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Oats, Seed Oils, and Salt: Debunking the Popular Myths

Enjoy your morning porridge

By Christina Boon mANP mGNCPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

Oats, Seed Oils, and Salt: Debunking the Popular Myths About Their Health Implications

In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, there are often conflicting opinions and myths surrounding certain foods and ingredients. Three such controversial topics are oats, seed oils, and salt. These dietary components have been both praised and vilified in various circles, leading to confusion among consumers. In this article, we will debunk the popular myths that suggest that oats, seed oils, and salt are universally bad for your health. We will rely on scientific evidence from PubMed and discuss the nutritional content of oats, with a focus on beta-glucans and fibre.

Oats: The Nutritional Powerhouse

By Celina on Unsplash

Oats, often underestimated in their nutritional value, are a versatile and wholesome grain. They are commonly consumed as oatmeal, rolled oats, or oat flour, and they provide a wide array of nutrients that can benefit your health. Oats are rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

1. Fibre and Beta-Glucans: The Heart-Healthy Duo

One of the most celebrated aspects of oats is their high fibre content, including a unique type of soluble fibre known as beta-glucans. Beta-glucans have been extensively studied for their positive impact on heart health. Numerous studies published on PubMed confirm their cholesterol-lowering effects.

A randomized controlled trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007) found that daily consumption of beta-glucan-rich oat bran significantly lowered total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in adults with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. These results demonstrate that oats can play a vital role in managing cardiovascular risk factors.

Moreover, a meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) combined the findings of 28 studies and concluded that beta-glucans from oats can effectively lower both total and LDL cholesterol levels. The study further emphasized the importance of incorporating oats into a heart-healthy diet.

Apart from their cholesterol-lowering properties, beta-glucans also have a positive impact on blood sugar control. They slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, leading to better glycaemic control. This property makes oats a particularly suitable choice for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to prevent it.

2. Micronutrients and Antioxidants

Oats are not just a source of fibre and beta-glucans; they also contain essential vitamins and minerals. A serving of oats provides a significant portion of your daily recommended intake of manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. These micronutrients are crucial for various bodily functions, including bone health, energy metabolism, and immune support.

Additionally, oats are packed with antioxidants, including avenanthramides. These compounds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties. A study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (2015) highlighted the potential of topical oat preparations for managing various dermatological conditions.

In summary, oats are a nutritional powerhouse that offers numerous health benefits. Their fibre and beta-glucan content can help lower cholesterol and manage blood sugar levels. Moreover, the rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in oats contributes to overall well-being.

Debunking the Myth: Seed Oils Are Unhealthy

By Juan Gomez on Unsplash

Seed oils, including sunflower oil, safflower oil, and corn oil, have been the subject of considerable debate regarding their health implications. Some critics argue that these oils are harmful due to their omega-6 fatty acid content, which is often associated with inflammation and chronic diseases. However, a closer look at the evidence reveals a more nuanced perspective.

1. The Omega-6 Controversy

Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats commonly found in seed oils. While it is true that excessive intake of omega-6 fatty acids, especially in relation to omega-3 fatty acids, can promote inflammation in the body, it is important to emphasize that not all omega-6 fatty acids are created equal.

One omega-6 fatty acid, known as linoleic acid, is abundant in many seed oils. Linoleic acid is considered an essential fatty acid, meaning it cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from the diet. Research published in the Journal of Lipid Research (2013) suggests that linoleic acid plays a crucial role in maintaining skin and hair health, as well as supporting the growth and development of cells.

Furthermore, a meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) concluded that there is no consistent evidence linking linoleic acid intake to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Instead, the authors emphasized the importance of considering the overall dietary pattern and lifestyle factors when assessing health outcomes.

2. Quality Matters: Choose Unprocessed Seed Oils

The key to reaping the potential benefits of seed oils while minimizing any potential risks lies in the quality and processing of the oils. Unprocessed, cold-pressed seed oils tend to retain more of their natural antioxidants and phytonutrients. These compounds can counteract the oxidative stress associated with excessive omega-6 intake.

Additionally, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet is crucial. A diet that includes a variety of omega-3-rich foods, such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can help balance the omega-6 intake. This balanced approach promotes a healthier fatty acid profile in the body.

In summary, while the omega-6 fatty acids found in seed oils have been a topic of controversy, it is important to consider the type of omega-6 fatty acid and the overall dietary context. When consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, unprocessed seed oils can be a valuable source of essential fatty acids and nutrients.

Salt: The Role of Sodium in the Diet

By Max Kleinen on Unsplash

Salt, or sodium chloride, has been a staple seasoning for centuries. However, concerns about excessive salt consumption and its potential negative effects on health have led to widespread misconceptions. To set the record straight, it is essential to understand the role of sodium in the diet and the importance of moderation.

1. Sodium: A Vital Electrolyte

Sodium is an essential electrolyte that plays a fundamental role in various physiological processes. It helps regulate blood pressure, fluid balance, and the function of nerves and muscles. Without an adequate intake of sodium, the body cannot maintain these crucial functions.

2. The Dangers of Excessive Sodium Intake

While sodium is necessary for health, excessive consumption can lead to health problems, particularly high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, it is crucial to manage sodium intake to reduce this risk.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams per day for adults. However, the average American consumes much more than this, primarily due to the high sodium content in processed and restaurant foods.

3. The Role of Processed Foods

One of the main sources of excessive sodium in the diet is processed and packaged foods. These products often contain hidden sodium, used for flavour enhancement and preservation. Consuming a diet high in processed foods can significantly contribute to sodium intake.

It is essential for individuals to be mindful of their sodium intake and read food labels carefully. Choosing fresh, whole foods and cooking at home can help control sodium intake and promote better overall health.

4. Individual Variability

It's important to note that individual sodium sensitivity varies. While some individuals may be more sensitive to

the hypertensive effects of sodium, others may tolerate higher intakes without adverse health effects. Factors such as genetics, age, and overall diet can influence an individual's response to sodium.


In conclusion, oats, seed oils, and salt are three dietary components that have been the subject of various myths and misconceptions regarding their health implications. However, when examined through the lens of scientific evidence, these myths can be debunked.

Oats are a nutritional powerhouse, rich in fibre, beta-glucans, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Their positive impact on heart health and blood sugar control is well-documented, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Seed oils, particularly those containing omega-6 fatty acids, have faced controversy. While it is important to maintain a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, unprocessed seed oils can provide essential nutrients and should not be universally vilified.

Salt, as a source of sodium, is essential for various bodily functions. While excessive sodium intake can be harmful, it is crucial to differentiate between the role of sodium in health and the dangers of overconsumption, primarily driven by processed foods.

Ultimately, the key to a healthy diet lies in moderation, balance, and an understanding of individual needs and sensitivities. By making informed dietary choices and relying on scientific evidence, we can enjoy the benefits of oats, seed oils, and salt while minimizing potential risks to our health.


About the Creator

Christina Boon mANP mGNC

Christina is a Registered Nutritional Therapist & Director of Naturobotanica based in the Uk & specialising in Vitamins & supplements

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