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A new year brings with it new possibilities! Every January, individuals make resolutions to try new things or make changes in their lives.

By Hashan chamaraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Many of my customers want to lose weight in particular and eventually attain their "dream weight." However, this might appear to be a difficult endeavor, and it's not uncommon for folks who make this pledge to lose motivation along the way. You're in luck if this describes you. I'm here to provide you six weight-loss ideas that will help you get started and stay on track.

1. The most essential thing to remember when losing weight is to make a plan.

Begin by examining your present eating and drinking habits, as well as your physical activity. This is a step-by-step plan for change! You'll be able to discover problematic habits you wish to work on by evaluating these characteristics. After that, you may go on and build a strategy. Some of these actions might include:

 Consuming large quantities of food

 Meal skipping

 Grazing on calorie-free munchies

 Consuming sugary drinks

 Overindulging in restaurant meals

 Eating for the sake of emotional fulfillment

 Sedentary behavior is harmful to one's health.

2. Set tiny, defined goals for yourself.

Breaking down big goals into smaller ones makes them more accessible and manageable. Making them more detailed will provide you more direction on how to achieve your objectives on a daily basis. For example, a goal like "I will eat healthier" is just too broad and ambiguous, giving far too much possibility for mistake and failure. Instead, setting a concrete goal such as "I will eat one extra serving of veggies at supper each day" is clear and attainable. That puts you in a good position to succeed.

3. Keep a running tally of your accomplishments.

Self-monitoring has been demonstrated to help people lose weight and keep it off in the long run. Here are three approaches:

Every morning, stepping on the scale may help you create positive and healthy goals for the remainder of the day. Whether you weigh yourself every day or once a week, consistency is essential.

By keeping track of your eating, you may make each meal more deliberate. When you prepare for the following day, you establish a framework for achieving each day's goal. This also allows you to prepare ahead of time! To ensure your success, prepare your lunch, portion out snacks, and pack a workout bag to take with you.

While the concept of photographing yourself to document progress may make you shudder, it is a useful approach to evaluate how your body responds to change and allows for little adjustments along the way.

4. Learn to regulate your portion sizes.

One of the most common weight-loss myths is that you may eat as much as you like as long as you eat nutritious things. Weight gain happens when calories taken surpass calories burned. This is true if you eat too many French fries or cookies, but it is also true if you eat too many apples or whole-grain bread. While the nutritional value of these foods varies greatly, consuming too much of either can result in weight gain. To avoid portion distortion, keep these portion sizes in mind.

5. Continue to press ahead.

Any weight reduction program that promises a "fast cure" or rapid weight loss, contrary to what we see on TV and social media, will result in more disappointment than success. These photos, on the other hand, might make you feel like a failure if you don't get the same results as others who follow stringent and low-calorie diets. While these diets can help with weight reduction in the short term, research suggests that people who take their time to establish healthy habits and incorporate change into their lifestyle have the most long-term results. Weight reduction is a marathon, not a sprint, and there will be setbacks. Keep moving forward and don't get hung up on a single blunder.

6. Make positive self-talk a habit!

"Your body hears everything your mind says," is a phrase I like to share with my clients. Thoughts are really powerful. They might make you feel more confident, cheerful, and driven, but they can also make you feel down in the dumps, holding you back. It's only natural that folks who live a healthy lifestyle participate in positive self-talk on a daily basis. If talking out loud to yourself makes you uncomfortable, there are alternative options, such as writing or reading encouraging and inspiring words. Try these four strategies for incorporating optimistic thinking into your daily life.


About the Creator

Hashan chamara

In Sri Lanka's best fitness club, I work as a fitness trainer. As a result, I can provide you with the skills and assistance you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

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