We have left the age of Picses and are currently moving away from the old ways, because we have begun a new era of the water age.

Water is one of the most abundant universal solvents in the human body, food, and environment. It's essential to all living things and makes up 90% of some organisms. Close to 70% of the human body is made up of water. According to the H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are composed of about 83% water, the skin is 64% water, bones are about 31% water, and the muscles and kidneys are composed of about 79% water. It’s what gives life to the mind, body, and spirit. Water is with us, in us, and is us!

What happens when our water supply becomes poisoned and polluted? Cancers, viruses, and chronic disease is the result and can all be traced back to the water we drink on a regular basis. What has corrupted our water and polluted our mind, body, and spirit? It's called fluoride, and it comes in many different forms. Fluoride derives from fluorine, which combines with nearly all the other elements except noble gases. Fluoride comes in many various ways, such as calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride, and hydrofluoric acid.

You'll find words that define fluoride as a toxic and corrosive chemical in a reliable concrete dictionary. In 1944, an editor of the Journal of the American Dental Association known as L. Pierce Anthony was against putting fluoride in the water supply. He advised health professionals that there wasn’t enough evidence on the safety of water fluoridation and that it can have detrimental effects on the bones and tissues causing diseases such as osteosclerosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis, and goiter. He concluded that water fluoridation to prevent dental decay was not worth the risk of potentially causing serious harm to the systematic processes that happen within the body. Today, we discover more of the detrimental health effects that fluoride has on the human body, such as neurological disorders, hormonal disturbances, and irregular blood sugar levels. The Duels Committee published a 500 -page article on fluoride toxicity and referred to it as an endocrine disruptor.

It can interfere with how the body processes Iodine. Iodine is one of the main nutrients that help regulate thyroid function. In 2006, the NRC report showed a table on how extremely low doses of fluoride disrupt thyroid function, especially when there was a deficiency in iodine present.

A study published in 2012 included fluoride on a list of endocrine-disrupting chemicals with low-dose effects and the study was also cited in a 2013 report from the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Health Organization. Research published in 2015 by researchers at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England shows how fluoride could predict higher levels of hypothyroidism. With the rate of hypothyroidism increasing, we can’t help to ignore that exposure to fluoride has definitely been a contributing factor to the dysfunctions of the thyroid. Fluoride also causes issues with the digestive system that can lead to diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. According to research published in 2015 by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, fluoride’s interaction in the gastrointestinal system results in the formation of hydrofluoric acid by reacting with hydrochloric acid present in the stomach.

Being highly corrosive, the hydrochloric acid formed from this reaction will destroy the stomach and intestinal lining with the loss of microvilli. Microvilli in the digestive system are hairs that aid in the absorption of nutrients. They increase the surface area of the small intestine, which allows nutrients to be properly absorbed and utilized.

Also, fluoride can cause various plaques to form in the brain as well as depleting choline levels in the body. Choline helps maintain focus, attention, and IQ levels. Low levels of this neurotransmitter can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. There was a study observing the effects of PC12 cells exposed to different concentrations of fluoride on choline receptors. The exposure significantly reduced the number of choline-binding sites as well as the protein subunits of the choline receptors. This issue caused a delay in learning and memory in the rats as well as leading to the faster onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia. In another study, rats were treated with both low levels of fluoride as well as high levels of fluoride. Both groups had an elevated number of senile plaques as well as reduced levels of ADAM10 in their brains. Senile plaques are protein deposits found in Alzheimer's patients.

ADAM10 regulates central nervous system development and neuron/glial cell differentiation. The nervous system is made up of neurons that receive and transmit chemical signals, and the glial cells support neurons by helping the neurons process information. Overall, these results suggest that exposure to fluoride, even at lower amounts can cause learning and memory issues as well as neuropathic lesions. Furthermore, as explained earlier, fluoride can weaken bones and tissues over time and has been linked to various forms of arthritic diseases. Fluoride enters the bloodstream through the digestive tract and fluoride that is not released by the urine is stored in the body. Generally, 99% of the fluoride resides in the bone where it turns into a crystalline structure that accumulates over time. In a 2006 report, the National Research Council agreed that we need to be more aware of the dangers of fluoride in that it can weaken bones and increase the risk of bone fractures. Through all the disruptions that fluoride causes in the body, we start to see these various forms of chronic diseases come up in our forties and fifties due to the small buildup of fluoride over time.

