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By James B. William R. LawrencePublished 2 years ago 10 min read

Sometimes you have to throw yourself into the melting pot, as you go noticing that which still remains, and once gone seeing one who is left.

One is delusional as physicality is illusory to the degree this they are intrinsically aware. A perspective shift of who you are from the energy of the mind to the energy of how you feel deep down inside. Soul not pathology.

It does not do to go too high in this life, unless you plan on staying there. It can lead to the harbouring of a sense of cosmic invincibility, writing off the body. Be a spectrum, here, now.

We need to believe, scientifically, that is isn’t really us - all we have experienced, which has happened to us and that we have done - because of the nature of how the human brain works, to begin to work with wiring, and only then will we start to realize and see through this rewiring shift in belief how much it really wasn’t, isn’t, nor ever will be. How you authentically arrive at this knowing is the journey and, in a sense, cosmic humour. You will learn everything is perfect just as it is.

The am which you are is not the I me-me-me in your head. Mind is not separate from brain. Its jurisdiction, like the heart with blood-flow or lungs and breathing, is safety and well-being.

Karma is universal debt to be paid, but it’s also stuffness, earthly substance or essence, and you need this to be both tethered and have a planetary purpose in the physical dimension.

To fear the past or future is to live a conditional life, debilitating spirit.

Memory is a filing cabinet. Storage space works itself out in brain maps. Those sick are not lazy, they are desperately lacking in cortical real estate, feeling neurologically to overwhelmed by taking on too much data.

We are the only living organism, in fact, the only aspect of nature, that hide organic form.

If you lose yourself to the stranglehold of a pathological complex, the result is losing yourself - like a proton firing its way along a circuit unable to complete the wire - to the ego control simplex, becoming blindsided by everyday stresses and ordeals, or perhaps a vignette of bigger picture problems, though nonetheless ill-prepared for the broadsiding which will occur at every neglected angle.

Nothing excites the neurons, long inhibited quite like letting go, releasing attachment.

Whatever it is, simply, merely was. Life’s greatest sin is not what was done by you or unto you, but the fact you are stuck inside of it.

The best thing you can do is slow the breath, find harmony in movement, realizing center, and stillness. Patience is one deepest virtue.

The brain, especially when struggle is present, tends to work in negatives. If it won’t let you think on who you want to be and what you want to do, maybe look instead to what you will never do again/who you won’t be anymore.

Where you are is where you should be, not place the brain tries to rush you off to next.

What if, not only the way we are living is debilitating us, but the popularly paraded platitude of “gotta keep busy, put into action,”as we all do, is the nail in the coffin. Keeping us distracted to realizing change and growth.

Until you understand, truly, at depth that the past is the past, chop wood and carry water.

Whatever transpired is never happening now.

Start by giving yourself permission right now.

Let go of the past person; they exist no longer.

If we could actually forgive ourselves, we’d love in a world where there was no need to.

Accepting what is now the fruit of forgiving.

Darkness of all form/variations is distorting.

The vehicle has gasoline, computer power of electricity - all things have a source - how on Earth, with all the sound logic, rationality, and science of modern man, is it believed that we do not? That brain, heart, lungs, and all that comprises the bodily constitution is just doing this on its own? It’s ridiculous. In the same that a light-switch turned upward triggers the lightbulb to illuminate a room, so too do you have this, and for any human or animal it’s called a soul. Without this source, notta.

You are living ecology; like a given natural environment; an ecosystem has seasons, you have moods, it has temperature based on seasonal climate, just as you get hot and cold. It has rivers, and trees, plants and animals which die, just as you pee and poo. The primal human once identified self as object. This misconception was fundamental. You are thee objective one, but not an identity, not ego.

You are misidentified with aspects of body; almost all of us the brain, some the genitalia - especially those with a phallus - and for the seekers, perhaps the heart, lungs. But those the wiser are not identified with any of it. Just the same, we identify with certain parts of the metaphysical nature of being, behaviours, and with some events, experiences, but not others.

Mythic is not mythology; myth is alive; reality.

If we take the fact that humans eat or mistreat animals, as well as other humans, extrapolate such behaviour to postulate that a dominant, advanced species would treat us likely, then we realize it’s grim sowing, these certain acts.

Learn letting go. Cultivate this mindset to live without attachment. Flow within the present. Everything within this life’s always now or not.

To face the adverse conditions of humanity. To experience that which is wrong with the world. And to come out from other side one healing. Finding fearlessness through pain/suffering. This is only way; The Making Of A Messiah.

The ego is synthetic consciousness. Toltecs’ called it the parasite. It’s an imposter to Self.

