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Premature Ejaculation-Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatments, and Home Remedies

When a guy ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would want during sexual intercourse, this is known as premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual issue. According to estimates, one out of every three males has battled with this condition at some point.

By obafemi samuelPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation: What Is It and What Causes It?

Premature ejaculation occurs when you have an orgasm before or within a minute after beginning intercourse (PE). Although there is no set time for a man to ejaculate during sex, you and your partner may feel rushed if you ejaculate and lose your erection so rapidly.

It's inconvenient and often humiliating, yet it's a common condition among men. It affects 30-40% of the population at some point in their lives. So keep in mind that it's nothing to be concerned about if it only happens once in a while.

Premature Ejaculation: Causes and Risk Factor

The actual reason for this is unknown. Your brain chemistry, on the other hand, could be somewhat to blame. Men with low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in their brains take less time to ejaculate.

Emotional factors may play a role:

  • Guilt
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Lack of self-assurance or a poor physical appearance
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Negative feelings regarding sex (sexual repression)

PE can also be triggered by a variety of physical conditions, including:

  • Out-of-whack amounts of neurotransmitters (an imbalance of the chemicals in your brain that pass messages or impulses to the rest of your body)
  • Your parents' genetic features are passed down to you.
  • It's possible that your prostate or urethra are inflamed or infected (the tube that runs from your bladder and sends pee out of your body)
  • Hormone levels that are out of the ordinary
  • PE can be a problem for erectile dysfunction sufferers at times (ED). This happens when the penis does not remain firm enough for intercourse. Fearful of losing their erection, men may develop the practice of ejaculating frequently. It's a challenging habit to break.

    Erectile dysfunction can be treated to prevent premature ejaculation. There are a variety of medicinal options accessible.

    Premature Ejaculation Diagnosis

    Your doctor will almost certainly start by asking if the condition has always been there or if it is a new occurrence. They may want to know about your sexual life or relationships. A physical examination will very definitely be performed on you as well.

    If your doctor feels that emotional issues are causing your PE, he or she may refer you to a sex difficulties mental health specialist. If they detect a physical issue, they may recommend you to a urologist, a doctor who specializes in urinary system diseases.

    Premature Ejaculation Treatments and Home Remedies

    95 percent of men benefit from behavioral techniques that help them regulate ejaculation.

    Putting the brakes on and off: You or your partner excite your penis to the point that you believe you're going to experience an orgasm. Stop the arousal for 30 seconds or until you no longer feel it. Restart the stimulation process and repeat three or four more times till you ejaculate.

    The Squeeze: It works in a similar way to the start/stop method. When you or your partner is on the verge of orgasm, you or your partner squeezes the head of your penis until the erection goes away. Repeat this method a few times before ejaculating.

    Some men believe that concentrating on something else during sex helps them last longer.

    If those suggestions don't work, you could try the following:

    Strengthen your muscles: Weak pelvic floor muscles might lead to PE. Kegel exercises may help to strengthen them. Stopping your pee in the middle of its flow will assist you in identifying the muscles that need to be tightened. Hold them in place for 3 seconds before releasing them. Do this ten times a day, at least three times a day.

    Wear a condom to help you become less sensitized and last longer.

    Masturbation a few hours before sex: Some men believe that masturbating a few hours before sex helps them maintain control during sexual activity.

    Seek counseling: A psychologist or psychiatrist can help you deal with issues like depression, worry, or stress, which could be causing your PE.

    If none of these therapies work, your doctor may advise you to take medication. While there are no drugs specifically licensed to treat PE, medications used to treat other disorders may be useful in some cases. This is known as "off-label" usage.

    Here are a few examples:

    Antidepressants: Several selective serotonin reuptake medications cause delayed orgasm as a side effect (SSRIs). These medications, however, entail side effects include nausea and drowsiness. They can also reduce your desire to have sex. As a result, you're most likely exchanging one problem for another. What is best for you will be decided by you and your physician.

    Tramadol is a pain reliever that has been linked to a delay in ejaculation. It may be suggested if antidepressants do not work. You may not be able to use this medicine since it is addictive.

    Anesthetic lotions or sprays are used to diminish sensitivity in the head of your penis. Allow 30 minutes for the process to complete. To avoid losing your erection or causing your partner to lose feeling, it must be washed off before intercourse.

    Medications for erectile dysfunction may also help men sustain an erection. Some of them are sildenafil citrate (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil HCI (Levitra).

    Premature Ejaculation Complications

    If PE is causing problems in your relationship, the first step is to talk about it. A therapist who specializes in relationships or sex issues may be able to help you.

    Because sperm may not reach an egg in time to fertilize it, or because PE-related depression may reduce sex drive and performance, it might be difficult to start a family. A fertility specialist can talk to you and your spouse about other options.

    sexual wellness

    About the Creator

    obafemi samuel

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