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Keto for Beginners

The Keto Diet

By Charmaine van der MerwePublished 4 years ago 6 min read

The Keto Diet

Before we get into the keto diet let me start with how I found my way to Keto.

In 2016 we attended a wedding in Perth, we stayed for about three weeks.

In this time we did some sightseeing with the family, which was a really great experience.

At one of the outings a four-year-old asked why my belly is so fat, do I have another baby on the way.

When did I decide Keto was for me?

When we got back to South Africa and I saw the wedding photos that is when I decided it was time to do something about it.

Not only did I have a lack of self-confidence but I felt unhappy and slightly depressed.

I didn't want to go out socialising.

I looked terrible in photos and started to refrain from being in any.

One of the ladies at work had done the Banting diet as known in South Africa, another name for Keto.

I did some research and started immediately, I went from 84kg’s the most I have ever weighed to 72kg’s within seven months. It really worked well.

With our move to Sydney, it became difficult to eat properly and I strayed off of keto and have since picked up 3kg’s, I know this is not a lot but my goal weight is 64kg’s so I need to get back on track.

I am going to start this year off on Keto and thought I would take you along with me.

So if you are keen to start then let’s do this together – You Not Alone

What is the Keto Diet?

Before we start I think that its best to explain what the Ketogenic diet is:

The Keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet.  By reducing your carbohydrate intake and adding more fat to your diet your body will start to use fat for energy rather than sugar.

This state is called Ketosis.

Your body will start to burn fat faster, the fat is turned into ketones in the liver and supplies energy to your brain.  You will have a lot more energy at a more constant rate.

How to Start

This depends on your living situation:

If you live alone or have someone that lives with you that will also be on the diet.

Remove all items that are not Keto from your fridge and cupboards, this will make it easier for you not to stray.

A family living together and only you are doing Keto.

Split the cupboards so that your Keto items are one side and non-keto in another area.

Plan your meals for the week.

Sit down and make a list of what you would like to cook in the week.

Once your list is complete combine all the ingredients into a shopping list.

This will also help you not to buy things you don’t need.

What you can Eat.


Try to get grass-fed where you can, I know it can be a bit more expensive but it's not a must.

Red meat, ham, sausages, bacon, chicken and fatty fish like salmon, trout, tuna

Fats and Oils

Butter, lard, tallow, chicken fat, duck fat, goose fat, ghee, oils, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil


Cream, full-fat yoghurt, sour cream unprocessed cheese and eggs

Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds.


Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce, chard, chives, endive, kale, radishes, celery stalk, asparagus, cucumber, bamboo shoots, avocados, tomatoes, onions, spring onions, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, water chestnut.


Berries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, mulberries.


Suger-free tomato products, mayonnaise, mustard, pesto, pickles, kimchi, kombucha, lemon or lime juice, spices and herbs.


Water, coffee, tea. (if you use milk, try to change it up with almond milk, cream or coconut milk.)

What not to Eat.

Grains and Starches

Wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, millet, bulgur, sorghum, rice, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains

Pasta, bread, pizza, cookies, crackers.

Beans and legumes


Pineapple, mango, banana, papaya, tangerine, grapes, dates, raisins. Pretty much no fruit besides the berries.

Diet products

Low-fat, low-carb, and zero-carb products

Unhealthy fats

Sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, canola, soybean, grapeseed, corn oil, trans fats such as margarine.


Sweet drinks, beer, sweet wine, cocktails, soft drinks, juice, sports drinks.


Ice-cream, milk (only a little full cream is allowed.)

There are different types of Keto Diets

Standard Ketogenic Diet

Cyclical Ketogenic diet

Targeted ketogenic diet

High-protein ketogenic diet

I am only going to focus on the standard ketogenic diet as that is what I will be doing.

What are the benefits of the Ketogenic diet?

Treat cancer

It reduces insulin levels

Reduce Seizures in Epilepsy patients

Reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s

It can reduce the risk of Heart Disease

There have been signs that it can improve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

And for me I would say the feeling of being energetic, feeling great, looking great and boosting your confidence.

What can I snack on?

There are times where I often look for something to nibble, here are a few snack options.


90% dark chocolate

1–2 hard-boiled eggs

Strawberries and cream

A handful of nuts or seeds

Celery with salsa and guacamole

Smaller portions of leftover meals

Full-fat yoghurt mixed with nut butter and cocoa powder

A low-carb milkshake with almond milk, cocoa powder and nut butter

Eating out on a Keto Diet

When I go out I will always look at what options they have that are as Keto as possible.

If breakfast I will look for a breakfast option with eggs, bacon and mushrooms, or I will order an omelette.

Another nice option is to order a burger and ask them to leave the bun.

If you very hungry get a double patty, I usually order a double cheeseburger with no chips or bun.

What is Keto Flu?

Not everyone suffers from Keto flu, if you do get it, it only lasts a couple of days while your body is adapting to the change.

Some of the symptoms are:


Brain fog

Poor Energy

Problems sleeping

Increase in appetite

Digestive discomfort

How to avoid or lessen the symptoms of Keto flu

Many will go into Keto guns blazing and the keto flu will strike.

I would say to rather ease into it slowly and lesson the carb intake more and more each week. But this is just my opinion you can handle it whichever way you feel free)

Drink a lot of water, it helps to stay hydrated.

Add more good salt to your diet through your food or by taking supplements.

Something I do a lot is to add a little Himalayan salt to my drinking water and some lemon juice, I add ice as its better to drink cold and it's not too bad.

If you decide to go with supplements ensure that you are getting enough Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium these will help.

Some other symptoms you may have

Smelly Urine, if you find that you have fruity smelling urine its due to the excretion of by-products created during ketosis.

Bad Breathe, this is caused by elevated ketone levels, drink a lot of water, chew some sugar-free gum and try brushing a bit more in the day.

Diarrhoea and constipation, make sure you are getting enough fibre from veggies and magnesium.

How to know you in Ketosis.

Bad Breath

Lower appetite

Increased energy

Increased focus

Monitor ketone levels in your blood, urine or breath on a weekly basis.

My before and after image.

The before was taken at the wedding in Perth and the after was a few months later.

This diet is not for everyone but if you can do it you will not be disappointed.

I am not going to lie to you it takes a lot of will power, and it's hard but it really is worth it.

Find denim that you want to be able to wear again if you are able to put it on do so and have an image taken of how it looks on.

It doesn't have to be for others to see, it's for you.

Every second week try on that denim and take an image.

You will be able to see how you are losing weight and it will motivate you to keep going.

The reason I say this is because I found it better to track your loss by centimetres around your waist than by weighing yourself on a scale.

I hope that you found this blog interesting and have learnt something from it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blogs, your support is really appreciated.

Remember as always - You Not Alone

Media Sources.

Some images are from Stocksnap - https://stocksnap.io/

Short clips from Giphy - https://giphy.com/


About the Creator

Charmaine van der Merwe

I am a mother of 4, and soon to be a grandmother. Family is very important to me. I love sharing my life experiences with everyone, its a way for me to express myself.

I don't have a specific niche' and write about whatever is on my mind.

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    Charmaine van der MerweWritten by Charmaine van der Merwe

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