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The 7 major Chakras

Chakra clearing for beginners

By Erin WinspurPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The 7 Chakras

I first learned about the 7 major chakras when I was training to teach yoga. I never thought that beginning a form of exercise would not only change my life, but place me on a spiritual path of enlightenment. I have taken my love for the 7 Chakras to a whole new level by training as a crystal healer. When I started working as a personal trainer I brought the crystal healing and the 7 major chakras with me. I was always amazed at how one little stones vibration could help heal in the most fascinating ways. By working with the root Chakra I could help someone with their balance. With the heart chakra I could help heal a broken Heart that has destroyed someone's confidence. Now I work mostly on a spiritual path but I have found that healing from the inside out works much faster than the other way around.

With all that we have dealt with this year it is completely understandable that our chakras may be all out of whack. I especially like to focus new chakra balancing in the spring because of the new growth and the larger amounts of sunshine we can pull ourselves out of the darkness a bit easier. Chakra clearing, opening and balancing can heal so many different parts of your body and your life. It can be come A type of faith that you can help heal yourself or that you have more control than you think.

The 7 (main) Chakras run down through the main meridian of your body starting at the base of your tailbone up to the crown of your head. Each Chakra is in charge of specific organs, body parts, emotions and abilities. Each Chakra has a corresponding color as well as specific crystals, foods, scents and flowers that help open close clear and balance each chakra.

I have put together some of the basics of the 7 major Chakras and at the end a few easy ways to add chakra clearing into your daily, weekly and monthly routines.

Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Survival- Red- I am- I Am strong.396 Hz

Problems with your Root Chakra, either over active or under active can manifest in your adrenal glands causing an overabundance of cortisol, and an inability to handle stress hormones. Your root chakra is your balance your main structure, so things like osteo-arthritis and spinal issues. Problems with your lower intestine, bowels and colon can be cause by an unbalanced root chakra. And

Blocked-Fearful, Anxious, unsure, doubtful, financial instability not feeling grounded

Balanced- safe, secure, centered, feeling grounded and happy to be alive

Overactive-Greedy, aggressive materialistic, cynical

Things that can help bring balance:

Stones- Bloodstone, red jasper, red tiger’s eye, obsidian, Jet

Foods-Root vegetables, spicy foods, red foods

Scents – Cinnamon, cypress, ylang ylang, spicy scents

Affirmations/Mantra (LAM) I am safe, protected and guide in this world

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)-sexuality-Orange-I feel- I am unique-417Hz

Problems with your sacral Chakra, either over active or under active can manifest in your reproductive system causing an unbalance of hormones in your body and an inability to reproduce. Your sacral chakra is your sexual self and how you see yourself within your own sexuality Problems with bladder, incontinence ED and low libido can be cause by an unbalanced sacral chakra.

Blocked-Low libido, fear of intimacy, no creativity feeling isolated

Balanced-passion, Creative healthy libido, optimistic, open

Overactive- overly emotional, fixated on sex, hedonistic, manipulative

Stones- carnelian, peach moon stone, orange calcite, orange aventurine

Foods- Oranges, citrus, orange foods and fruit

Scents – Orange, citrus, patchouli

Affirmations/Mantra (VAM) I am in touch with my feelings and emotions

Solar plexus Chakra (Manapura)- Power-Yellow- I can- I am creative-528 Hz

Problems with your Solar Plexus, either over active or under active can manifest as an inability to function in your relationships. Struggles with friendships and it will manifest in you small intestine and it can manifest in stomach issues. Your solar plexus is the heart of your relationships social anxiety and an inability to feel comfortable in social situations and a low self-esteem will manifest with an unbalanced solar plexus chakra.

Blocked- low self-esteem, feeling powerless, feeling inferior

Balanced-confident, in control, personal drive good self-image

Overactive- power hungry, domineering perfectionist, critical

Stones- citrine, yellow calcite, tiger’s eye, topaz

Foods- Yellow foods, squash and legumes

Scents – lemon and vanilla sweet scents

Affirmations/Mantra (RAM) I am confident in all that I do

Heart Chakra (Anahata)-Love-Green-I love- I am loved -639Hz

Problems with your heart Chakra, either over active or under active can manifest in your heart and lungs causing issues within you pulmonary system. Your heart chakra is the balance of your empathy and compassion towards others. Problems with Uper back and shoulders can be caused by an unbalanced heart chakra.

Blocked-Lack of empathy, bitter, hateful, intolerant, lack of trust

Balanced- Peaceful, loving compassionate, tolerant, warm, open,

Overactive- Jealous, codependent, self-sacrificing, give too much

Stones- green aventurine, malachite, rhodonite, unakite,

Foods- green foods and vegetables, chlorophyll that helps to cleans the lymphatic system

Scents –Rosemary, sage rose and geranium

Affirmations/Mantra (YAM) I am open to giving and receiving love

Throat Chakra (Ajna)–Communication - light blue/turquoise –I speak-I express myself freely-741Hz

Problems with your throat Chakra, either over active or under active can manifest in endocrine system causing auto immune issues and thyroid issues. Your throat chakra is your voice your main ability to communicate. Problems with throat vocal chords or upper lungs can be cause by an unbalanced throat chakra.

Blocked-Lack of expression, can’t speak out, misunderstood, secretive, unable to listen

Balanced-Confident expression, clear communication diplomatic, creative

Overactive- Opinionated, loud, critical, gossipy, harsh words, talk over others.

Stones- blue aventurine, blue topaz, blue lace agate, angelite

Foods- Sweet fruits and berries

Scents - Mint- all types and chamomile

Affirmations/Mantra (HAM) I am open and honest with my communication

Third eye Chakra (Sahasrara) –Intuition - Dark Blue-I know- I am calm-852Hz

Problems with your third eye Chakra, either over active or under active can manifest in your head and face causing Jaw pain and teeth issues. Your third eye chakra is your connection to your intuition and your spiritual connection. Problems with your imagination and sense of reality can be cause by an unbalanced third eye chakra.

Blocked-Poor judgment, lack of focus, poor imagination, can’t see beyond the physical

Balanced- Imaginative, intuitive, clear thoughts clear vision sees beyond the physical

Overactive- Nightmares, delusions, hallucinations obsessive, sees too many spirits

Stones- lapis lazuli, sodalite, lolite, sapphire

Foods- Dark purple foods, chocolate and indulgences

Scents – lavender, lotus and juniper

Affirmations/Mantra (AUM) I honor and follow my intuition

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Spirituality –Purple-I am –I am at peace-963Hz

Problems with your crown Chakra, either over active or under active can cause problems with your connection to source, your faith. Your crown chakra is your connection to the energy in the universe. so things like migraines, depression and feeling lost can be cause by an unbalanced crown chakra.

Blocked-Depression, learning difficulties, weak faith, anger at the divine, brain fog

Balanced- Strong faith, universal love, intelligent, aware, wise, understanding

Overactive-Dogmatic, judgmental, ungrounded tyrannical

Stones- amethyst, selenite, labradorite, clear quartz,

Foods- oxygen, water, sunshine

Scents – lavender and all smudging and saining herbs

Affirmations/Mantra (ANG) I am infinite and boundless

Finding ways to meditate on each chakra or even chakra clearings can help with balancing your chakras. Reiki is another way to clear your chakras and balance your energy.


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