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"Pomegranate" can not just eat?

Is pomegranate a hot or cool fruit?

By Phil HolzerPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

As early as the Jin Dynasty, pomegranate was praised for its ability to heal thirst, quench effects and stop drunkenness. Pomegranate can strengthen the stomach and appetite, and it is also effective for those who drink too much alcohol.

Pomegranate is a particularly popular fruit, not only is it sweet and sour, but it also looks very beautiful. When you open a pomegranate, you can see that the fruit inside is crystal clear, full, and attractive, like a ruby with the magic of attraction.

Do not underestimate the fruit of the pomegranate, which is rich in nutrients and juicy. Eating pomegranate in moderation can provide enough nutrients for the body, reduce the body's burden, and pomegranate also has certain medicinal value.



About pomegranate

Is the sugar content of pomegranate high?

The sugar content of pomegranate is 12%-17%, and the calorie is about 70 calories (per 100g of edible flesh), which is a medium sugar content fruit, and it will not cause obesity in normal people in moderation.

And obese people can also use pomegranate as a healthy sweet alternative to snacks, in which the sugar can not only provide energy for the body but also help to lose weight.

However, for patients with high blood sugar and diabetes, it is not recommended to eat it when the blood sugar is not stable to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar. Her, patients with well-controlled blood sugar, can be consumed in small quantities between meals after asking the doctor.

Does eating pomegranate make you hot or lower your fire?

Too much pomegranate may easily cause fire, appropriate to eat some have a certain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, in the prevention of internal parasites also has a certain effect.

Although pomegranate is good, it should not be eaten more. Pomegranate has a lot of sugar, so eating too much will cause a fire. So be careful to eat in moderation. Pomegranate contains trace elements and a variety of amino acids, which can help digestion and anti-stomach ulcers.

According to Chinese medicine, pomegranate is warm, sweet, sour, and astringent, and has the effect of quenching thirst, diarrhea, and blood. It can treat dry mouth, dry throat, and irritable thirst. For people who drink too much alcohol, pomegranate also has the effect of relieving alcohol.

[Is pomegranate a hot or cool fruit?

Doctor Pomegranate is not hot or cool.

It belongs to a flat fruit, also called guava. Its nutritional value is very rich, containing a lot of vitamin C and potassium ions, which can effectively enhance the heart's ejection capacity.

Among other things, vitamin A improves vision and delays fatigue. Calcium ions can also increase the strength of bones and prevent osteoporosis. Moderate consumption of guava can also absorb a large amount of dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, relieve constipation, and lower blood pressure.



Pomegranate is known as the "Chinese miracle fruit", eating pomegranate has 6 major benefits!

1. Cardiovascular protection

Pomegranate contains a variety of antioxidant components, organic acids, and traces of elements, these substances work in concert.

Can reduce cholesterol deposition in the blood vessel wall, play a role in softening blood vessels, and prevent blood vessel blockage, thus helping to prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

2. Helps digestion

The most common thing we think of when supplementing vitamins is to eat apples, pears, and other fruits, but in fact, pomegranate is higher than them in terms of vitamin content. Therefore, the nutritional value of pomegranate is much higher than the common apples and pears in autumn.

In addition, pomegranate is also rich in organic acids, which can help us effectively digest the food in our stomach and promote the better absorption of the nutrients in these foods. So when you have indigestion in autumn, try the more nutritious pomegranate.

3. Beauty and anti-aging

Pomegranate contains a large number of polyphenols, anthocyanins, linoleic acid, and a variety of vitamins, these nutrients have a very good effect in antioxidants and whitening, eat more pomegranate can be beautiful and anti-aging.

The extract of pomegranate can also be used as the active ingredient of cosmetics, which has good beauty and skincare effects.

4. Help antibacterial

Pomegranate has a significant inhibitory effect on Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolytic, Vibrio cholera, and Bacillus dysenteriae.

It also has different degrees of inhibitory effect on various skin fungi, and pomegranate peel decoction can also inhibit the influenza virus.

5. Help supplement nutrition

Pomegranate is rich in fruit sugar, high-quality protein, etc. It can replenish the body's energy and heat as well as the body's missing trace elements and nutrients, help the body recover, quickly and relieve fatigue.

6. Anti-cell cancer

The vitamin C and carotene in pomegranate are effective in preventing cell carcinogenesis. And can prevent atherosclerosis and other effects.


"Pomegranate" can not just eat? Doctors remind: these 6 types of people usually eat as little as possible, it is recommended to know as soon as possible

1. Patients with dental caries

The taste of pomegranate is sweet and sour, and the inorganic salt and sugar content in pomegranate is not low, so the sugar in it is easy to corrode the teeth after eating it.

Patients with dental caries must stay away from pomegranates, and do not forget to clean their mouths after eating.

2. Constipated people

Are you surprised, is not said that pomegranate helps digestion? It turns out that it is the pomegranate seeds that help digestion, not the pomegranate itself. Pomegranate pulp contains tannin, which has the effect of astringent intestines and stomach, stopping diarrhea, so people who are constipated try to eat less pomegranate, otherwise, it will aggravate.

But you can eat some pomegranate seeds in moderation, such as Tunisian soft-seeded pomegranate, easy to chew, helps digestion, and has a certain effect on constipation.

3. Diabetic patients

For diabetic patients, it is also not recommended to eat too much pomegranate, although pomegranate is rich in nutritional value, and contains vitamin B and flavonoids, which have a certain relief for diabetes.

However, the sugar content of pomegranate is also relatively high, and too much intake can cause blood sugar fluctuations, so it is not recommended for this group of people to use too much at once.

4. People who have a cold

In many people's opinion, cold is a very normal situation, not serious, so even if there is a cold situation in daily life, it does not particularly care.

People who take cold medicine are not recommended to eat too much pomegranate because the nutrients in pomegranate are relatively very rich and very complex. So it is easy to affect the effect of the medicine, so I hope you can pay special attention.

5. Stone patients should eat less

Pomegranate contains tannic acid substances, which can easily react with the calcium in the body and form crystals that can be stored in the body in the form of kidney stones and gallstones, aggravating the condition.

6. Pregnant mothers

The reason why it is not recommended for pregnant women to eat a pomegranate is that pomegranate is warm food, it is easy to get fire when you eat too much of it, and it is easy to oxidize and blacken your teeth when you eat too much of it.


Extension: How to choose a pomegranate?


1. Look at whether the pomegranate skin is full or not, the fuller the fresher.

2. Look at the shape, the square pomegranate is better than the round one.

3. Look at the luster, the skin is smooth to shiny, which means the pomegranate is fresh, while the black spot on the surface means it is not fresh. Of course, a little black dot does not affect the quality of the pomegranate.

4. Look for scratches, intact pomegranate without wounds, better with branches, hanging in a ventilated and dry place, and can be placed for a long time.


About the Creator

Phil Holzer

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