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The smile, like a sunrise!

Let’s learn to SMILE and LIVE every day!

By MicutulMicPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The smile, like a sunrise!
Photo by Maksim Smagin on Unsplash

Many people smile without realizing it, because it is a natural reaction to the things they consider beautiful, funny or profound, because it is a form of expression and adaptation to those around them. This natural reaction also has many health benefits and if you pay close attention to your smile, you can feel and look much better. In addition, if you know what benefits your smile brings, you will take advantage of every opportunity to show yourself to the world and life always… with a smile on your face!

Why do we have to smile?

Because a smile has a positive effect on the whole body. Because while we smile, the organs are better irrigated and oxygenated, the body repairs itself, revives itself, rejuvenates itself.

SMILE brings us beauty, well-being and a “natural” attitude!

Why do we have to smile? Because a smile is the universal language through which we can send a message of friendship, admiration, satisfaction, joy, love to anyone on this planet. Because we are all human and we need each other…

Brighten your life, yours and those around you, with a smile!

After all, a smile speaks to the world about “the intelligence of the heart and social relations.” 3,000 years ago, the wise Solomon wrote, “A cheerful heart is a good cure, but a grieving spirit dries up the bones.” Laughter adds richness, quality and color to ordinary days. It is a gift, an option, a discipline and an art.

Sociologist and gerontologist Fiunegan Alford Cooper of the University of Long Island, USA, studied 576 couples who had been married for at least 50 years: 93% of them described their marriage as happy. The sociologist discovered that one of the secrets of their longevity, as a family, was a sense of humor. Then 79% of them said they laughed together every day. An 84-year-old man, married at 64, said, “I was laughing at my wife’s jokes, even though I heard them a million times, but to me they were like they were heard the first time.”

Photo by Pixabay(pexels.com)

With a smile, life always gets a better perspective…

When it comes to life, most things are about the way you look at them and the way you look at them. When you smile, it’s like stepping back and contemplating the picture as a whole, judging things by their true value and ignoring the small ones, which don’t have as much of an impact as you might think at first. It’s a first step in learning how to never react, to have the power to act, either through a thought of detachment or through a close smile. You can also enjoy a more intense sense of reality and you can make the best decision that the situation requires.

Smile is the “zero kilometer” of our socio-emotional initiation!

I could paraphrase it as “the intelligence of the heart and of social relations.” A smile, a warm look, therefore facilitates openness and socialization. Smile influences our whole behavior. It is read in our voice and in our gestures. Smile is the way you communicate that you are well and that you want the same reaction to occur in someone’s inner universe.

With a smile on our face, we also receive confidence, opening the human gate within us!

People tend to give more confidence to those who smile sincerely. This helps you to have better relationships with friends and family members. When you have good relationships with those around you, you will see improvements both mentally and emotionally. So it is natural for our life to unfold, in a communion and joy of some for others, this is the way we have not tried until today — the social system! -, which we should follow. Joy, smile, contentment and humility in the face of life and those around you… And it costs you nothing to give a smile!

A smile is useful when we can be emotionally unbalanced…

If you are in an emotionally stressful situation, a smile helps you regain your self-control and strengthens you emotionally. Stay detached and have the power to act in the face of reaction. You have time to dig deeper, smiling, and you can apply the method anywhere to control the negative emotions that can ruin your day. Even a forced smile helps in most cases. From somewhere we have to start changing, approaching a hopeful attitude, and you can start with a simple smile. Next time, when someone reminds you to smile, don’t miss the opportunity. It is the most natural way to feel happier and healthier. And, don’t forget, when you smile, smile with all your heart and with all the joy, with all the confidence of dedication, really!

Happiness also comes with a simple smile…

When you smile, your body releases a hormonal secretion that regulates your mood and has an antidepressant effect. Smiling intensifies your overall state of happiness, you will be more productive and you will find more joy in everything you do, even in things that until then were an unwanted challenge.

We smile to drive away sadness and induce enthusiasm

We smile, because the smile is the most subtle and refined way to communicate, successfully replacing the words. We all know how to smile, but few know the lesson and magic behind a smile. Many times we are sad or upset, but when we receive a smile from someone — known or unknown, it doesn’t matter!

A smile on our face can change the mood of those we communicate with, it can bring a wave of peace and joy. Even if I smiled for a second, the effect of the smile is indescribable. Anyone can give a smile, be it rich or poor, sick or healthy. Everything starts from the inside and with a smile we can change … our surroundings!

We get rid of stress, we remain more optimistic, smiling!

Stress is something you can’t avoid completely, but you can develop strategies to lessen its effects. Smiling is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress and helps you cope much better. Optimistic people, who always have a smile on their face, also have the strength to get over problems more easily. Smiling, joking, we make our lives easier. There are, in this sense, both psychological and physiological arguments. When we keep our sense of humor, a problem will no longer be so large and will not overshadow our lives. That problem will not burden our minds and so we will be better able to find a solution. The smile is that state of detachment and comprehension, in a natural way, of the complexity of life.

Smiling, we look younger

“A big smile rejuvenates you by two years!”

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin analyzed more than a thousand pictures and found that the people with the widest smiles were often placed in the category of young people. When they matched the real people with the ones in the photos, the researchers concluded that those who smiled were considered two years younger than the real age. The dose of optimism, good mood or laughter can be contagious and we will always be happy to join people who are endowed with these defining qualities of man. The cheerful face of man not only rejuvenates him, but also transforms him into a reality full of life, naturalness and naturalness…

The wisdom of antiquity sent us a message: “A smile costs nothing, but it offers much. He enriches those who regard him, without making those who bestow him poorer. It only takes a moment, but his memory sometimes lasts forever. A smile brings happiness to the home, goodwill at work and friendship between people. He gives rest to the weary, joy to the discouraged, a ray of sunshine to the sad and afflicted. However, a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, because it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. You give them one, because no one needs a smile more than the one who can’t give it. “

More smile, more laughter — MORE OXYGEN FOR LIFE!

Oxygen is one of the main catalysts of biological energy in the human body. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Oxygen is an element of intracellular energy that is absolutely necessary to sustain life. It plays an important role in the circulatory and respiratory systems. It purifies the blood by removing toxic waste from the bloodstream. In order to keep your lungs healthy and provide your body with enough oxygen to work at its maximum level, you need to breathe deeply and exhale expired air from your lungs. A normal inspiration fills only 25% (tidal volume) of the total lung capacity. The remaining 75% (residual volume located in the lower 2/3 of the lungs) remains old. Breathing becomes even less deep when stress intervenes. Laughter produces longer exhalations, so the lungs get rid of waste air and the blood makes ample reserves of oxygen, the anchor to save our body.


About the Creator


”Failure is just the opportunity to start all over again, this time in a smarter way - Henry Ford”

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