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The threat is real, the virus kills

shouting at a virus wont kill it

By ASHLEY SMITHPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I have added the American way to the headline as I want to compare where I am in the uk with the American to a deadly virus. As around 42,000 Americans have died due to covid I don't understand the people who believe it wont happen or hasn't happened and is a fake story. I love a conspiracy theory but this isn't a gunman behind a grassy mound. This is millions infected and thousands dead.

I know the size of America can count against information getting to some people and only around a third of Americans having passports. Therefore the ignorance might be understandable if it wasn't happening at home. Its the whole world that's dying. Having a very dodgy president in charge also doesn't help, with him seeming to encourage some of the protests.

There's plenty of cases of the people saying its fake and then dying from the virus. Religious groups have ceremonies and the congregation get ill, families keep having parties and keep dying. Its for real and too many people think its either fake or wont harm them if they pray loud enough or protest on the streets. There's even videos of people abusing nurses and doctors, telling them they are actors and its all fake.

Maybe once they have lost a few more family members or friends then they wont try and blame the media for making it up. Obviously Trump saying it will be ok by Easter didn't help and his priorities seem at best misguided . The millions of his supporters that think he does no wrong appear to make up the majority of protesters from pictures I have seen. Though I am sure the other parties have some on the protests as well.

Obviously part of the British advantage is less people having the authority to tell everyone what to do. Taking England for example, the Prime minister said don't go out and the majority didn't and still aren't. Wales and Scotland have their own governments and have agree with central government and that's it. There were one or two claims that churches counted as essential but that didn't last long.

There's a few crackpots who seem to thing 5g phone networks have caused or even carried the virus. Point out there's many deaths in countries without 5g seems to satisfy some. There's few protests, some are ignoring the laws on essential travel but much of that has been led by good weather. Most have those have been sent home with their tail between their legs and a fine in their pocket.

Maybe its down to the different governments, the different heads of government or maybe its the people. In Britain the information has been given from the people in charge and with the death figures given daily most listen. In America the information and instructions are filtered down through governors who make their own rules. most leaders have passed a country wide law that every state or province has to follow, each the same and no different. Un fortunately the American way is as confusing to me as they way the elections work.

Also the religious element is more important in America then here, people listening to the evangelists and preachers before scientists. Preachers shout at the virus, say praise God and say job done . Wether they believe this themselves is a moot point but surely many have caught the virus after being told that's its been wished or prayed away.

The facts are that the virus is worldwide, it kills indiscriminately and your previous health wont save you. Many with pre existing conditions have died but around ten percent had no pre existing conditions. It is transmitted by human contact with an infected surface or by breathing in the virus. Gloves don't help, neither to scarves or bandanas. The safest way is to stay inside and wait it out. Shop only when needed and go to work directly if you cant work from home.

Look at the facts, don't listen to Trump or tv evangelists, perhaps more importantly don't listen to social media. Its a deadly virus and if your not careful you could be next.


About the Creator


England based carer, live with my wife, her parents and 4 cats. will write for all areas but especially mental health and disability. though as stuff for filthy seems popular will try there . any comments, suggestions or requests considered

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