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The Connection Between Spirituality and a Plant Based Diet.

How plants and spirituality are connected.

By Lo NYCPublished 4 years ago 12 min read

I committed to a plant based lifestyle for so many reasons, but I didn’t integrate the spiritual connection until later on in my journey. For me, connecting to the spiritual side of a plant based diet and integrating spirituality into my eating decisions fueled my commitment further and helped me feel more confident that I was making the right decision. Before I fully made the connection, living this way felt kind of intimidating, restrictive, and hard to commit to with conviction, so when I educated on myself on the spiritual aspects within a plant based lifestyle, the evidence made complete sense to me and drove me to release any fears I still had. I’ve been able to transform my initial approach and relying on these factors due to my deep connection to spirituality is responsible for the ease within my lifestyle choices.

So let’s start from the beginning. There are so many reasons related to your physical health why eating meat is bad for you, but there are so many reasons why eating plant based is beneficial to your spiritual and mental health which is why it makes it that much more appealing to implement this lifestyle. We hear a lot about how eating meat is bad for your physical health, but as a society, we don’t treat our bodies well until they fail us and get sick. To me, that’s the complete opposite way to approach it, and I’m not sure why preventive care is not as popular as treating a disease after the fact is .. I have my own theories but that’s not what this episode is about.

So for me, I’ve always loved vegetables. Eating meat to me always seemed like a peer pressure and media fueled type of situation and doing it never really felt comfortable for me and I always felt like I was doing it because somebody told me to, like the media does by the way they advertise eating meat to be “cool”. And let’s just be real - eating meat is not “cool” - like at all. But we’ll get more into that later. For me I never felt right when I was eating meat - it always grossed me out, but because the access to the education about the alternative ways of eating was limited when I was growing up, so I didn’t have many options to explore. But now, with all of the information that’s out there by way of the internet, documentaries, and books - there’s literally no excuse to not pay attention, evaluate and analyze the data that is all backed up by proven evidence across the spectrum that confirms why eating a plant based diet is the only logical way to consume food. So let’s talk about why as it pertains to spirituality the way that I understand it now and how a plant based lifestyle has impacted my spiritual health which is a pleasant surprise consequence of making the switch. And .. it’s a journey, right? like I didn’t know then and didn't anticipate the evolution of the core of my decision, but as I started to experience an evolution in my own consciousness and the improvement of my manifesting skills and my mood improved and my vibration started to rise, the only common denominator for these changes, was my diet change.

Plant based foods raise your vibration for so many reasons. Plants carry a higher vibration than animal products do to begin with, so when you consume them, you are only absorbing high vibrational cells which your body, mind, and soul LOVE and appreciate. Your body and soul were made to consume plants. This is the kind of fuel that our bodies need to operate at their full potential. Yet, we’re programmed to believe that humans require animal products to operate and to survive and it’s just not true. It’s the complete opposite. So I’m not going to talk much about the scientific evidence standpoint really but from what I’ve learned about the technical standpoint of the human body, if you look at the way our mouths were designed, they were designed to chew more more texturely soft foods and the human mouth and teeth were not designed to tear up flesh - it’s just not the case. When you compare the evolution of our mouths to those of an animal like a lion who is meant to eat other animals, they look completely different. Thus, supporting the fact that humans are not meant to also eat other animals.

