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Do things that gives you inner peace.

By Anonymous RPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Needle & Thread
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Self-Care During a Full Moon

Every day, we skillfully maneuver through life and it’s important to find time to disconnect from the world and allow for some personal self-care time. I am here to share with you a creative way that I use to connect to my inner peace, and I hope this information can resonate and be some form of benefit to your life as well.

One night, go out and look up at the sky and feel such strong connection from the Full Moon. While the moon is in her full state, it’s a beautiful sight to see. What’s interesting about the Full Moon is that it pulls the tides and waves of the earth, in connection to our bodies. After all, our bodies is made up of 60% water and because of that it’s important to engage in some self-care during the Full Moon. It is essential that we take care of ourselves, so spending time with the Full Moon is a perfect way to get in touch with yourself and also the universe.

By Johnny Kaufman on Unsplash

A great suggest would be to keep a moon diary. Whenever there’s a Full Moon, you can recall on how you felt, the thoughts you had, how you behaved, and what happened. Because Full Moon rituals has been around for hundreds of years, there are equally enjoyable energies that comes from sitting and observing the Full Moon. Self-care during a Full Moon works wonders and I’m here to share with you some useful options to help provide inner peace. Please note that you can choose any one or all three to really be in a wonderful mood and release any stress, tension, or anxiety. Each option listed will have detailed information, so that you understand the concept and can soon add it to your daily routine.

By Jen Theodore on Unsplash

1. A Crystal Ritual for Connecting to Your Higher Self

The moon and crystals work well together, due to what they both represent together – both represent magic, enables you to tap into your inner Yin, and enables development of deeper intuition. Doing crystal rituals can help you to connect with your higher self, which allows you to receive messages from your soul within, to align you with your true purpose.

When it comes to selecting crystals, moonstone and selenite works really well under the Full Moon. The Yin energy is so powerful that it can help you to connect with your own. Take the crystals of your choice and place them in front of you, on a table, or on the ground. While doing this, be sure that you are in a quiet setting where no one can or will disturb you. Another way to connect with your crystals would be to play some meditation music. Meditating before you complete your ritual is important because it indicates that your mind is free and open to receiving messages.

During your ritual, say to yourself “I wish to connect to my higher self.” Listen for any words that in or any thoughts that come to mind. Afterwards, write down what you saw, heard, or felt. Crystal rituals are calming to do because you sense relaxation after, unless you received messages that are opposite feelings. If that’s the case, don’t panic, it’s just that your higher self wants you to be alarmed and relay messages to you in the way that works for your best interest.

If you are a beginner with using stones or crystals, I will also provide detailed information for beginners below.

For beginners, if you want to incorporate crystals into your life, you have to approach it with an open and truthful heart, as well as be open-minded. The use of crystals for healing goes back to over 6,000 years ago. Crystals and stones are forms of alternative medicine that harnesses healing energies of stones and crystals. They have the ability to rid the body of negative energies. The more open-minded you are to the concept of using crystals and stones, the more likely working with either or will work for you.

Crystals and stones interact with us by allowing us to harness our energies for our own means. Crystal healing employs energies that we may not understand and that’s ok. This type of ritual dives deep into the soul aspect of our being. If you believe in it, it will work. Also, crystal healing can help you to overcome troublesome times in your life. It also helps through problems and finding peaceful resolutions. In turn, you should feel more positive, be stronger, and a better person.

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So, How Does Crystal Healing Work?

Crystals are referred to as chakra stones as each stone has different properties. If you don’t know, chakras are focal points within the body that are thought to be the center of spiritual powers and energies. These energies guides our emotions, digestive function, immune function, and other process throughout our bodies. The placement of the chakra stones and the type of stone used depends on the symptoms and desired outcomes of the person that is being healed. Crystal healing aims to help stabilize energy that is imbalanced that could be contributing to negative symptoms.

How Can You Get Started?

You’re probably curious as to how to get started and I’m here to tell you that getting started is a simple process. All you have to do is believe that the stones and crystals represents and channels positive energy that you want to bring into your life. Chakra crystals are helpful when cleansing, re-energizing, and re-balancing your energy.

By Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

How to Use Healing Stones & Crystals

Wear or pocket your healing crystals. It’s important that you keep the stones and crystals in close proximity to you throughout your day, because it repels the negative energy and attracts positive energy. You can wear crystals as jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, anklets, rings, earrings. Embracing the energy of the stone and crystals you have with you by holding it in your hands and focus on positive vibes while inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Using crystals as meditation tools. Meditation is the practice of focusing on your thoughts, object, or project to achieve emotional and mental clarity. The crystals are a guide during meditation to remind you of the intention(s) you set when you first started carrying it.

Placing healing crystals under your pillow. Doing this can ensure a good night’s sleep. It also guides your subconscious mind to work through problems that the conscious part of your mind cannot, literally working to solve your problems overnight.

• Keep crystals in a designated place in your home. Having stones or crystals displayed in the home is a good way to attract positive and energy and remove negative energy.

