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Inner Child (Inner Person)

Understanding the deep emotions - the inner person.

By ANASTASIA ADAMSPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Once I learned the truth about the Real Source principles and how it can help me, I began to understand the inner person. It became easier to do the right thing by myself and others.

“The inner child is a metaphoric expression commonly used in the psychotherapist community. We were all children once, and we still have a childlike ego dwelling within us—the inner child is the unconscious part of ourselves.” —Diamond, Stephen A. PhD

Despite our age, the inner child will always be a part of our experiences.

Today many people battle with behavioral conditions called co-dependencies because they have not resolved past experiences from their youth, leaving them to hold on to inner child woundings. Our co-dependencies can affect our lives, many adults today have unfulfilling and unsuccessful relationships, stagnating careers and even frivolous spending habits.

Deep wounds are created during childhood and continue to develop as we age if gone unchecked or flown under the radar - when an opportunity presents itself can cause the "outer child" to make poor decisions.

How do I know the inner child is wounded? We could suffer low self-esteem, emotional imbalances, problems with boundaries and so many other emotions that are causing us to misjudge the correct course of action or respond to things logically.

By Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

The inner child awaits for guidance, and what we do not want to do is adopt emotional traits that will keep us stagnant, causing us to fall into a revolving door of toxic self-sabotaging behavior patterns.

One popular source definition of co-dependency- it's the behavioral condition in a relationship where one person enables another person's addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under-achievement. Among the core characteristics of co-dependency is an excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity.

Taming The Inner Person

Taming the inner person is not as easy as we want it to be. Do we ever take the time and ponder on the actions we are manifesting? Are we conscious about our emotional self? Our emotions are considered the "inner being" who keeps a history of our external journey, from the smell of food, the sound of the oceans, even childhood memories?

Do you agree we should be more in touch with the inner person than those external of us to avoid imbalanced reactions? It's essential to bring balance by going within and meditating on principles that will cultivate the inner person.

How can the Traveler's natural ability give us amazing life skills?

Have you ever stop amid of decisions and consciously notice the fork in the road? The experienced traveler develops skills over the years, which aids in proper decision making. The seasoned traveler is known for his/her ability to make a quick decision. We can almost grasp how their subconscious and instinctive inner person work together to navigate their journey. From having to gauge the position of the sun, the direction to take in the search for food, water, and shelter for the night. What is so unique about the explore?

The traveler's mind is trained to see what lies ahead before his feet can physically get to where he is going. He has learned how to make a good quick decision because he's mastered the proper skills, possibly from training or trial and error. He has learned how to choose and prepare food that would aid in the continuous strength he will need on his long journey ahead. The traveler life depends on every right choice. Consider being lost and alone, the traveler must tame the inner person so he would not act out of fear, anger, or desperation. When faced with an anomaly, he gains self-control and moves into a different direction for his safety and the safety of others.

Similarly, all humans are travelers in the journey of life. We have paralleling events and choices to make; our trained conscience will help us make the right decisions. The trained conscience can save us from unforeseen circumstances, self-sabotaging irrational behavior, granting true abilities we all should cultivate such as; compassion, patience, kindness, mildness, peace, and so many other great qualities.

Navigating the inner person takes a conscious effort, an old proverb suggests "making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to discernment" is our best door to knowledge and hearing the inner person. Always remember to listen and genuinely console this inner being with practical wor

mental health

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Children’s Book Author

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