But, back to the spiritual foundation that fuels the plant based lifestyle choice. So I always knew eating plants was healthy but I didn’t really know WHY eating animal products wasn’t healthy because in the past, the information was just not circulated in abundance, the way it is today. So I started investigating when information became more accessible and popular and what I learned really disturbed me. So as I explored the information, I learned that the way that animals are bred and then raised to support the human diet is cruel on all levels. I’m not gonna get into the details but let’s just say that what they go through from inception, to being born slash the birth for the mother and the baby, to being raised and then murdered is all hella traumatic. Sorry that sounded harsh but it just is what it is but let’s talk about how this impacts humans. So the trauma that these animals experience filters into their bodies and is absorbed by their cells and literally becomes part of them. Then, humans consume the animals and think they’re only consuming animal protein which is made up of the animal’s cells. But the cells also contain the trauma. And trauma is a super low vibration. So, think about it .. you’re absorbing and digesting all of the trauma cells and trauma frequency that is in the cells of the animal products. It’s crazy to think about but it’s real. That’s why plants are highly vibrational and animals from factory farms carry a low vibration. And sure, you could eat grass fed and humanely raised animal products but no matter what - the animals have trauma in their cells. The extent of the levels is different but it’s still there. So why even risk it? Why risk damaging your own vibration at all - literally what’s the point? Aren’t we all trying to optimize our existence and achieve our goals and stabilize our vibrations so we can manifest at the optimum level? If your answer is yes - then adding trauma to your diet will not accomplish this for you. I know it’s harsh but it’s true. Humans go through enough trauma on their own and our cells are impacted by our own actions and life experiences so why would we want to add more trauma that isn’t even ours to our bodies and damage our spiritual health? Right? So this is what really clicked for me and I have so much conviction in how this process works and have experienced my vibration stabilizing once I removed all animal products from my lifestyle. My lifestyle is cruelty free. And if it isn’t cruelty-free, then it’s cruel. It’s one or the other. And i’m not going to be a human on this earth and say yeah my lifestyle is cruel. No thanks. Sooo yeah I'm passionate about this and that’s why I’m spreading this information today but I don’t want to spend too much time knocking animal products. What I really wanna do is gas up the benefits of eating plant based and cruelty free because it just feels so good and the purpose of this podcast is to help us all feel good so this is my favorite tip to accomplish feeling good because it’s so easy to control for yourself. So yeah, literally knowing everyday that i am not contributing to animal cruelty makes life worth living. It’s all tied together and if it’s not in your awareness then you just aren’t aware right and you think you’re operating at a high level but so once you are aware that you body really isn’t operating optimally, it all just starts to make sense and you can’t unsee it.

Eating plant based is so fun and it’s legit so easy. It’s not hard and it’s not expensive like it’s marketed to be. My friend proved this when he launched the produce section challenge which he developed to educate people on the benefits of eating plant based. He ate strictly from the produce section for a long time and spent very little money a day and proved how easy and inexpensive it was and gained a lot of popularity for his spin on the message so i’m so grateful for him and his idea and his drive to promote his message and his execution for the plant based movement. He wants people to live healthy, long, high vibe lives, and so do i. We’re changing the narrative of a plant based lifestyle and eliminating the intimidating narrative it has attached to it.

