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Jesus raised the people like before TODAY!


By ArunPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Testimonies Jesus raised the people today like before


Jesus raised the people before us like before.

Jesus raised the people today like before

Jesus raised the people today like before. He raised the dead people, like before. And He is raising us up to this day, so that we can see and know that His love for us is real.

Jesus raised the dead people like before

Jesus raised the dead people like before.

He took their bodies, and gave them back to life again. He took their bodies, and gave them back to life again.

They were alive again! They were alive again!

Jesus raise us up to this day like before

You are here because you want to know what Jesus did for you, and how he can help you today.

Jesus raised us up to this day like before. He is alive and well, right now in the hearts of his people. And he wants to be found by all who look for him with an open heart and a willing mind.

Jesus raised the people before us like before

Jesus raised the people before us like before. He raised them up to this day, just like he did in Matthew 28:18-20, where He says:

"And come forth ye angels of God from heave (heaven), etc." And again in Luke 23:43-44, "And when they had sung an hymn they went out into the porch." So it is clear that Jesus brought forth some angels who sang with him.

Jesus raised the people

We know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God because He was raised from death. The Bible says that "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." (1 Corinthians 15:22) This means that everyone who has ever lived will eventually be raised from the dead and live forever with God. This can happen for anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ for salvation.

Jesus raised the people to life.

Jesus raised the people from the dead. The people were raised as God intended them to be. They did not need to study the Bible or go to church or be baptized in order to be raised.

The people were raised as God intended them to be.

The people were raised as God intended them to be. They were raised in a new body, nature and relationship with Him. They were given new life and it was not based on the works of the law but on faith alone (Romans 3:27). The result was that they had an opportunity for glory because they had been set free from fear of death (John 8:51).

People do not need to study the Bible or go to church or be baptized in order to be raised.

This is a message that should be shared with all people of faith. The Bible says, "Jesus raised the people." People do not need to study the Bible or go to church or be baptized in order to be raised. They are already raised and ready for life!

The Holy Spirit will give those who trust in Jesus Christ a new nature that has been transformed by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit will give those who trust in Jesus Christ a new nature that has been transformed by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.

Trust in Jesus Christ is the only way to be raised from the dead. It is not a matter of human effort or human faith; it can only come through believing what you have heard and seen with your own eyes, which means that you must believe in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:3–8).

God raised the people from the dead so they can live forever with Him!

God raised the people from the dead so they can live forever with Him!

God has raised His people from death and made them alive. He has called them by name, just as He did in Genesis 4:26-27 (“And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel”). This is how it should be—you are born again into the Kingdom of God through faith in Christ alone as your Savior; and then you become one flesh with Him through marriage to your spouse (1 Corinthians 6:16–17).

The Bible says that we don't need anything else but this promise given by God Himself!


I believe that God has raised the people from the dead so they can live forever with Him!

Jesus raised the people today like before.


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