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It's heartbreaking! Why others are not fat on you fat?

7 "fattening factors" you accounted for a few?

By UfreleyiPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
It's heartbreaking! Why others are not fat on you fat?
Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Researchers suggest that obesity is even one of the risk factors for exacerbation of new coronary pneumonia.

What's wrong with you being fat when others are not? Experts from the Health Education Institute are here to help you find out why.

Obesity may aggravate new coronary pneumonia

Obesity often occurs alongside diseases such as epidemically, fatty liver, hypertension, coronary heart disease, abnormal glucose tolerance, or diabetes, and can be accompanied or complicated by obstructive neap during sleep, gallbladder disease, hyperglycemia and gout, bone and joint disease, venous thrombosis, impaired reproductive function, and certain cancers. Obesity may be a causative and risk factor for these health problems, and may also share a common pathogenic basis with these diseases.

And some foreign researchers have suggested that obesity is even a risk factor for exacerbation of coronary pneumonia, especially in younger patients. Data from the United States and France show that obesity is associated with a higher likelihood of hospital admission and exacerbation in patients with coronary pneumonia.

Are you fat when others are not? Here's why

70% of human obesity is attributed to genetic factors, but only under the joint promotion of mental, dietary, environmental, and other factors, obesity will happen quietly. Why others are not fat on your fat? Look at the following 7 "fattening factors", you accounted for a few.

Genetic factors

If both parents are of normal weight, the probability of children becoming obese is only 8% to 10%; if one of the two parents is obese, the probability of children becoming obese is 50%, and both parents are obese, the probability of children becoming obese is 80%.

Mental factors

The human hypothalamus has two respectively manage hunger and satiety center. The research found that excessive mental stimulation or nervous excitement, disease, and other factors, can make the two centers of dysfunction, leading to the occurrence of obesity.

Endocrine factors

Many factors can promote the role of insulin insufficient or excessive secretion, resulting in increased fat synthesis, leading to obesity.

Dietary factors

First, overeating obesity is the main type of obesity, the intake of energy more than the demand is converted into fat storage, which leads to obesity; the second is the preference for sweet food. Researchers found that with the increase in sugar consumption, the proportion of overweight people and the proportion of diabetics will gradually rise; the third is the number of meals. It was found that the probability of obesity, abnormal glucose metabolism, abnormal lipid metabolism, and cardiovascular disease increased significantly for those who ate twice than those who ate three times. Appropriate restriction of staple foods and putting fruits into extra meals will facilitate the balance of energy and help insulin to take effect and metabolism.

By AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Insufficient exercise

Due to the advance of urbanization and the use of cars instead of walking, resulting in more and more people are less active. For example, staying at home, sitting in a chair, and not participating in effective outdoor exercise, which undoubtedly reduces energy expenditure and promotes the formation of insulin resistance, and receptor resistance, leading to impaired energy metabolism.

Lack of sleep and biological clock disorders

Studies have found that obesity rates increase significantly in children who sleep less than 7 hours. In addition, circadian rhythms also affect the body's energy metabolism and glucose metabolism.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits

Although smoking has little effect on body weight, it can lead to severe insulin resistance, contributing to the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. And drinking alcohol, especially while drinking alcohol and eating a lot of high-fat food, can also lead to obesity.

Don't look for fast losing a pound of meat a week is appropriate

For chronic disease prevention and control experts, obesity begins with fat accumulation, and fat accumulation is the reason why energy intake exceeds energy consumption. This also gives us two ways to fight obesity: reduce calorie intake and increase calorie consumption. Simply put, "eat less and move more".

The World Health Organization's "meat loss" recommendations are: limit energy intake from fat and sugar; increase consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes, whole grains, and nuts; and regular physical activity (60 minutes a day for children and 150 minutes a week for adults).

In addition, weight loss, should not be rushed. The rate of weight loss should not be too fast and the weight loss goal should not be set too high. In the case of a low-energy diet and moderate increase in exercise, a weight loss of 0.5 kg per week is the ideal rate of healthy weight loss, and a 5% to 10% reduction in weight over a year than the original will be more beneficial to health. Moreover, to avoid "weight loss" in pursuit of "bone-like beauty", the body mass index should be maintained at a normal level (18.5 to 23.9 kg/m).

Before breakfast, it is better to measure your weight morning on an empty stomach.

After eating a meal over the scale, drinking a glass of water over the scale, and even going to the toilet to weigh themselves immediately "thin" a few, is that you? Measuring weight is not the more frequent the better, once a week is ideal. The experts from the Chronic Disease Institute introduced that weight fluctuates within a week, which is a normal phenomenon. It is relatively accurate to maintain the frequency of weight measurement at once a week to comprehensively assess the results of a small cycle of weight loss.

In addition, weight measurement should be done at a fixed time. Each weight measurement should be done at the same time, wearing the same clothes, in the same environment, and with no major differences in health status. For example, early in the morning after waking up and before breakfast on an empty stomach is a good time to measure, when it is less affected by eating, and the body is relatively stable after a night of rest.


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