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The Importance of Prioritizing Self-Care

Why it's not selfish but necessary.

By Edy Zoo Published about a year ago 3 min read
The Importance of Prioritizing Self-Care
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Self-care has become a buzzword in recent years, and for a good reason. With the stress of daily life, it's essential to take time for yourself to maintain your physical and mental health. However, creating a self-care routine can be a daunting task, especially with the endless options available. Here are some tips on cultivating a self-care routine and the absurdities that come along the way.

Firstly, it's crucial to prioritize self-care as an essential part of your daily routine. A recent study found that 67% of people feel burned out at work, and self-care can help combat this feeling. However, it's not easy to make time for yourself when there are work deadlines, social obligations, and family responsibilities.

For example, imagine trying to take a bubble bath with your kids pounding on the door, begging them to come in. Or attempting to meditate while your dog barks at the mailman outside. These are the absurdities of trying to prioritize self-care in a busy household.

Despite the challenges, it's essential to find what works for you. Self-care looks different for everyone, whether taking a long bath, walking, or curling up with a good book. It's all about finding activities that help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

However, even when you find something that works for you, it's easy to get sidetracked. The average American spends 2 hours and 25 minutes on social media daily, which can quickly eat into your self-care time. Imagine spending an hour scrolling through Instagram instead of taking a yoga class or going for a walk. It's a trap that many of us fall into.

To avoid falling into the social media trap, setting boundaries for yourself is essential. Maybe that means turning off your phone for an hour before bed or limiting your screen time during the day. It's crucial to be intentional with your time and make self-care a priority.

Another challenge of self-care is the pressure to make it perfect. There's a misconception that self-care has to be an elaborate, Instagram-worthy activity, like taking a spa day or going on a weekend retreat. While those activities are nice, they're not feasible for everyone.

The truth is self-care can be as simple as taking a few minutes to yourself each day. It's not about the activity; it's about the intention behind it. Whether taking a few deep breaths or lighting a candle, it's about taking time and making it a regular part of your routine.

Of course, it's not always easy to make self-care a regular part of your routine. It's easy to make excuses and put it off until tomorrow. However, self-care is essential for your physical and mental health, and it's crucial to prioritize it.

One way to make self-care a regular part of your routine is to create a schedule. Write down the activities you enjoy, like taking a walk, reading a book, or practicing yoga, and schedule them into your day. Treat it like an appointment, and don't cancel on yourself.

It's also important to surround yourself with people who support your self-care journey. Surrounding yourself with people who encourage and inspire you can make a significant difference in your self-care routine. On the other hand, being around people who constantly criticize or judge you can be detrimental to your mental health.

In conclusion, self-care is essential to maintaining your physical and mental health. However, it's not always easy to make it a priority, especially with the endless distractions of daily life. In addition, the absurdities and challenges of self-care, from trying to take a bubble bath with kids pounding on the door to falling into the social media trap, can make it seem impossible.


About the Creator

Edy Zoo

Edy Zoo is an author who writes about social subjects. He contributes to the ever-growing library of social critics.

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