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Is Time Travel Possible?

Concept of Time, Theories, Possibility, Grandfather Paradox, Future

By Subin @vocalPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Is Time Travel Possible?
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash


Time travel has been a popular concept in science fiction for many years. From the Back to the Future franchise to Doctor Who, the idea of traveling through time has captured the imaginations of many. But is time travel actually possible? In this article, we will explore the concept of time travel and whether it is possible or not.

The Concept of Time

Before we can talk about time travel, we need to understand what time is. Time is a measurement of the duration of events. We measure time using clocks, which are devices that measure the passage of time. Time is often considered to be a linear progression from the past to the present and on to the future.

Theories of Time Travel

There are two main theories of time travel: the Block Universe Theory and the Growing Block Universe Theory.

Block Universe Theory: This theory states that time is like a block of space-time, and that all events, past, present, and future, exist at the same time. Time travel in this theory is simply moving through the block to a different time period.

Growing Block Universe Theory: This theory states that time is like a growing block, where events in the past exist, but events in the future do not yet exist. Time travel in this theory involves traveling to the past, but not to the future.

The Possibility of Time Travel

While time travel is a popular concept in science fiction, many scientists believe that it is not possible. However, there are some who believe that it may be possible in the future.

Theoretical Physics: According to some theoretical physicists, time travel is theoretically possible. For example, Einstein's theory of general relativity suggests that time travel may be possible by creating a "time loop" that allows travel through time.

Wormholes: Another theory is that time travel may be possible by using wormholes, which are tunnels that connect two separate points in space-time. If a wormhole could be created, it could be possible to travel through it to a different time period.

The Grandfather Paradox

The Grandfather Paradox is one of the most famous thought experiments associated with the concept of time travel. It is a paradox that arises when a time traveler goes back in time and does something that would prevent their own existence, such as killing their grandfather before he has children.

The paradox is named after the classic example: a person travels back in time and kills their own grandfather, thus preventing their own birth. But if they were never born, then they couldn't have traveled back in time to kill their grandfather in the first place, which leads to a logical contradiction.

This paradox has been debated for decades and has led to a variety of theories about the nature of time and the consequences of time travel. In this article, we will explore the Grandfather Paradox in more detail, including its various interpretations and possible resolutions.

The Basics of the Grandfather Paradox

The Grandfather Paradox is a problem that arises in theories of time travel, and it raises questions about the consistency of the timeline. The basic premise is that if someone goes back in time and changes something in the past, then they will also change the future. But if they change the future, then the reason for going back in time in the first place may no longer exist, which leads to a paradox.

In the case of the Grandfather Paradox, if someone goes back in time and kills their own grandfather before he has children, then they will erase their own existence. This means that they could not have gone back in time in the first place to kill their grandfather, which creates a paradox.

The paradox arises because the idea of going back in time and changing the past creates a contradiction. It implies that the past can be altered, which raises the question of what happens to the future if the past is changed.

Theories and Interpretations

There have been various theories and interpretations of the Grandfather Paradox, and they offer different solutions to the paradox. Some argue that the paradox is simply a logical contradiction that cannot be resolved. Others suggest that the paradox can be resolved by introducing the concept of multiple timelines.

One solution to the paradox is the idea of branching timelines or parallel universes. According to this theory, every time someone travels back in time, they create a new timeline or universe. This means that the time traveler can kill their grandfather in the past, but they will still exist in their original timeline because they come from a different universe.

Another solution is the Novikov self-consistency principle, which suggests that any action taken by a time traveler in the past was always meant to happen and is consistent with the timeline. This means that a time traveler who goes back in time and kills their grandfather would not be able to do so because they were always meant to exist in the future.

The Future of Time Travel

The Grandfather Paradox is just one of the many paradoxes and problems associated with time travel. As technology advances, the question of whether time travel is possible and what its consequences would be becomes increasingly relevant.

While time travel is currently only a theoretical concept, some scientists are actively working on developing the technology to make it a reality. If time travel were to become possible, it would raise a variety of ethical, philosophical, and scientific questions that would need to be addressed.


The concept of time travel has fascinated people for years, but is it actually possible? While many scientists believe that it is not possible, some theoretical physicists believe that it may be possible in the future. However, even if time travel were possible, it could have major implications on the future, leading to the creation of alternate timelines and unforeseeable consequences. For now, time travel remains in the realm of science fiction.


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Subin @vocal

Not a Regular Blogger. But loves to share my thoughts, movie and drama recommentations.

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    Subin @vocalWritten by Subin @vocal

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