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Meditation Mudrās

By Michelle ChristianPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Meelika Marzzarella on Unsplash

What are mudrās?

Mudrās, Sanskrit for “seal”, are expressions made primarily with the hands and fingers. Some involve the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and other parts of the body. Each mudrā, essential aspects of both Hinduism and Buddhism, has varying ceremonial or ritual symbolism and significance. They are also utilized in meditation, yoga, and spiritual practices.

The history of mudrās, and the societies and traditions in which they are implemented, is truly fascinating. It is absolutely worth adding to your list of new things to discover!

Here's another way to explain it.

Mudrās are essentially gestures that, when used with breathing exercises, ceremonies, rituals, or dance, provide a path for the energies to flow to specific areas of the body, emotions, and behaviors. Each of your fingers represent a different element, similar to the pentacle for witchcraft, which represent certain body systems, emotions, and behaviors.

How are we intended to use mudrās?

There were countless recommendations and lists to follow when researching proper techniques to use mudrās. I have drafted what I believe to be the most critical steps however, personal preference may surpass any list you may discover.

Before Your Session…

  1. Warm the hands by rubbing together, the palms and backs, to stimulate the nerve endings. Be mindful of the sensations this action generates.
  2. Shake out the hands and arms to enhance circulations and release tension. Be mindful of the sensations this action generates.
  3. Rest the hands on the thighs. Be mindful of the sensations this action generates.
  4. Energize the fingers by extending the arms to the front with one palm facing up and one facing down. Open and close the hands rapidly, about ten times, before reversing orientation of the palms and repeating. Be mindful of the sensations this action generates.
  5. Bending the elbows, bring the palms together at the center to open the energy paths needed for the session. Be mindful of the sensations this action generates.
  6. Place the palms on the floor or ground, releasing and grounding the energy. Be mindful of the sensations this action generates.
  7. Appreciate the surrounding energies and begin the session. Be mindful of all thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations during and after the session.

Below are mudrās to help activate and balance each element within you. How you use each mudrā is ultimately what you are comfortable with and what your situational needs may be. Significance and use of each mudrā will be dependent your personal philosophies, practices, and research.

Varuna Mudrā (Water)

Press the tips of the thumb and little finger of each hand softly together while keeping the other three fingers gently stretched.

Prithvi Mudrā (Earth)

Press the tips of the thumb and ring finger of each hand softly together while keeping the other three fingers gently stretched.

Aakash Mudrā (Space)

Press the tips of the thumb and middle finger of each hand softly together while keeping the other three fingers gently stretched.

Vayu Mudrā (Air)

Softly place the tips of the index finger at the base of the thumb of each hand while keeping the remaining fingers gently stretched.

Agni Shakti Mudrā (Fire)

Gently press the tips of the thumbs of both hands together while softly pressing the remaining fingers to the palms of both hands while the palms are facing down.

Beyond Little Thoughts

While mudrās are still quite new to me, the concept of moving energy to align with the needs of my body and mind is not. Being a practicing witch, mudrās are a new-to-me method of grounding, balancing, and connecting with myself and my magic.

I found this site to be a very resourceful guide on how to practice, benefits, and effects of each mudrā.

What are your thoughts?


About the Creator

Michelle Christian

Beyond Little Thoughts became a way for me to vocalize what I have learned and what I continue to learn about multiple topics, giving my own perspective, however flawed it may be.



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