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The 5 Best Essential Oil Blends

The all natural market can be really confusing at times. These days, so many of us want to make ourselves feel better naturally, but we don't know what products to use. Well, diffusing essential oils is a wonderful place to start! Here are some of the most effective blends I've come across...

By Jacqueline DeWittPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
The UltraSonic Diffuser by Aromaroam. Can be purchased in store or ordered from Saje for $59.95 (Canadian)

As someone who has been prone to headaches, migraines, stress, and anxiety their entire life, I have tested out quite a few medications to try and ease these ailments. A couple of years ago, at the age of 21, I decided to experiment with some more natural methods to see if it would really make a damn difference. It did. It has.

I bought myself an oil diffuser and scoured several drug stores, health and body shops, department stores, and even websites to find out more about what oils could do for me. I now have quite an extensive collection that ranges from lemongrass to bergamot to frankincense and each one does its own little trick. Not to mention that when paired together in the right way, the results can be borderline magical.

Here are some of the best oil blends and what they can do for you:

The Morning Boost Blend

  • Lavender Oil (4 drops)
  • Orange Oil (4 drops)
  • Lemongrass Oil (3 drops)

This is my go to oil blend pretty much every morning. I can honestly say that there is nothing that inspires me to get a kick-start in the morning more than this combination of scents. They all work together to create the perfect ambiance for getting things done! Lavender has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and promote restfulness and proper sleep. If you are like me and sometimes feel overwhelmed in the morning by the tasks that must be done throughout the day, then this could really help calm those nerves. The calming effects of the lavender coupled with the citrus scents coming from the orange and lemongrass oils really create an envigorating environment that feels clean, organized, and serene.

The Sinus Pal Blend

  • Eucalyptus Oil (3 drops)
  • Peppermint Oil (3 drops)
  • Lemon Oil (3 drops)
  • Tea Tree Oil (3 drops)

Did I mention that I have horrible issues with my sinuses as well? I get at least one sinus infection every year and when I'm not suffering from one, I'm often dealing with slight nasal congestion. If I'm being honest, when I have this blend going in my bedroom, it's a bit like being trapped inside a giant pack of gum—in the best way possible. The eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree work as some sort of sinus dynamite team while the lemon adds that bright smell and vibe. All of these oils contain properties that either contribute to pain relief, congestion relief, are anti-inflammatory or anti-bacterial. They each carry their own unique scent with them and when combined can really kick some serious sinus butt!

The Headache Pal Blend

  • Peppermint Oil (4 drops)
  • Lavender Oil (2 drops)
  • Rosemary Oil (3 drops)

This blend is your best friend when you have a headache! When these three essential oils are paired together, they create a soothing and healing blend that eases the pain of a headache in no time. Not only do the peppermint and rosemary oil each have their own delicious, fresh smell, but they are both proven to help with blood circulation which can ultimately relieve the tension in your neck and head. The lavender calms your nervous system and works to promote tranquility so that the headache pain does not become exacerbated by stress. So the next time you find your head pounding or even feeling a little heavy, put the recommended drops of each oil in a diffuser and you should be feeling better in no time!

The Best Smell Ever Blend

  • Bergamot Oil (4 drops)
  • Grapefruit Oil (4 drops)

This is a pretty simple blend that I have added to this list for one reason: it smells beautiful! Whether I'm just doing some work around the house or I have company coming over, I will put a couple drops in my diffuser and wait for the loveliest, warm, and fruity smell to fill the room up. If you are an avid tea drinker like me, you may come to find that this blend of oils smells like you are sitting in a giant mug of Earl Grey—no joke! It always makes for such a gorgeous aroma and it lingers for quite a while.

The Happy Blend

  • Tangerine Oil (4 drops)
  • Cinnamon Oil (3 drops)
  • Cedarwood Oil (3 drops)

My final blend here gets its name from the fact that I believe that these oils create the perfect aroma when meshed together. It is an aroma that is simultaneously earthy (cedarwood), warm (cinnamon) and fresh (tangerine)—not an obvious fusion of scents or qualities, but it always tends to boost my mood. I find myself using this blend during the winter a lot as this is when low moods, grumpiness, and sadness tend to descend upon many people, including myself. Thus, sometimes we all need a little pick-me-up, both physically and mentally. It is always a very pleasing smell to have going while I am cooking, reading, or going to bed and somehow always puts me in a good place. Some real aroma therapy!

There you have it, folks. These are the five oil blends that I use on a regular basis that have really changed my life and the way I look at medicine. If you would like to try something neat, different, and genuinely helpful, I would highly recommend the essential oil life!


About the Creator

Jacqueline DeWitt

I am a 28 year old with a degree in English from UofT. I am passionate about communication and the arts.

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    Jacqueline DeWittWritten by Jacqueline DeWitt

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