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The Beginning

My Journey with Smile Direct Club

By Rachel SmithPublished 6 years ago 3 min read


Growing up my teeth were always crooked, possibly because I sucked my thumb which led to shifted teeth when the permanent ones grew in. My older sister had regular braces, which to her were embarrassing and painful. Therefore my parents wanted to change the game for me, and they found out about Invisalign clear braces.

If I had to be brutally honest, my journey began in 2013 when I visited my local orthodontist to get Invisalign braces. The process began with the removal of two molars so that my canines would shift into place. The process to make the Invisalign was lengthy. The orthodontist would create a paste that sticks in your teeth for about 15 mins; once both top and bottom were finished, they would have to harden to even show your correct mold. This wasn't the end of it because you'd have to wait about 5-6 weeks before going back to your orthodontist to pick up the braces.

The process of wearing the braces was simple, you put them in and take them out when you eat. Taking them out wasn't the prettiest thing since you're pulling plastic pieces out of your mouth. But my treatment began at the start of my freshman year of high school, and not knowing anyone, having to take your braces out to eat was embarrassing. Also having to deal with my orthodontist who cared to use me as a showpiece for the other patients and take my parent's money wasn't all that great either. My parents were having trouble paying for the dentist appointments and the braces itself, so that also put a toll on me because I had to finish this process.

It wasn’t long until my teeth were nearing the end of the treatment and were practically straight! So like any teenager, I stopped wearing them. Unaware the seriousness of retainers my bottom teeth ended up shifting and my middle tooth moved behind the others, leaving a crooked smile once again.

I went through the rest of high school embarrassed and insecure about my smile. I kept seeing commercials on MTV about Smile Direct Club, a company that designs Invisalign braces for half the price of going to the orthodontist.

I was always hesitant about it, but starting my first year of college, taking a risk with this company didn’t seem that bad. After extensive research and saving my weekly checks I decided to book an appointment and start my journey. I visited a Smile Shop; they are essentially a dentist office but smaller. Most major cities in the United States have them, however, Smile Direct also sends home impression kits. Those are clay molds that you place into your teeth and once they harden, you send them back to their labs where they make your braces. Now the home impression kits cost roughly $99 whereas visiting the Smile Shops are completely FREE!

The visit was great! The employees were nice and attentive with all of the questions that I had about the process and, well, the money. They told me that you can directly pay $2,200 for the entire process or set up a payment plan where you pay a downpayment of $250 and then $80/month. Obviously being a college student, I don't have $2,200 at the moment. After settling the payment options and signing the agreement to go through with the process, they did the 3-D scan on my teeth. Now let me just say that the scanner was amazing! It took thousands of pictures of my teeth in seconds. Once finished another member comes in and talks to you about your treatment process and how long it will take. And finally, they give you whitening pens and a LED accelerator light free so that you can have a bright and straight smile!

I’m not going to lie I’m still nervous, but sometimes taking risks in life is worth it. I hope you will join me along on this journey!

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