You are part of a solution, not the problem. It is time to script some new material; chart course.

At the bottom of the barrel is but awareness. Stop worrying about who you are; instead be how you are, right now, whatever is going on.

Spirit says take life lightly - accepting wholly.

It will take some time. Be still. Rest. Breathe. Do well to remember you are here and now.

Keep an open mind so eternity may flow in.

Your presence is thee most potent power.

I am; not I was then or will, and might be.

You can change your fate; it is a matter of clearing karma. Striking the old debts from your universal ledger. Destiny can be fully a thing of conscious control; it is the difference between a program running itself, to the deep presence of a individuating soul using it better.

A fugue is a trauma trance. In circumstance of high stress, especially nocturnally, sometimes the area of brain containing all the old trauma is triggered and that individual enacts deeds once done unto, onto somebody else asleep in the household. This is how our generational trauma, and trauma in general, perpetuates. It’s not only silent, happening in stealth, but everyone forgets after, so not only the public and family not aware, though fully ignorant. This is reality of dissociative fugue/amnesia.

Alan Watts said not to try. This is the most basic, fundamental truism ever; for you, or “ego”, cannot do anything; only spin wheel.

The brain is but an organ; like heart, lungs. Trying to use the brain and its capacities to grow or heal is like a wrench attempting to wrench itself. Of course, this is nonsensical.

It is source, which will restore one’s vitality.

But still try cause you do/will nonetheless.

That’s so messed up is in your head. Anything could happen at any time; you are not exempt/excepted to this basic tenet of 3D-living.

Nothing saddens me more than someone whose light has been turned out, and off so long, that they don’t even know it’s there.

Astrology. Tarot. “Woowoo” spiritual traditions. These things are not Woohoo. There is an invisible order of things or energetic structure for us to be able to understand through digits (numbers, letters, runes, etc.), because everything else is interpretive and a sacred art which some know is how to debunk or decode numerological meanings embedded within. And, if we are very curious, know that meaning can be embedded within anything; an animal or totem, plants and trees, places, et cetera.

Neanderthals didn’t disappear; they have fully amalgamated with the ancestral species, and their elder genomes have made them a same.

The moment you realize you’re the bright spot on a dark planet and this is why the darkness has come for you time and again. Darkness is suffocating and desperate for energy to feed.

They can eat from your hand but not of it. Shine the light of love upon the darkness and its followers; it’s what’s necessary to heal.

She is the anchor point of heart and he throat; the love and the word in life and partnership. I went to the depths of my soul, and she was what was there; it may be shameful, truly embarrassing and terrifying if it’s not just the same for her, but so’s how it goes for me.

Enjoy love, get lost on your partner, but not attached and possessive. Enjoy the flesh, but don’t be addicted to it. Enjoy friendship and family, but don’t give yourself away to the wants and needs of others. Enjoy the world, all it has to offer (if you wish); lose not yourself.

I am and you are, simply, and we must do the best to be the best version of that which we are. Only then and from there we become.

You are what you are. It is what is it. This is what it is. You are free to be. Perennially. 💙

You are that which is aware, in what we call a physical body; energy holding matter which is in a configuration altered by the events and experiences of your life, with an essence more or less dim based on the circumstance too. Your soul is the homing beacon and pertinent.

Love is not strange or wrong or bizarre; karmic conditioning and trauma configuration are just tricky and the loss of one’s essence confusing. Very often people are blamed for any reaction which is the fruit of a reality out of their hands.

I am worthy is your departure point for a start.

We have virtually been simulating, in this energy hologram with consciousness the server. This scares you back to sleep, an even deeper slumber perhaps, or does a

polarity effect; startling thee into growth.

When one is so busy and distracted by the state of affairs on the ship carrying everyone and everything else they will hardly notice when the hull of their own boat begins taking on water and eventually, steadily capsizing.

There is no cure for madness, but courage is its elixir. If you wonder why the strong are the way they are, it is because they chose to face things head on. Bravery and resilience are fundamental in times such as we live now.

The antidote to human suffering is love.

Enter the truth, or living is, will be a lie.

If you don’t step into the light, you are living a lie, a half-life, and that is sad, because even if you know your full story, you feel somehow it is unacceptable, and that you can not live in your truth, and that’s the greatest tragedy in reality. After all, you are just part of something bigger.


About the Creator

James B. William R. Lawrence

Young writer, filmmaker and university grad from central Canada. Minor success to date w/ publication, festival circuits. Intent is to share works pertaining inner wisdom of my soul as well as long and short form works of creative fiction.

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