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Mirror Dragon Tarot Free Weekly Reading #23

Reading for 5-18 thru 5-24-20

By Victoria LaPointePublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Reading for 5-18 thru 5-24-20

The Center card this week is The Fool.

The number above the Fool’s head is the zero. The zero represents the Void, that into which all things are created, and signifies the Beginning. The Fool is the first card in a Tarot deck and the master of the Void. Since, in the Void, there is no-thing, all things are possible. In the Void there is no judgement, there is nothing to judge. There is no expectation, no preconceived ideas. There has been nothing to have had ideas about. As the image of the Fool on the card suggests, a young person, full of promise and energy strides forward, eyes wide open with the spiral of life swirling out from and back to his heart. All the elements are at his fingertips and even the tiger, who has clamped his jaws onto one thigh is no distraction. He has not yet learned that there are such things as distraction and so the Fool walks blithely towards the edge of a cliff with no fear at all about what might happen if his next step takes him out over a bottomless chasm. That first step, that first awareness that nothing inhibits you, nothing holds you, opens the window of thought where all things can take shape and become. The infamous “they” say watch that first step it’s a doozy! And it is. And because it has no foundation, no supporting evidence, it can be a very frightening first step. It requires a leap of faith. I’m reminded of a scene from “Raiders Of The Lost Ark” where Indiana Jones is asked to make a leap of faith over a bottomless abyss. He knows he can't go back so he takes a deep breath and a big step and his foot lands on a ledge that couldn’t be seen from his position on the lip of the precipice. Once he gets to the other side, he tosses sand and pebbles back onto the ledge so he can see it again. This, to me, is a perfect Fool moment. This is the energy that will likely dominate our interactions for the week.

The West card is the Knight of Wands.

This knight is full of a fiery passion that drives his need to get things moving, to set plans in motion, to test out ideas and expand the boundaries of his experience. It is this passion to create new opportunities that has brought us to the edge of the cliff, and necessity plus a large dose of curiosity that propels us into that first step into the unknown. In this time of change and the completely new landscape of human interaction our sense of creativity is blossoming at an unprecedented rate. Quite literally, at no time in recorded history have we experienced the vast change in interaction protocol this pandemic has caused. We’re learning new ways to navigate a dangerous and unpredictable world. Our comfort zones have been decimated and we’re now wide awake and looking at new ways to proceed. Yep, that first step is a doozy but our, now wide awake, attention and creativity has set us in motion towards new directions and new objectives.

The East card is the 3 of Swords.

The Swords represent our cognitive thought processes and the threes, or trines, bring focus and perspective to our intellectual awareness of the world around us. Now is a perfect time to utilize that focus and hone our perception of this new environment in such a way that we don’t allow old patterns of thought and behavior stop us with fear or anger. Our world is changing in ways many haven’t been prepared for and whether you’re prepared or not we all must interact with others in the same confusing new environment. Try not to let anger or fear over these monumental changes cloud your judgement about taking new directions. This three can mirror back to us past experiences, good and not so good, that can become stumbling blocks. In opening our eyes to who we have been, images of some parts of ourselves can be tough to look at. We can see clearly what needs to be released, forgiven or burned up on reentry. This is a time when the evil we know is truly not better than the one we don’t.

In conclusion;

This week we hold our breath, close our eyes and jump. As we float out over the Void of unprecedented new experiences we get the chance to see just how much more there is to know, to do, to create and to love. The good news is, our passion for action and our recognition of the need for change (on many levels) lights a fire under us, lifting us out of old patterns and preconceived notions that not only no longer serve us but often no longer even exist. Fear of change can be a tough obstacle but in this time where we’re often not given the option of whether or not we want to change, that fear can be a more destructive detour than it needs to be. So, shine up your faith to a high gloss and make that leap. Who knows? You may even find you have wings.

Have a fearless week!

Light, Tory

TIP for the week: If you sit down to a bowl of soup and find you only have a fork, don’t be afraid to pick up the bowl.

For personal readings online via Zoom, Skype or email please go to: https://www.MirrorDragon.com or MirrorDragonTarot/facebook to make an appointment.

Email: [email protected] for further questions.


About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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