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Self Perception Theory

By Delaina B.

By DelainaPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

What is self perception theory?

Well, the definitions online say something like self perception aligning how a person behaves according to how they view themselves.

Okay, how do I see this in my every day life?

People all over the world present themselves in a unique way that tailors to who they are as a person. For example, when someone really feels confident about themself they tend to wear clothing that shows that they do not care about what others have to say. Confidence is normally seen through someone that walks without regard to how their look is perceived by others because they love how they look. Now, you might be thinking that it means that they dress provocatively, but that is not always the case. Most people that try to show that they are confident will wear outfits that stick out whether it be neon colors, or that quirky fashion that shows that they are different and that different is okay.

Self perception also is able to coincide with a person's daily behavior. For example, a person that isn't very happy with how they look will typically do something that affects how they live their life to change how they look. This is why you would see people running alongside the road while in the car, or why you see people going to the gym, it is because being in shape and toned out is what makes them feel comfortable with who they are. The people that aren't super confident in how they look will normally change the way they look to feel more confident overall.

Now this might not also be the cause either, because there is always an exception. If you feel down about yourself, there are ways to make you feel better, or more positive.

How is self perception affected?

One huge way self perception is affected is with the things that people surround themselves with. If someone surrounds themselves with things that are body positive and empowering, that person is more likely to be happy with themself as a whole where as a person that is constantly surrounded by things, or even people that are negative will feel more negative towards their body image just because people strive for the approval of others.

This is why people that are in the negative position want to try to be better, when really everyone is beautiful in their own way and it would just take being more appreciative to who you are physically to realise that. Anyone can argue that someone is not perfect, but what really matters is how a specific person feels about themself not what others think.

Why do you feel like self perception is so important?

I think self perception is important because at the end of the day I am all that I have from the moment I am born till the moment that my life comes to an end. So it is important because if I am all that I have I would rather live a life being happy about who I am and just because the girl in front of me is skinnier or prettier doesn't mean that I am not just as valuable.

I also think that if everyone saw themselves in a better light than what they do then the world would be full of less hate and more support because you also tend to reflect how you feel apon others. Like when someone bullies someone, or when someone is just very negative to others it is typically because they feel less about themself which is sad and people should realise that they are beautiful because every person is beautiful. However someone that feels very happy about who they are and how they look will more than likely bring everyone else up which is what our world needs.

All it takes is you going to your mirror and you telling yourself that you are smart, you are beautiful, and you are worth more because you really are. It might sound cheesy, or cliche, but I guarantee that when you say it every morning you will feel happier and happier every day.

Thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it and I hope that the ending really inspired, or made you feel better. I feel like all walks of life are beautiful and that every person should value themselves more. Stay posted and I will be back with more empowering and inspiring writings thank you again and have a beautiful day.

People all over the world present themselves in a unique way that tailors to who they are as a person. For example, when someone really feels confident about themself, that person will wear clothing that shows how they feel. Now, you might be thinking that it means that they dress provocatively, but that is not always the case. Most people that try to show that they are confident will wear outfits that stick out whether it be neon colors, or that quirky fashion that shows that they are different and that different is okay.

Self perception also coincides with a person's daily behavior. For example, a person that isn't very happy with how they look will typically do something that affects how they live their life. This is why you would see people running alongside the road while in the car, or why you see people going to the gym, it is because being in shape and toned out is what makes them feel comfortable with who they are.

How is self perception affected?

One huge way self perception is affected is with the things that people surround themselves with. If someone surrounds themselves with things that are body positive and empowering, then that person is more likely to see themselves positively rather than a person that is constantly surrounded by things, or even people that are negative towards their body or how they are as a person in general.

This is why people that are in the negative position want to try to be better, when really everyone is beautiful in their own way and it would just take being more appreciative to who you are physically to realise that.

Thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it and if you feel like I should do something to add or subtract from it I would love constructive criticism.

mental health

About the Creator


Hi, I am 17 and I am full of passion which I hope that people can appreciate, I am not a pro at writing, however I do think I can string together some words to entertain, or to inspire.

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