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Our eyes are a vital organ for longevity, yet many people disregard them.

This is for you!

By ShashiniPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Cognitive and cardiovascular health are frequently the first things that come to mind when considering lifespan. Taking care of your heart and mind are important both now and in the future, but many people neglect to properly care for their eyes, another important longevity organ that has a significant impact on their quality of life as they age.

According to neuroscientist and expert on cognitive health Milene Brownlow, Ph.D., "Given the many physiological and anatomical connections between the eyes and the brain, I consider eye health and brain health to be one and the same." The science supporting the link between maintaining eye health and a higher standard of living and longer lifespan is expanding.

As people spend more and more time each day in front of digital devices, eye health concerns have grown. In fact, according to the findings of a 2021 Statista study, nearly half of respondents spend roughly five to six hours each day on their phones—and that's without accounting for any time spent in front of a computer screen (for professional or recreational purposes).

It is evident that we now have a greater need than ever before to battle issues with eyesight brought on by prolonged screen use, including screen fatigue, exposure to blue light, and dry eyes.

The importance of vision longevity.

While some vision changes with aging are to be expected, it is crucial to maintain optimal visual performance to encourage lifespan and well-being in later life.

According to board-certified neurologist and environmental toxicologist Ilene Ruhoy, M.D., Ph.D., "The eyes are the window to our brains, and together they create our visual circuitry via a beautifully intricate network of photoreceptors, neurons, blood vessels, muscles, and more. Our eyes are also an oft-neglected organ when it comes to daily health practices."

Our eyes are undergoing burnout in this world of near focus excess (prolonged computer use, phones held close to our faces, etc.), and visual longevity is at risk, according to Ruhoy.

5 ways to optimize your eye health & longevity.

Fortunately, there are a number of things we can do right away to properly take care of our eye health and support long-term vision preservation:

1.ingest a complete dietary supplement for eye health: A easy and efficient strategy to support your vision health holistically is to take a high-quality supplement for visual longevity that contains clinically supported doses of important botanical components. For instance, mbg's eye health+ contains essential carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin to enhance general visual function and ocular blood flow as well as Patagonian maqui berry to enhance eye moisture and saffron to assist in protecting your eyes from environmental stressors (i.e., pollutants and free radicals).

2.Add nutrient-rich, eye-healthy foods to your diet: Along with a comprehensive vision health supplement, regularly consuming foods high in nutrients like lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and copper can help support the health and longevity of your eyes.

3. Reduce your exposure to blue light: You can protect your eyes from blue light by wearing sunglasses outside, using blue light blockers when you're staring at a screen for a long time, and including the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin in your diet and supplement regimen. * These substances function as "internal sunglasses."

4. Put the 20-20-20 Rule into practice. For every 20 minutes you spend staring at a screen, spend 20 seconds concentrating on something that is 20 feet away. This straightforward guideline was created by optometrist Jeffrey Anshel, O.D., FAAO, in the 1990s to assist prevent digital eye strain and eye fatigue.

5. Exercise frequently: You probably already know that regular exercise is good for overall health as well as heart and brain longevity, but keeping up a regular training schedule also increases eye lifespan. In order to provide your eyes with enough oxygen and nutrients, exercise helps to enhance metabolic health and boosts blood flow to the choroidal, a thin layer of tissue located between the white layer of your eyes (sclera) and retinas.

The key to maximizing your longevity and expanding your healthspan is taking good care of your eyes.

Whether you choose to increase your weekly running mileage, increase the amount of fatty fish in your diet, or take a daily vision longevity supplement like mbg's eye health+, your eyes will appreciate the extra care you give them in the future.

Read the enthusiastic evaluations of optometrists, neuroscientists, research scientists, and registered dietitians about mbg's vision longevity supplement here. After that, give your eyes a vacation from the screen of your phone, computer, or tablet.


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