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My Spiritual Awakening

Waking up to a dark society

By Monica DashPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

As I awoke from a cold sweat at 2:22 in the morning, I thought.. there’s definitely more going on with me than just the flu. “Is this what it feels like to lose your mind?” Little did I know, it was the beginning of my Spiritual Awakening.

With only 3 weeks left until the biggest day of my life, my wedding day, I tossed and turned all night moaning in pain from body aches, sweating from a high fever and blowing my nose to no end. Earlier that day, I had developed what I thought was merely a cold. Little did I know, at some point during my wild bachelorette weekend in New Orleans, I had contracted the flu virus.

a sick society

During the trip, several of my girlfriends and I participated in a massive Women’s March in New Orleans. The event rocked me. Sure, I’d followed the event on television the year prior, but to actually be there stirred something in me that was previously dormant. There was a Women’s Rights speaker that announced historical facts, she listed the years in which women gained certain freedoms and rights. My perspective was instantly widened and I truly began to realize the sickness of our society.

As mentioned, I developed the flu after my return home. Sure, I felt close to death, but with so much stress around wedding planning and literal body aches from dancing all night in NOLA, I soon realized that my body, mind and soul all craved the downtime. I suppose catching the flu virus was the universe’s way of telling me to SLOW DOWN. So after my soon to be hubby drove me home from the clinic, I drank lots of orange juice and rested.

a vibrating life source

During this time, I began to have earth shaking, lucid dreams. Having had a few hypnotherapy sessions in the past, I was familiar with meditation. I began to meditate daily. During these moments, I would feel my consciousness fade into the background as my subconscious came forth and uploaded new data from my intuition. While I was not necessarily conscience, I felt my entire being vibrate in a fast moving circular fashion. The feeling was blissful, there was no anxiety, no fear only peace.

listening to my intuition

Within this state my intuition spoke to me very clearly. The first message was concerning animals. As an Animal Empath, quite naturally my heart began to break. I began to realize the torture that millions of animals endure everyday. At one point during this time, while attempting to prepare a chicken dish with a whole roasted chicken, I completely burst into tears when faced with the task of shredding the flesh.

bursting bubbles

The next message that spoke to me was centered around my life’s purpose. With everything coming out in recent news surrounding, sexual assault, predatory behavior, narcissistic and verbal abuse, as a survivor, I began to open up to my family and close friends about my own tragic experiences. In an effort to understand the purpose of life a bit better, I began asking them about their perspectives based on their life experience. After completely opening my mind to a new reality, I began to develop a strong sense of knowing. For example, now I understand why certain people have attachment issues and constantly seek validation from toxic sources.

I realized that a large part of my life’s purpose is centered around bursting societal bubbles and presenting awareness. Only if we shed light on the darkness of our society can we began to heal it.

more than a coincidence

My Spirtual Awakening is still underway. Everyday a new synchronicity presents itself, whether its numerical (11:11, 222, 333, 444 etc) or an intense coincidence, I view it as a sign from the universe. Since the beginning of my awakening, I’ve ditched my meat eating diet and I’m now on a path to becoming full vegan.

Going through an Awakening can be very depressing if you are not actively working towards your life’s purpose. I currently meditate twice a day, spend at least 30 minutes in nature, and work on my life’s purpose everyday. Most of all, I try my hardest to lead a karma conscience life.


About the Creator

Monica Dash

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