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Lets pretend

What could be

By Lee NaylorPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Lets play pretend, in the land of make believe where we once thought we were safe. Young and alive, and running free. The sun shining on our shoulders as we unknowingly watched our screens, one by one, go from black and white, with an antennae on top, to, fits in a pocket, and can do almost anything.

Lets pretend there were phone booths attached to the wall, they were a quarter to call. Even then we fed the machine, every time it ran 'out of time'. Lets pretend for a moment that even then we were safe. Lets just say we could lay on the lawn and stare at the stars as the moon bathed us in it's royal glow.

We looked at each new discovery, each new lesson learned, with an innocence that came so natural. Lets pretend that we could ride our bikes without a worry or care. Pretend we are engaging in war, our plastic guns in each hand, the street lights starting to drown out the stars, making them seem so far.

Lets pretend we played until our parents yelled our names. Lets pretend we could sleep safe in bed. Never having to worry about anything but the wonderful dreams we would dream and a brand new day tomorrow.

Now lets pretend that when we woke the screens they said we couldn't play. In fact we couldn't leave our homes. Pretend we had to stay inside to work, and play. School was on our screens, work was on our screens and in the back ground all that played was News Media telling us what to do and what to say.

Lets pretend the people they got tired of being scared. Pretend they started to revolt and look another way. Lets pretend we suddenly saw the things they fed our brains. It bled into the things we eat and the rights about our bodies. Pretend that if you thought to long, the wall began to crumble and you started to see so many things that you wish you'd never seen.

Lets pretend we stopped caring about anything or anyone. We beat each other for looking wrong, being wrong, breathing wrong. Lets pretend we chanted in the streets everyone with a gun. Nobody could be identified and no law seemed to care what happened.

Lets pretend the children kept going missing, and the things we were mad about were trivial compared. Lets pretend. Lets pretend that the evil walks among us and wears a face we know.

Pretend for a moment that instead of waking to the darkness, we choose the light. Lets pretend we look at our neighbors, with love and kindness. Pretend we look inside ourselves for the strength that we find there. The love that so longs to be free.

Pretend with me now that the children we are missing, are finally free in the sun, where we all can breathe well. Let's pretend we put down the fear and instead started living with each other in love, kindness, and respect. Lets pretend we started over.

Pretend the past didn't happen because it's all gone away. Lets pretend the future is still upon us and we can write a different story. Pretend we set aside our differences, and took one another's hand, we listened and were heard and abundant and strong.

Let's pretend that the sun shone it's brilliance on us, as we stood tall and said "We will not do this anymore." We are not your possessions, nor your puppets to ignore" Lets pretend that we are all the same, mere Humans wrapped around a star.

Lets pretend that things all worked out we shared each others stories, we helped each other live. All for one and one for all. We are one after all. Lets pretend that we were one big world, segregated but nothing, held back by nothing. Let's pretend we didn't have to work for them. There was enough for all. Pretend it hard, Feel what it would feel like we were truly all free. The way this earth was always meant to be.


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