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Metabolic Typing

Optimize Your Health

By Jennifer WattPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

There are so many fad diets out there I can't even keep up. I've tried a few myself, some have worked (to an extent) and some not at all. Ultimately we have to find what works best for our own bodies. Metabolic typing helps you become aware of your of how your body processes certain nutrients based on multiple factors. What works best for me, may not necessarily work well for you. Being in tune with your inner self and your body will help you achieve homeostasis (when everything is in balance).

Each individual has its own unique metabolism that requires a certain ratio of HEALTHY macro nutrients based on certain factors. Having this appropriate ratio will help bring balance to the body and help eliminate/prevent disease & illness, weight issues, and stabilizing energy levels.

A great book I read was by William Wolcott (and Trish Fahey) The Metabolic Typing Diet. The amount information provided in this book is wonderful and fascinating. It provides a breakdown of what it is, how it works, and how to figure out your type (based on a simple questionnaire).

Factors that contribute to your metabolic type start back from your ancestry. Example: Think of Northern cultures such as the Inuit who mainly survived on a diet of fish and wild game, as grains and vegetables were obsolete where they live. Whereas different groups that lived closer to the equator had an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and grains and much less protein. Switch these groups to opposite locations and eat opposite diets and many will suffer from illness/disease, weight gain etc.

Your current age and lifestyle (physical activity) can also play a role in what your type is. How you feel and react to food (before, during, and after) will also help determine your type. A basic questionnaire in The Metabolic Typing Diet can help find out what your type is.

There are three metabolic types; Protein Type (Fast Oxidizer), Carb Type (Slow Oxidizer), and Mixed Type. Please refer to the picture above.

Protein type will have a larger ratio of protein to your carbohydrates and fats. Typically and 75/25 ratio. Protein types will burn through their food much faster than the other two types. So if a protein type ends up having too many carbohydrates in their diet they end up processing it faster into glucose which goes into the bloodstream immediately. Higher levels of blood sugar can create higher risks of Diabetes (type II) along with many other disorders. A protein type typically has a stronger appetite and functions best off of animal protein and fatty foods (healthy sources of course).

A carb type is opposite of protein. They require the majority of carbohydrates to protein/fats. Average ratio of carbs to protein is 75/25. Since carb types are slow oxidizers, it takes them much longer to break down their food. Having too much protein/fat (especially from animals) will slow down their metabolism. They tend to have more difficulty losing weight due to having a slower rate to oxidize their food. Carb types function better on more of a vegetable diet and fats sourced other than animals. Carb types should avoid more of the starchy foods and sugars due to sustained levels of insulin.

A mixed type is sometimes harder to determine. It's not always a 50/50 ratio between the macro nutrients. Mixed types have to be more aware and in tuned to their bodies to determine the appropriate ratio. It sometimes might be a bit more or bit less of either. It can fluctuate from breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mixed types will function best with clean sources of animal protein/fats, non starchy vegetables. Typically a low-carb and moderate fat/protein that emphasizes in nutrient rich fruits and vegetables is optimal. Overall a balance of these macro nutrients will help a mixed type sustain a healthy weight and energy levels.

What do you think your type is?

Another great and easy read by health guru Paul Chek is How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy!

Wishing everyone health & happiness!


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