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Life Hacks to Keep You Healthy

A few tips and tricks to keep you looking and feeling good

By KevinPublished 5 years ago 3 min read


Everyone wants to look and feel good. Life is so busy and hectic that it can be difficult to buckle down and prioritize your health. Yet, if you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be able to live your hectic life to the fullest. I have compiled five life hacks that will help you refocus your health in an easy and successful way.

Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go.

Staying hydrated is so important. Everything in your body needs water to function. Besides the overall health benefits, drinking water throughout your day helps you digest your food, which keeps you feeling good. Drinking water before you eat prevents overeating, and helps you stay fuller longer. Buying a cute water bottle will make you want to drink more. Hack #1 is to bring that bottle with you everywhere you go. Grocery shopping? Bring your water bottle. Going to the movies? I hope you have that water bottle with you. By bringing it everywhere with you, and always having the option for water, your water consumption will drastically increase.

Always take the stairs.

Keeping your body moving will keep you happy and healthy. A lot of people have desk jobs or other commitments each day that hinder their physical movement. Life hack #2 is to commit to always, always, always taking the stairs. An easy way to keep moving on a daily basis is by forgoing the elevators or escalators, and walking up a few flights of stairs. Taking the stairs is good for your body, and adds a little exercise into your day, even if you are too busy for a formal workout.

Have healthy snacks on hand.

When you are hungry you want something to eat right away. You will reach for the first option available. If that option is anything unhealthy then you will eat it. If that first option is healthy then you will eat it. So, life hack #3 is to prepare healthy snacks every week to have on hand. So when you go to reach for food, the food you consume will be good for your body. Some ideas for easy and healthy snacks to have on hand are cheese sticks, carrot sticks, beef jerky, or celery. A lot of these ideas align with the keto diet, which is proven to improve overall health, especially for busy people.

Keep a gratitude journal.

Being healthy not only includes having a healthy body, but a healthy mind as well. You can be perfectly fit, but if your mind is not in a healthy place, your life will not be happy. A tip to keep your mind healthy is to keep a gratitude journal. Acknowledging the good things in your life, and feeling grateful for those things will lift your mood, and bring you happiness. When you express gratitude, your eyes will be opened to see more good things in your life.

Recruit a workout buddy.

Going along with physical fitness and mental health, creating a consistent workout routine will benefit both your body and mind. Not only will the workout be beneficial, but the consistency will be helpful. Even if it is just 30 minutes a day, knowing you have 30 minutes to focus on yourself, and make yourself feel good is beneficial. The thing is, it is hard to stick to a workout routine. A useful tip is to recruit a workout buddy. Having someone to workout with you is fun! It also helps you be more accountable. When you don't want to workout they can encourage you to do so, and vise versa.


Incorporating these five tips into your life will help you improve your health with more ease. These are all very small and easy lifestyle changes. To see success the key is to start small. If you follow through with these small tips, you will see big improvements.


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