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The small vitamin B2, but has such a big role!

The right amount of supplementation has 4 major benefits

By Sheryl E DavisPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In life, do you often have these symptoms: molting lips, dry and cracked, swollen and painful gums, inflammation of the corners of the mouth, repeated mouth ulcers, and sometimes blurred vision and conjunctival congestion? Often these times, most people don't pay much attention to it, thinking it's just a common fire that will be relieved in a couple of days. But as time goes by, the symptoms are not only not reduced but rather aggravated, which is why you think to go to the hospital to see a doctor, the doctor did not give you too much treatment after giving you a series of tests to exclude other causative factors, but only gave you a bottle of vitamin B2, which is useful, and the symptoms will soon be reduced after taking.

First, what is vitamin B2 and why is it so useful?

Vitamin B2 is a member of the B vitamins, also known as "riboflavin", in the human body mainly plays a role in promoting human growth and development, and metabolism, but also the human body is an indispensable vitamin. Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble vitamin that is afraid of light and alkali, so it is usually stored away from light and supplemented daily in the form of food or nutrients.

When vitamin B2 is deficient, the body will often show the following symptoms.

①Oral inflammation

When the human body is deficient in vitamin B2, the mouth tends to be more susceptible to infection and will show symptoms such as stomatitis, cracked corners of the mouth or even erosion, dry and cracked lips, repeated mouth ulcers, etc. At this time, you can choose to take oral vitamin B2 tablets for treatment, 10mg each time, three times a day.

②Eye diseases

Vitamin B2 can provide nutrition for the eyes, improve vision and relieve eye fatigue. If vitamin B2 is lacking, eye-related symptoms can be manifested, such as photophobia, easy tearing, blurred vision, conjunctival congestion, corneal capillary hyperplasia, conjunctivitis, etc.

③ Skin diseases

Vitamin B2 has the function of protecting the mucous membrane of skin follicles and sebaceous glands. Vitamin B2 deficiency can affect the normal growth and metabolism of skin, leading to diseases such as the papular or eczematous scrotum, and seborrheic dermatitis between eyebrows, eyelids, and behind the ears.

④ Female reproductive system diseases

When vitamin B2 is deficient, the mucous membrane of the human body cavity will become thin and the brittleness of blood vessels will increase, which will cause the most obvious harm to female reproductive organs, leading to dryness of the vaginal wall, congestion, and ulceration of vaginal mucous membrane, which will cause pain during intercourse and directly affect sex life, resulting in reduced libido, sexual discomfort, and fear of intercourse, which will affect the harmony between husband and wife in the long run.

Second, with the right amount of vitamin B2 supplementation, there will be 4 major benefits

In addition to avoiding the above symptoms, there are many benefits of vitamin B2 supplementation.

1. can improve the blood supply of the heart. Research has found that vitamin B2 has the effect of improving myocardial ischemia, therefore, vitamin B2 can also be used in the adjuvant treatment of coronary heart disease.

2. It can be used to prevent and treat migraine headaches. Larger doses of vitamin B2 can reduce the frequency and duration of migraine attacks.

3. It helps to improve the quality of sex life. Many middle-aged and old-aged couples who have been in love all their lives may have a disharmonious sex life when they reach menopause, especially when the female partner has vaginal dryness, pain and discomfort during intercourse and reduced libido, many of which are caused by the lack of vitamin B2. For women, the right time to supplement vitamin B2 helps protect the mucous membrane of the sexual organs, and improve the quality of sex life.

4. Promote the absorption of iron in middle and old age, the body's ability to absorb various nutrients decreases, which can easily lead to iron deficiency anemia and the right amount of vitamin B2 can promote the body's absorption of iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

III. What foods are rich in vitamin B2?

There are many ways to supplement vitamin B2, but the most reasonable and scientific method is to take vitamin B2 from food. So, what are the foods rich in vitamin B2?

(1) Animal liver and kidney. For example, lamb liver, lamb kidney, pig liver, pig kidney, and chicken liver are rich in vitamin B2, but these foods are high in cholesterol and should not be consumed by patients with hyperlipidemia.

②Mushrooms and seaweeds, such as mushrooms, kelp, and seaweed, are rich in vitamin B2. Yeast powder is also high in vitamin B2.

③Green leafy vegetables contain more vitamin B2, and millet, corn, soybeans, and peanuts in cereals and oils also contain more vitamin B2. However, it should be noted that improper cooking methods can cause a large loss of vitamin B2, such as over-rinsing and overheating.


About the Creator

Sheryl E Davis

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