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One of the Libra-est Libras You'll Know

I expected more differences in my star sign description, I was wrong.

By Giorgos PantsiosPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
One of the Libra-est Libras You'll Know
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Let me be frank with you. Star signs? They don't mean much to me.

I'm more busy living my life than searching for meaning in my life. With that said, I checked my star sign some years ago, while having a conversation with another person, and I was amazed.

The characteristics were on point, I found more common than differences. It was like reading a sum up of my life.

Born on October the 8th. I know 2 more people born the same day as me, and we share a lot of common characteristics as well. It's safe to assume that you can understand someone's character briefly from knowing their birthday.

For the first time, I'll dive into some more specifics as well.

Let's start!

For the sake of research, all traits of Libras will be observed from Astrology Zodiac Signs.

Libra Traits

Strengths: Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded. social

Yes, I'm really cooperative, as I like to go well with others mostly. I'm not the type of person that will raise his voice to others to do what I want.

I'm diplomatic for the same reason of trying to go well with others.

I'm gracious as well. I try to be kind to every soul that goes through my path.

I dislike injustice (you'll see later), so I try to be fair with everyone. I usually aim to be objective to achieve fairness.

Nope, I'm not social. That differs a lot from my reality because I love staying home, avoiding interaction with people that I don't know.

I have 4/5 common strengths with the typical Libra

Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity.

If I don't rethink a decision a thousand times, I won't do it. Huge weakness...

I avoid confrontations as much as I avoid eye contact. Sorry, not sorry.

I won't carry a grudge though. I'm gentle with everyone on the inside and on the outside.

But for self-pity...Ask my friends how often I tell a self-burn joke. An alarming frequency of this kind of jokes...

I have 3/4 common weaknesses with the typical Libra

Likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors.

I love harmony. I like it when things go as I expected them. I love keeping the balance I created in my mind and if that breaks, I feel out of place.

Gentleness is an important part of other people that I love to notice. I can't deal with non-gentle people. It irritates me.

Sharing with others? Nope. I love loneliness all in all. It's not that I mind sharing moments with friends. But if we compare sharing vs not sharing, not sharing wins.

The outdoors? Ehhhh... Depends again. I'm picky when I like the outdoors more than indoors. But history has shown again that the winner is indoors.

I have 2/4 common likes with the typical Libra

Dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity.

I despise violence. Like I can't even hit someone to save my life. That much I hate violence. Real-life violence, because in movies or games, I don't mind it.

I despise injustice as well. It's one of the view things that irritates me so bad. It makes my heart pump like crazy. An inner war inside me starts. Maybe it's the only thing that could make me violent, actually.

I hate loudmouths as well. For a person that lives with his parents and has a loudmouth mother, I wanna award myself for keeping it cool.

The most vivid example of me hating conformity is my likings. I like the band that you never heard of and I hate following the 9-5 career. Here we are, me writing and you reading. I don't like trends, and moreover, I don't like people following trends without thinking.

I have 4/4 common dislikes with the typical Libra

13/17 traits are correct between me and my zodiac sign.

Libra Love and Sex

Once they start a romantic relationship, maintaining peace and harmony become their goal.

Yes, I totally agree with this sentence. I already mentioned my love for harmony and order. I crave a relationship where mind and soul are kept in line and it's what I tend to pursue.

Libra is the sign of marriage, making its representatives open for traditional pathways of love.

Totally disagreeing with this one though. I have a non-traditional character. I'm not fond of marriage as well. I want to share my life with someone, but in a more progressive way.

They search for a deep, meaningful relationship. They don’t have trouble relating with people they aren’t really close to. The only true satisfaction in their love life comes from the complete surrender of body and soul.

I seek for soul connection more than I seek for body connection. The pure combination of them both, makes me surrender to the woman that draws me.

When that happens, I'm ready to go all-in for that relationship. The past made me a little precautious, so I can't go all-in that easily anymore. But as I become wiser, I understand my limits and what's good for me. I'm ready to take the next step in life.

An overall 2/3 match in Love and Sex Life

Libra Friends and Family


Tactful and calm, they can communicate through any problem if they want to, and will often help others understand the other side of their personal conflicts and trouble with other people.

I will give my insight on this sentence only about friends. I agree with the whole friend's part, but this one is totally me.

I love to give my friends the other side of the coin. It's for this reason that they ask me for advice. I always try to make the right questions to them, than to offer the right answers. It's important for me to offer them an objectively correct way to make a choice.


These individuals have a tendency to agree with their parents and siblings only to avoid conflict.

I seek harmony. What happens when I come into a disagreement with my mother? Harmony is lost.

She always gets it her way, so It's pointless for me and my harmony to get annoyed. So yes, I avoid conflict indeed.

They need to nurture their personality and often turn to solitude only to discover their own point of view among many.

In solitude, I often find what's right. Sometimes getting my point to someone isn't the way to make them understand. So I rely on solitude to create my point of view.

I see a 4/5 similarity in Friends and Family.

Libra Career and Money

They will not commit to working without setting apart enough time for their private life and their loved ones. If they do, they will feel like they need to set free from it.

Totally agreeing here, I love maintaining a balance between career and life. Often I create more time for myself than for my career. Being a freelance writer makes it easy for me to escape working in order to live my life.

As soon as they start questioning their financial choices, chances are they won’t even spend any money at all. Simply because it was hard to make a decision of any kind.

What's the easiest way to save money? Not buying anything because of indecision...

Again, a 4/5 similarity in Career and Money.

10/13 in life characteristics.

The Libra Man

I'll try to create a listicle here, to save you some reading time.

Libra Man in Love

  1. Dependent on feeling attractive and loved: ✅
  2. You will know he loves you when he starts talking about marriage:❌
  3. A Libra man can move too fast, scaring his partner away with expectations that seem unreal: ✅
  4. He can’t waste his time on relationships with no future or depth: ✅

Libra Man Sexuality

  1. He cares about his partner’s pleasure:
  2. Loves the creative satisfaction behind the act:
  3. Being too formal, strict, cold, or stiff:

Libra Man in Relationships

  1. A Libra man can act like a little, insulted child: ❌
  2. will stay in a relationship for a long time if he decides to be with someone: ✅
  3. He will not give up at the first sight of difficulty and he will trust his feelings without a doubt: ❌
  4. He will remain calm and try to show a just way to resolve any issue in his partner’s life:✅
  5. There is a great chance he will put too much focus on his partner lacking the ability to turn to himself and build his own life: ❌

Can you Trust the Libra Man?

  1. He can change quite a few partners, some of them coinciding in time:
  2. Low self-esteem:
  3. Give up on his principles:
  4. If he truly decides he wants to be with you exclusively, he will never break his promise of fidelity:

A 12/17 similarity with the Libra Man.

Final Thoughts

This is more similar to me than I expected.

With an overall 35/47 similar characteristics, I believe that I can trust zodiac signs a little bit more.

My traits are 13/17 on point.

My characteristics are 10/13 on point.

I look 12/17 like the typical Libra man.

I didn't expect to find this research that amusing. But here I am, 2 hours later, with a detailed sum up of my zodiac sign compared to myself as an entity.

I believe that we are all one in this universe. I do not have the answer of if astrology is right, but given this research, I came closer to understand that it's not wrong either.

I hope that you'll find my piece fun.


About the Creator

Giorgos Pantsios

Fulltime Writer | Fulltime learner | Polymath from Greece | Exploring life | Modern Philosopher | Phone Photographer https://linktr.ee/giorgospantsios

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