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One Super Nutrient to Add Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years.

Make sure you get enough of this for brain, joints, heart, nerves

By Dean GeePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
One Super Nutrient to Add Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years.
Photo by Cloris Ying on Unsplash

Ok that photo above, I want to eat that! Who’s with me?

I worked at pharmaceutical and supplement companies for many years throughout my career. A CEO of one of those companies had one supplement that he would take and forsake all others. That super nutrient is the subject of this article. He said to me once, “If there was only one supplement I could take, it would be this one, then he added, if I could take two, my second choice would be probiotics.”

So what is the one that he placed even above the power of probiotics, well read on to find out.

Sometimes there is this one thing that rather small can have a major impact on our health, as the saying goes ‘the devil is in the detail’ in his case the blessing is in the details, the details of our chromosomes, but don’t worry I won’t get all ‘sciency’ I will make it more of an analogy, analogies work better and help me too to remember science info.

Let's start with our chromosomes. We all have ‘end caps’ on our chromosomes. These end caps determine our longevity. Think of them like the plastic ends of shoelaces that stop the laces from fraying.

Well, these chromosomal end caps stop your chromosomes from damage. They have projected, the longer those end caps are the longer you to live.

As we age, these end caps shorten, so it is in our best interests if we want to live as long as possible to protect these end caps from shortening.

Not only does the ocean supply life giving oxygen to us, but it we also receive an extremely important life lengthening nutrient from the ocean too.

The ‘Journal of American Medical Association’ found that adults who had higher levels of a particular nutrient had lower levels of telomere shortening.

This nutrient has a positive effect on heart health by supporting the circulatory system and keeping the blood vessels healthy. It also reduces inflammation.

There are two specific sub nutrients that make up this super nutrient that are best absorbed by the body and there is a third way to receive this nutrient through plant-based diets however this third sub nutrient through plant based sources is not as effective as the nutrients that come from the ocean.

The plant format of this nutrient is just not as well absorbed and not as available to the body as the ocean sourced forms.

This super nutrient boosts brain function and the increase of grey matter within the brain, so to protect and enhance your thinking and brain power as you get older, you would want to use the ocean source of this nutrient.

Our brains are made of fatty tissue and this super nutrient has a specific fatty combination that feeds our brains. The fatty acid this super nutrient supplies is one of the most abundant fatty acids in the brain.

This nutrient also keeps our nervous system in perfect working order. Without nerves, we are but blobs of flesh with no utility.

This super nutrient also enhances eye health through supplying and supporting pigments in our eyes that form images from the light that reaches the eye.

Joint health, this super nutrient reduces inflammation and supports joint health, too, working positively on comfort, function and mobility. It has an anti-oxidative effect and that too assists with keeping the entire body healthy and mobile.

Remember these six letters, EPA and DHA, they are the crucial fatty acids that are the building blocks of the marine fatty acids that we should all get more of if we want to live longer and healthier lives.

DHA, particularly, is the one for brain development and cognition. They fortify some baby foods now with this nutrient, building those brains of tomorrow.

Yes, if you hadn’t guessed it, oily and fatty fish, and fish oils containing the two crucial fatty acids are the key to a healthy functioning body.

An 11 year study by the American Journal of Nutrition showed a direct correlation between Omega-3 Fatty acid levels and longevity.

Let me know what you think? What would be the one super nutrient you wouldn’t live without? Do you have one?

Once again, my disclaimer, I am not giving nutrition advice. I am merely writing about what I have found interesting in researching the world of nutrition, and you should always consult a dietician or doctor before making nutritional choices, if you are worried about your health. We are all unique, and our bodies are very complex.


About the Creator

Dean Gee

Inquisitive Questioner, Creative Ideas person. Marketing Director. I love to write about life and nutrition, and navigating the corporate world.

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