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Onions contain flavonoids and other substances that play an important role in lowering blood pressure, preventing blood clots, and protecting the brain and heart.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Onions contain flavonoids and other substances that play an important role in lowering blood pressure, preventing blood clots, and protecting the brain and heart. People who eat Onions regularly are 25 percent less likely to develop stomach cancer and 30 percent less likely to die from it than those who don't.

Onions are not only rich in potassium, vitamin C, folate, zinc, selenium, fiber and other nutrients, but also contain two special nutrients - quercetin and prostaglandin A. These two special nutrients give Onions health benefits that are irreplaceable in many other foods. Here's what Onions do, what they do, and what we don't know about them.

1, reduce blood pressure, prevent thrombosis

Onion contains prostaglandin A1(a strong vasodilator), can dilate blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, reduce blood viscosity, reduce the resistance of human peripheral blood vessels and heart coronary arteries, promote the excretion of sodium salt and other substances that cause blood pressure increase, but also can fight the human body catecholamine and other pressor substances. Regular consumption, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients have health care.

2. Lowering blood sugar

Quercetin in Onions is an organic substance similar to the hypoglycemic drug methylbutamide, which stimulates insulin cells and increases the secretion of insulin. Diabetic patients eat 25 ~ 50 grams of onion per meal, can play a better hypoglycemic and diuretic effect.

3. Prevent osteoporosis

When Swiss researchers fed male rats a gram of dried onion a day for four weeks, their bone mass increased by an average of 13.5 to 18 percent. Another group of experiments found that rats fed mixed vegetables containing Onions reduced bone loss. Ovaries removed female rats fed 1.5 grams of onion a day reduced the rate of bone loss by 25 percent.

4. Anti-cancer and anti-aging

Onions contain a substance called quercus flavin, which is a natural anticancer substance; Containing diallyl trisulfide, it can cause tumor cell apoptosis and inhibit tumor cell proliferation. Rich in flavonoids and trace element selenium, with free radical scavenging, antioxidant effects. It can also make the human body produce a large amount of glutathione, enhance the vitality and metabolic capacity of cells, with anti-cancer and anti-aging effect.

5, reduce blood lipid

Onion contains diallyl disulfide and thioline, allicin and other substances, can reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, prevent vascular sclerosis. In patients with hyperlipidemia, serum cholesterol, triglyceride and β-lipoprotein were significantly reduced after a period of consumption. Eating half an onion raw every day, or drinking the same amount of onion juice, can protect the heart.

4 avoid

1, avoid honey to eat together is not good for the eyes, will cause eye discomfort.

2, avoid kelp kelp inside contains rich iodine and calcium, onion contains oxalic acid, onion and kelp eat together easy to form stones.

3, avoid fish fish contains rich protein, oxalic acid in the onion will decompose, destroy the rich protein in the fish, so that the precipitation, not easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body.

4, onion and shrimp Onion and shrimp can not eat together, shrimp formation of calcium oxalate to produce stones.

These three types of people should not eat more: people with skin diseases, people with eye diseases, people with gastrointestinal injuries. These groups of people eat Onions to moderate, may aggravate the disease.

1 easy to cause eye paste, can cause eye disease.

2. People with pruritus skin disease, eye disease, stomach disease, lung and stomach inflammation should eat less.

3. Onion is hot and warm. Fever patients should eat it carefully.

4. The spicy taste of onion has an irritating effect on the eyes. When suffering from eye diseases and eye congestion, it is not appropriate to cut Onions.

Westerners are used to using Onions as ingredients and can be seen in many cuisines.


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