So, spirituality and your diet are connected. If you want to manifest all of your dreams you have to detoxify your body and clear all your internal channels to be more connected to the universe and your own higher self. Consuming toxic products messes with your vibration and your vibration is what attracts everything into your life. You’re a magnet and magnets have levels of strength. You fuel the strength of your magnetism by fueling it with high vibrational foods and thoughts. Plant based products raise your vibration and fuel your body with positive vibes so your mind your body are less toxic so your body is then spending less time detoxifying things during digestion which allows more energy to be diverted to fueling your mind body and soul so because your mind becomes way more clear, you can think more clearly and your thoughts are optimized and your thoughts plus your vibration is what attracts things into your life. You will be pulled towards the things that are meant for you with less obstacles. If the fuel is pure and high vibe, then that is what you will attract. The opposite is true too .. so think about it. It makes sense to me. I want to think clearly, I want my body operating without toxicity, I want to feel closer to the earth and I want to feel closer to everything and everybody on it. I don’t want anything getting inthe way of me feeling more connected overall. So that’s why my fuel is plant based. And it was a journey to get here. But as my body detoxified, so did my thoughts. It’s a natural consequence so i know that the way my mind operates is directly connected to how my body is digesting and absorbing the food that i eat. And so now it’s so much easier for me to tap into my optimal vision for my life and i’m not deviating from it by consuming animal products because it’s cool or because it tastes good for five minutes. The consequences are so much worse compared to how good it may feel in the moment. It feels so good you guys - i can’t say it enough. It’s too good to give up because society tells you otherwise. When your fuel is positive, your life cleans itself up and you’re also announcing to the universe that you respect it and respect yourself and your body and then the universe will appreciate you for making good choices and will partner with you a lot more closely to manifest everything you want into your life. So yeah when your mind is clear, life looks different. Your thoughts evolve because your consciousness increases and toxic scenarios evaporate a lot more and you're just setting yourself up on the optimal baseline level to be at and you’re in control a lot more of your life rather than absorbing trauma through animal products and allowing that to interfere with the flow of your life. your baseline should be high because life throws us enough plot twists and we want to approach this with a preventive mindset instead of a “treat the symptoms once they show up” mindset. Raise your spiritual immunity by being plant based - it’s the only way that makes sense. When a plot twist shows up and your body is toxic, the toxicity multiples because that’s where you’re vibrating. When a plot twist shows up and your body isn’t toxic, you’ll transmute the situation and find the lesson - it’s just that much easier. Having a high vibration doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen - they will but it’s way easier to transmute them and find meaning by treating them with alchemy because your mind is more clear so you can analyse things from a high level of conscious perspective. Being good vibes and conscious doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen and won’t happen at all - yes they will happen less but they happen and when they do, being good vibes - because your fuel is high vibrational - it simply means that you recognize the lesson within everything and the bad experiences then transform into the catalysts for your own evolution into higher consciousness rather than being just bad things that ruin your life and that’s all they are in the end. That’s not healthy from a spiritual perspective and mental health perspective in general. We can’t avoid bad things from happening to us, but we can try to avoid them by managing our vibration by managing our diets.

Taking control of your health also makes taking control of the other areas of your life a lot easier. You obviously can’t control everything but when you supplement your need to control by controlling your diet, your desire to control is satisfied and ends there in a sense. Let’s say we can only control 25% of our life. Control your diet and you're 25% becomes satisfied and you’ll surrender to the rest of life’s process. When your diet isn’t controlled, you’ll feel out of control and that manifests into your whole life. Use your need to control and direct it to your diet. We all want to control stuff so badly and it feels awful because we can’t control anything really. I hope that makes sense. And yeah, control your diet to an animal based lifestyle but you wouldn’t even be able to develop this level of consciousness and awareness to even recognize how the desire to control is impacting your life in the first place because your mind is so toxic from trauma from animal products. So yeah - your mind isn’t clear and your consciousness level is low and this high vibe perspective can’t even exist. I know that sounds crazy but it’s true. You could be super woke on an animal based diet because people are and they say they are, they promote spiritual lifestyles and talk about manifesting and stuff and I appreciate their messages too, but in my opinion, you’re not woke if you’re not plant based. It just doesn’t work like that in my opinion. Being woke means that you’re connected to yourself and your environment and the earth and consuming animal products blocks this connection from the get go. Fuel your connection to your higher sself with plants and watch your entire life transform. Plants also fuel your third eye which is your connection to your higher self and the higher perspective that exists so when your third eye is clear and detoxified, you’re seeing life from a brand new lens. Your perspective changes and the way you operate in your life changes. Your circumstances might not change, but your perspective will. You will see things differently and that’s all that matters. Because life exists on so many timelines simultaneously. The timeline that you choose to exist on within the same life and same circumstances will dictate your happiness levels within your life’s circumstances. You could do the same things on a high vibrational timeline or on a low vibrational timeline. The way to align with your highest possible timeline is to fuel yourself with less trauma and high vibe plants.

Also, Do you ever say a blessing over your food? I try to - as much as i can remember - bless my plant based meals and infuse them with positivity by telling it that i love it and send loving vibes into it. It just makes me feel good and i like doing it.

So, guys, if you want to manifest the life of your dreams and establish a true connection to source and cultivate a partnership with your higher self, then eat plants. I can’t recommend it enough. That’s it for me fam. Take care and eat your veggies!!


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    LNWritten by Lo NYC

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