By Joyce McCown on Unsplash

Chakra stones and crystals come in different styles and colors. However, the colors of the stones and crystals have influential meaning and energy that each stone and crystal hold. In order to determine which stones or crystals are right for you, consult with a crystal healing guide. Each stone and crystal have different meanings. Check out the color list and their meanings below.

white/clear crystals are associated with cleansing your energy when it comes to mental clarity. try using quartz crystals to connect with cleansing your energy.

brown crystals such as petrified wood or halite, represents nature in the sense to help ground you. brown colored crystals guide and help you to find direction.

red crystals are used to re-energize. you can use crystals such as ruby or red Jasper.

yellow crystals are linked to happiness and optimism. Crystals that are citrine are used to help realign your energy.

green crystals work when seeking balance and harmony. These crystals align with nature to find the appropriate balance between all aspects of life.

blue crystals such as aquamarine gives a calming effect. They can help with communicating effectively and being open.

black crystals are said to help shield you from harm and protective properties.

Try Healing Your Crystals to Find Balance

Healing crystals symbolize positive energy. If you’re feeling lost and need to be redirected, these crystals and stones can help guide you to regain your mind, body, and soul balance. Allow yourself to explore crystal healing. Discover the positive vibes and incorporate that energy in your daily routine to uplift yourself and others around you.

By Hanna Postova on Unsplash

2. A Bathing Ritual to Align with Internal Energies

A self-care ritual during a Full Moon wouldn’t be the same without incorporating water. This type of Full Moon ritual helps align you to your internal energy. It’s extremely useful when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted from life or carrying other people’s burdens. It involves submerging yourself in a body of water OR you can fill a bowl with warm water and dip your hands and feet in it, depending on which feels best for you. After you’ve submerged yourself (the entire body or just hands and feet), inhale deeply and exhale after holding your breath for at least 5 seconds. Combing this breathing exercise and water helps to release the tension from within and allows your inner energies to align with each other.

By Robert Metz on Unsplash

3. A Releasing Ritual to Start Anew

The Full Moon is a powerful time of releasing. It is when we connect with our higher selves to release what no longer serves us. Releasing rituals simply involves paper and a writing utensil – or even just your thoughts. Find a quiet space to sit and allow your mind to rest. During this moment think about the things that you need to release in your life. Whatever it is needed to be released, jot it down and say, “I release this from my life.” You may not feel anything at first but trust that the moon heard you.

I will share with you a ritual for the Full Moon that could be another tool to use when to give you inner peace.

A Ritual for the Full Moon

A Full Moon is a time to release things that no longer serves you, so that you can create space for the new opportunities that awaits you. This is the perfect time to add power to your intentions to release by doing a simple ritual ceremony for yourself. Doing this gets the power of the universe behind creating your deepest desires.

By CHIRAG K on Unsplash

What You Will Need

2 bowls, one suitable to burn paper in, one suitable to hold water in

1 candle

paper and writing utensil


Step 1 – Clear Your Energy

Allow all negative energies to be washed away. Free your mind from anything that may trigger you to be upset, stressed, have an anxiety attack. Relax.

Step 2 – Create a Sacred Space

Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Declutter and clear your mind. You can even place your chosen stones or crystals around you to help as well.

Step 3 – Set Your Space

This is where the candle comes into play. Place the candle near the two bowls – one empty and another that is filled with water. Sit in front of the bowls and candle.

Step 4 – Center Yourself

Take time (maybe 5-7 minutes) to meditate. Take a few deep breaths.

Step 5 – Release

This is where the paper and writing utensil comes in as you write out all that you wish to release from your life. When you’re done with your list, sign and date it. Breathe deep into your heart and declare the follow “I now let this go, and it is so.”

Step 6 – Let Go

Place a corner of the piece of paper over the candle allowing the paper to encounter the flame. As it is flaming, place the piece of paper into the empty bowl, watching the flames consume what you are releasing, the smoke is taking your intention to the universe. (Key Note – if your paper seems to struggle to burn, consider if you are really ready to release what no longer serves you. Only when you are truly ready to release the things that no longer serves you will the page burn – the faster the flames, the more it shows that you are willing to release.)

Step 7 – Cleanse

After doing that, place your hands into the bowl of water. This signifies cleansing of the old and opening up to the new. As you remove your hands from the water, take a deep breath.

Step 8 – Assimilate

Finally, sit in silence for 5-10 minutes to see if any inspiration comes. You can even journal around your thoughts. Allow your candle to burn out on its own.

By Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash

I hope you find this information useful and share it among others who could use self-care to find inner peace within, especially during a Full Moon. Full Moon rituals could be something you try once every now and then or you can make it a monthly habit during the Full Moon period. Keep in mind that the end results of these rituals are that you feel freer and more in tune with yourself as you continue to evolve. These rituals give the ability to guide you with greater ease.

Take Care!


About the Creator

Anonymous R

I’m born and raised in Atlanta, GA. I’m here to take on challenges that I can relate to and help motivate myself and others to push forward on a positive journey. Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.

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    Anonymous  RWritten by Anonymous R

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