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Scripting Your Life: The Most Effective Manifesting Guide

The Simple Art Of Scripting Like A Pro

By Silena Le BeauPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Did you know that you can re-write your life the way you want it to be?

Have you ever heard of scripting, law of attraction or manifesting? Well they kind of work hand in hand meaning they are one and the same.

Scripting properly along with using the law of attraction will bring you success if you do it the right way.

What does it mean to script?

Scripting is basically like you writing your Life. It's a powerful Law of Attraction technique where you write a story about your life based on how you want it to be. ...

You are the writer and you can tell your story exactly as you want. Scripting requires you to write your story as if it has already happened, focusing on how you would feel when your desire manifested. Just like a movie script.

It's an intimate process that's help you tune into your desires in such a way that those desires will manifest in your reality. In other words, you can design your future simply by using the power of words.

That probably sounds a bit weird. However, quantum physicists know this to be true.

What You Need To Get Started?

  1. A journal or Book only for Scripting
  2. A Pen [Sorry, no typing] red, purple or green.
  3. A quiet space or room where you can focus on self-reflecting in peace

What are the general steps to scripting?

They key is to write what “you” want. Pay close attention to your emotions and senses while writing, you should get goosebumps and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Be sure to use any words and adjectives that elicit emotions.

Be mindful that if you write your story from the point of view of someone else and what they want from you or expect from you then doing this will feel like a chore and nothing will change in your life.

  • Set a time limit within which you want your desires to manifest.
  • Write in the present tense as if it has already happened.
  • Be elaborate and detailed in your descriptions, without leaving anything out.
  • Be sure to think thoroughly and deliberately.
  • Create action plans daily to get closer to what you want.
  • Take action in the real world to get faster results.

Manifest Anything That You Want To Receive

Using this powerful "law of attraction" technique you can live your wildest dreams!

Yes, YOU can ask for anything you like. However, the best option is to stay within the realms of what you believe is possible. Only because if you ask for something that seems impossible, you are creating doubt in your mind.

The actual process of scripting couldn’t be easier. Think about what you want to happen or manifest in your life, then write it down. Sounds easy, right? OK, here are the basic rules:

  1. Always write as if the desire has already been delivered.
  2. Back up your desire with emotion.

I know what you're thinking, only two rules? Correct, they are all that you need to remember.

To get the most out of any scripting process, you should always be in a receptive and positive state to begin with. It can be rather tempting to try to script yourself out of a bad place or situation. And it is definitely doable, but only if you can quickly move from feeling down to feeling close to a state of joy.

For many of us, that isn’t fairly easy to do. We cannot trick the universe by pretending to feel good if we feel like the world inside of is caving in. So for best results, wait until the sadness or despair gives way to a glimmer of hopefulness.

The Power of Words Through Scripting

We all know by now that words are powerful. We can uplift or hurt with words. Words can cause love to flow or ebb. But words can also make a pathway of communication from you to the universe. Or rather, the energy of the universe. The energy around us is at our disposal to use to create our reality. And, being the intuitive person you are, you understand that what we put out there is what we get back. So it makes sense to use our most powerful human tool—language—to put out what we want for ourselves.

The underlying ‘magic’ that makes scripting work is your emotion. Merely writing down hopeful words on paper won’t work by themselves. The feeling behind the words is what energizes and transmits your desires. Emotions are the switch that turns on the power. Emotions change your vibrational energy and bring you into alignment with the thing you want.

Examples Of Scripting To Guide You

  • I got the job I wanted and I love it! I was offered the job on the spot. I am so so excited to be right here, right now. It’s the job of my dreams. Thank you so much, universe.
  • I am in love. I met the man that I’m going to spend forever with. And he loves me back equally if not more. When we met, we both instantly knew that we were meant to be together. Our connection is very strong. I am grateful that the universe brought us together.
  • I am so happy that we found the home of our dreams is beautiful and peaceful, I feel so joyful and grateful every time I walk in there. It was so easy and everything went so smoothly and we just moved in last week. I am thrilled that it is perfect for our family, the kids have their own rooms and are having so much fun with the extra space.
  • In addition, scripting for the next day is always a great idea. In fact, it should become part of your daily night time routine. Simply prepare to have a good and productive day the following day by writing it out as if you are at the end of tomorrow evening!

    Be sure to check out the following articles

    Article: Self Limiting Beliefs In Less Than 1 Minutes


    Article: 30 Days Of Positive Affirmations To Inspire your Life


    Article: 6 Amazing Crystals For Positive Energy And Happiness



    About the Creator

    Silena Le Beau

    She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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