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It's More Difficult Than You Think to Lose Belly Fat - Here's How to Do It

Perhaps you're actually rather skinny, but you still have some belly fat that you can't seem to get rid of, or perhaps you've been dieting for what seems like an eternity, but the belly fat just won't go away?

By Nikhil ShahPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
It's More Difficult Than You Think to Lose Belly Fat - Here's How to Do It
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Maybe you're on a quest to reduce weight all over your body, including belly fat.

Belly fat isn't only unsightly; it may also be harmful to your health, placing strain on your heart and potentially leading to heart disease.

While a little belly fat isn't harmful, too much can be.

Obesity is defined as a waist circumference of 40 inches or more for men and 35 inches or more for women.

If nothing else, it is critical that you address your belly fat.

The trouble about belly fat is that it is frequently the most difficult location to reduce excess weight from, but the good news is that it is doable!

You can get rid of that belly fat and maintain your new, smaller tummy with these tried-and-true strategies.

1. Workout

Sorry, but you should work on your abs, and it's easier than you think.

If you incorporate stomach crunches and sit-ups into your daily routine, perhaps first thing in the morning or before night, you'll begin to tone your muscles and that fat will quickly become lean and taut.

You will not lose weight by practicing tummy crunches, but you may drop inches!

You should also include some cardio - even if you despise exercising, brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week will help you lose weight.

What about jogging? Even those of you who have never done more than a sprint for the bus can do it!

You might try an app like Couch to 5k, which has you jogging for half an hour by week 9, and it actually works since it's a slow program that gradually gets you acclimated to running for increasing lengths of time.

2. Eliminate Sugar

Sugar is the number one enemy of abdominal fat.

It is the source of excess fat, particularly visceral fat.

You'll see a difference as soon as you eliminate sugar from your diet.

We're not talking about sugar cubes here; we're talking about any product that contains sugar.

Check the labels, because low-fat and processed foods, for example, are frequently high in sugar content.

It's also included in a variety of cereals and fruit-flavored yogurt.

Furthermore, because carbonated drinks are high in sugar, they should be absolutely prohibited.

You can eat naturally generated sugar (fruit contains natural sugar), but anything with sugar as an ingredient should be avoided at all costs, including chewing gum unless it is sugar-free.

3. Drinking water

Sometimes belly fat is caused by carrying too much water, so you may just be bloated.

Drinking extra water will help you get rid of bloating.

Contrary to common opinion, water does not make you bloated; rather, it promotes your lymphatic system to function optimally and flushes away extra fluid (along with toxins and impurities).

So, give your body a vacation by drinking at least 2 liters of water every day.

Always drink a large glass of water before meals since it will fill your stomach faster, so you won't desire as much food, and if you're hungry, why not drink a glass of water instead of grabbing a snack?

Thirst is frequently confused with hunger.

4. Consume More Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient for weight reduction.

By consuming more protein, you may lower cravings by up to 60% and increase your metabolism by 80-100 calories each day.

Make sure, however, that you pick the proper sort of high-protein meal.

You should consume lean meat and white fish, as well as eggs, almonds, and legumes.

If you want a hamburger, don't add bread; it's an unneeded carb that will contribute to belly fat, and refined carbohydrates have been related to increased belly fat.

More on this in point 5.

5. Eliminate Carbohydrates

While we're on the subject of carbohydrates (following up on point 4), limiting carbs is one of the most effective strategies to lose belly fat, as evidenced by several scientific investigations.

When you eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, your hunger will be greatly reduced, and you will almost certainly lose weight (from your belly and other areas of your body).

Low carb diets are significantly more successful at weight reduction than low-fat diets since cutting out carbs causes you to lose weight very instantly (while this weight loss is mostly water, to begin with, it really helps trim down an extra tummy!).

You should absolutely avoid refined carbs like white bread, white spaghetti, sweets, and sugar (as described in point 1), and the change should be visible within a week if combined with a higher protein diet.

If you want to lose weight rapidly, limit your carbohydrate consumption to 50 grams per day. This puts your body into ketosis, a state in which fat is burned for energy (this is the Keto diet and enormously effective).

6. Consume more fiber

Fiber is great for maintaining regularity and bowel motions.

That is why fiber is beneficial for weight loss.

It also helps you feel fuller sooner, although not all fiber is beneficial.

Soluble and viscous fibers are the most effective for weight reduction because they bind water, which develops into a gel that places itself in the stomach as it goes through the digestive system.

This delays digestion (which is why you feel full) and benefits the body by allowing it to absorb more nutrients because digestion takes longer.

Vegetables, fruit, legumes, and some high-fiber cereals are the finest sources of fiber to include in your diet.


Click here to see the 10-second "daily fix" that assisted me in losing 24 pounds in just 19 days.

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About the Creator

Nikhil Shah

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