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Take One Day At A Time

They say Rome wasn't built in a day, so give yourself a break.

By JennyBPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Photo by: www.shutterstock.com/g/Golubovy

I go through episodes of wanting to cry, and the more stress I am in makes the urge to breakdown worse. It seems like life is nothing but an eddy of despair.

With being quarantined, I have been under a lot of stress, as has everyone else.

I am currently not working due to being in the high-risk category, but unfortunately, I’m going to have to go back to work soon.

I work in a grocery store where we put our lives on the line for people to come shopping. I don’t mind going back to work in a grocery store.

I’m more worried about going back to work too soon. I don’t want to be out working during a high peak of the virus.

I’ve been stressing about going to work, about money and bills, about my health, and so on.

Stressing about everything at once isn’t going to help, it’s just going to make you more stressed out. We all need to learn to take one day at a time.

Focus on taking care of one thing once a day, don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to take on more than you can handle.

When you focus on one thing like organizing your money and making sure all your bills are paid for this month, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

Now focus on one other thing the next day and keep this going.

Concentrating on one thing a day and not trying to control every single aspect in your life is taking it one day at a time.

Create a to-do list.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed from all the things you need to take care of, and you don’t know when and where to start, the best thing to do is create a to-do list.

A to-do list is great to have, so you will know what needs to be done, and once you finish that task, you can put a checkmark next to what you have finished.

Make sure you are doing only ONE job at a time and not multiple tasks at once.

You may feel enticed to work on a couple of small tasks at the same time in hopes of completing more in one sitting that way; you’re not left with more stuff to do for the rest of the week.

It’s not a good idea to work on more than one thing because it doesn’t let your brain focus entirely.

Having a to-do list helps your mind focus solely on one thing, and it will help you get things done without feeling overwhelmed.

It will also help you to finish the task the right way without needing to come back and fix it since the task had your full attention.

And, if you don’t know when to start working on your tasks, that should be a hint you should be working on them right now.

Work on tasks that take less than thirty minutes first.

Any task that takes you less than thirty minutes should be completed first. Doing this will make things go by faster, and you’re able to get more stuff done.

Even though you should still stick to doing one task at a time, focusing on the smaller task first will let you complete more than one responsibility that day.

Larger tasks like organizing your money and working on bills could be something that takes you all day to finish, that should be done last.

Working on the larger tasks first will make you feel like it’s taking forever to finalize, and you’ll be easily stressed out and want to give up.

Remember, don’t give up, it may seem overwhelming in the beginning, but it will get easier as you go.

Keep a positive mindset.

Having a positive attitude will help in the long run. Instead of thinking, “If I don’t get all of these things done today, I’m going to be upset.”

Think, “I may not have been able to finish everything on my to-do list today, but at least I got a lot done, and it shortened my list.”

When you have a positive mindset while working on your to-do list, things will go a lot smoother since you’re not agitated and stressed about getting everything done in one day.

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, so give yourself a break and take it easy.

Things will get better even if it takes more than one day to get there.

Take one day at a time.

The world is facing a lot of changes right now, and a lot of things are unknown.

The unknown of viruses causes fear and panic in people which can also induce a lot of stress and anxiety.

We need to remember to tell our minds to slow down and relax.

We can’t control the unknown or the results of everything that’s happening. The only thing we can control is our mindset.

Learning to stay calm during a panic will do wonders for our everyday life. Our health will improve as well since stress weakens our immune system.

So, if we learn how to control our stress, we can help protect our immune system, and our immune system will help protect us from diseases.

Life right now is hard, but that doesn’t mean we need to make it harder by worrying and stressing about everything, including things that are out of our control. All we can do is slow down, breathe, and take one day at a time.

mental health

About the Creator


Freelance content writer and blogger of self-help and personal development articles. 3X Sepsis survivor living with chronic pain and chronic illness.

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