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Side effects of vaccination against all diseases

Side effects of vaccination against all diseases

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Side effects of vaccination against all diseases
Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

A lot of people think that vaccination is something safe to do, even though they are not aware of any risks involved. There are a few known risks associated with vaccinations, and many of them are minor. Others are rather serious and should never be taken lightly. These risks are listed below:

Vaccinations can cause allergies or autoimmune disorders (like lupus):

Vaccination is normally done by injecting a small amount of an attenuated virus into the skin using a needle. Attenuation means that the virus no longer replicates completely and cannot multiply, thus it cannot cause disease; however, it still has enough power to trigger an immune response in our bodies. One example of this would be a case where someone had chickenpox as a child and received a vaccination shortly after which caused a severe allergic reaction. Other examples include vaccines causing lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. In cases of autoimmune disorders, the body's defense system attacks the immune cells resulting in inflammation and damage to internal organs. Lupus occurs when the immune system attacks the joints and kidneys.

Vaccines may lead to cancer:

Infectious agents are responsible for many types of cancers, including cervical, oral, liver, stomach, etc. Cancerous tumors are formed due to mutations in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately one person per minute dies of cancer. Several different types of cancer infect humans. Most forms of cancer result from excessive cell division. There are two ways of preventing infection and disease: 1.) by avoiding exposure to infectious organisms (usually with antibiotics); 2.) by developing immunity via vaccines. If we are exposed to a pathogen for long periods, then the body becomes tolerant to it, and therefore, it is unable to activate the immune system effectively to fight off.

Vaccines may alter the gut microbiome:

The human gastrointestinal tract contains more than 100 trillion bacteria or microorganisms. These microbes in the digestive tract play a vital role in supporting our immune systems and in maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal environment. Antibiotics destroy normal flora in the intestinal tract and allow pathogens to thrive. However, recent research suggests that vaccines may alter the natural balance in the intestines. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant infections, and overuse of certain vaccines can make children susceptible to infections.

Vaccines can cause autism:

Many parents believe that vaccines contribute to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), yet scientific evidence doesn't show any link between vaccines and autism. ASD is a developmental disability characterized by impairments in social communication and repetitive behaviors. Many factors affect the risk of developing ASD, and whether or not a vaccine causes autism remains unknown. Studies have shown that maternal vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of ASD, and studies have suggested that autistic children tend to have lower levels. Vitamin D helps regulate serotonin, a neurotransmitter released by neurons in the brain.

Vaccine damage:

Vaccines have been proven to do some major damage to your body! There have been many reports of people who have died after receiving vaccinations. One example was a child who developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) shortly after receiving 9 vaccines. GBS is a neurological disorder that causes temporary paralysis (the child experienced symptoms of numbness and tingling). In addition, there were numerous cases reported where children had seizures and brain inflammation after vaccination. Another report involved a child who suffered brain damage from vaccines and later went blind. These extreme reactions are not isolated occurrences, they happen all the time throughout the world. Vaccines are being forced upon people and people should demand safety tests before giving these harmful injections.


People die all the time due to the damage caused by vaccines. According to the CDC, 5 children under 6 years of age died in 2015 from the flu vaccine. Also, in 2002, 13 children under 15 years old died from the MMR vaccine. Additionally, there are numerous other deaths documented around the world related to vaccines.


There have been many reports over the past few decades linking vaccines with frequent seizures in young children. The first seizure occurred in 1981 in Japan and was followed by 10 additional seizures in the following week. The number increased to 11 seizures in 1982 and continued to increase until 26 seizures were recorded in 1983. Researchers believe that this correlation might be because the Japanese government changed their childhood immunization schedule from 2 doses of DPT to 1 dose of DPT. A similar incident occurred in Canada in 1991 with 14 seizures reported just days after the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. It was believed at the time that the measles portion of the shot might have triggered the seizures.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.


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