Advocates will say that fluoride can occur naturally at high amounts in the water supply, which I find not entirely truthful. Fluoride that's added to the water supply is not a naturally occurring compound. It’s a toxic acid called hydrofluoric acid, which is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry. This acid pollutes the air and gets into our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Now, fluoride was initially thought to be harmless to the body and helps prevent tooth decay. Still, studies show that fluoridated countries do not have less tooth decay than non-fluoridated countries. Studies show that 40% of teenagers have dental fluorosis, faint white lines, or streaks on the teeth due to the high exposure to fluoride. Fluoride is not only found in our air and water supply, but it's also found in our pharmaceutical medicine, foods, and processed beverages. The meat that people are eating is filled with fluoride. Water is irrigated to animals through animal agriculture. Certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and other pharmaceutical drugs contain fluoride as well.

The FDA has not approved fluoride in prescription or over-the-counter medicines, yet all these drugs listed below contain fluoride.

-Advair Diskus













-Antibiotics such as Cipro, Levaquin, Penetrex, Tequin, Factive, Raxar, Maxaquin, Avelox, Noroxin, Floxin, Zagam, Omniflox, and Trovan







One of the most essential glands in the body that fluoride destroys is the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the organ in the body that attracts calcium the fastest, and when this gland is absorbing calcium, one becomes disconnected from their body, mind, and spirit. More importantly, it blinds one to their true vision/purpose in which the divine planted within them. This gland is what gives power to our imagination and creativity. When our pineal gland is damaged due to fluoride, we lose touch with our true self.

What are the steps to reboot the pineal gland? First and foremost, people need to stay away from tap water due to the amount of fluoride and toxic heavy metals. Stick to fluoride-free spring water or alkaline water. The alkaline water will help regulate your PH levels which can help prevent disease. Clean spring water contains important minerals and trace elements that help aid the overall function of the body.

Second, people need to make sure to detox their bodies by exercising. Here, they will sweat out some of the toxic heavy metals that calcify the pineal gland..

Third, people need to get a shower filter that filters the fluoride. Most people come out of the shower feeling tired instead of vibrant due to the body absorbing fluoride and other heavy metals.

Next, people need to follow a more plant-based diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables that are on the tree of life. The tree of life comes from the word Orme. Orme consists of 12 monoatomic elements. These elements are all in the dark skins of fruits and vegetables found on the tree that gives us life.

Finally, we need to be more aware of the meats we’re taking in along with having more respect for the animals.

The animals are taking in high amounts of fluoride, and people are absorbing the vibration of fear from the animals being slaughtered by ingesting large quantities of meat. Meats can sit in your system for three days or more. After ingesting, the meat eventually turns into uric acid.

High amounts of uric acid in the body can cause inflammation of the joints and tissues. Not only that, but it causes mucus to build up in the body, which decreases the amount of oxygen within, leading to disease. One can choose life or death. They can eat the death of animals, which prevents the body from becoming oxygen-rich, or eat the abundant life of fruits and vegetables, which helps alkalize the body giving it more oxygen to function and work efficiently.

Now, if the animals were not slaughtered and lived a healthy life and died peacefully, it might be a consideration every once in a while. Still, as a society, we've already abused this action by torturing and slaughtering incident animals.

We need to take a step back now from the meats and think about the animals' consciousness. If one takes an effort back from the meats, certain nutrients like b-vitamins, amino acids, creatine, and collagen can be obtained in supplemental form.

In our society, we’ve lost the art of simplicity. Human beings are full of stress, anxiety and exhaustion. We are going too fast ignoring the simple things that make us who we are. In order for society to heal, we need to go back to our roots. Clean drinking water is the first step we all need to act on as a nation if we want to restore the mind, body, and spirit of the self.


About the Creator

Bobby Bushnell

My name is Bobby Bushnell. I'm the CEO and owner of Inner Eye Fitness LLC. I'm also the author of, "Inner Eye 3-6-9," and the founder of the, "Inner Heroes For Humanity," Foundation.

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