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My Path to Wellness

Less resolution, more evolution.

By Samantha HearnPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Me and the moon. // Photography: Samantha Hearn

When I think of a resolution, it feels like an ending. A resolve to something. But as human beings, are we ever really fully resolved? I feel like I'm always evolving instead. I like to view my wellness as an ever expanding, ever growing, living, breathing thing.

I used to be such an angry woman. Full of jealousy, pettiness and constant drama. In effect, my business suffered. My livelihood suffered. My relationships suffered. And it's because I was choosing to suffer. I was allowing myself to be in a constant state of suffering and woe and pain. Even worse, I was unconsciously doing it, not realizing the inner power that every person has to choose their mindset and consequently - their reality. Often times, it's easy to be unconscious about our wellness. We get caught up in the news, and get angry at politicians that we'll never truly have a chance to speak to. We get caught up in our friendships and relationships, putting expectations on others and in the process, spoiling the incredible gift of Now.

But there's a breaking point, and it's different for everyone. Divorce, loss of friendship, a broken relationship, or worse. When I reached mine, a combination of financial troubles, deep friendship loss and harsh unrequited love that was broadcast on a highly embarrassing reality TV show, I had no choice but to spiritually evolve. The resolution was in those things ending, and the beautiful evolution could finally begin.

Even in the midst of all that was 2020, I still found a way to navigate through the darkness with daily self love and gratitude. It sounds peachy, but it's actually real work. You know what they say - the only way out is through. For this year, my evolution continues with the basics like daily meditation and journaling, but expands with a few new practices as well.

For starters, I'm ready to take my spiritual evolution into the physical. Am I trying to get absolutely snatched or shredded? Nah. But I do want to feel as alive as I possibly can. I've always loved a slow burn, and am not really into sweating or exerting too much energy to be honest. So I've signed up for online yoga classes that use a combination of breath and body work, helping me connect with my body and thrive in it. I haven't completely said no to things like sweets and yummy treats, but I do feel called to eat less animal products like bacon and steak. We'll see how that one goes, but for now I feel strength in knowing I'm caring for my body and mind so they can work together for my highest benefit.

I also want to evolve what I'm giving my attention to. Does it make me happy to consume the news 24/7? Absolutely not. Do I feel called to the news? Not really. I actually used to be a newspaper journalist, but I quit that lifestyle in 2015 for the same reasons I feel sickened by the media today. It's stressful. It's confusing. It's draining. Think if everyone who watched the news "to be informed of what's going on" because "they care about people" actually just logged off and spent that energy at a food bank, volunteering, or helping real people in the real, offline world. Practicing peace is my personal way of contributing to the greater good, instead of letting the media dictate my emotions and drain my precious time. Evolving beyond the need for constant updates is high on my to-do list this year for total wellness. The same goes for social media, a beast I battle daily.

I try to do something every day that sparks joy. Usually for me that means a nice, long bath. I've always been a bath girl, but I can evolve past water in a tub to include things that engage my senses like epsom salts, essential oils, flower petals, wine and music. And why not? Total wellness to me means treating yourself with the love and respect you'd want from a partner. Wouldn't I enjoy my lover running me a luxurious bath every day when I'm done with work? Absolutely, so when he's not here I do it for myself. I believe that treating ourselves how we want to be treated will attract those that want to treat you that way too. It raises the entire vibe of your life. Go ahead - treat yo' self. Take that bath.

Lastly, I want to be my most authentic self, all of the time. How often I have found I'll shrink myself or lower my energy because someone I'm around doesn't match me. How silly! This year I want to thrive and be my most positive self, no matter who is around me or what's happening in the world. Instead of joining in on dramatic conversations or complaining about things when a friend calls to vent, I'll listen diligently, and then shift that energy from negative to positive. No matter what anyone says, I truly believe there is always a positive. That mindset is exactly what took me from an angry, jealous, chaotic 20-something to the calm, grateful, zen version of myself today. That's something worth evolving into even more! Cheers to an abundant 2021 for ALL!


About the Creator

Samantha Hearn

Hi! I'm Sammy Hearn, a photographer and artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. I like to write all sorts of things - DIY how-to costume stuff, photo series, short poems, fiction, you name it. My work can be found at www.samanthahearn.com.

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