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Improve Your Mental Health with These tips

Here are some tips to help you live a healthier lifestyle while managing the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

By Mikkie MillsPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Living a healthy life is more than just taking care of your physical health. In fact, most Americans report some level of stress and anxiety that affects their daily activities. Not only does stress have a poor effect on your mental health, but it can permeate into your physical health as well. Too much stress can increase the levels of cortisol in your body, which can lead to muscle tension, poor sleep, and other issues.

Stress and anxiety don't have to control your life. If you know how to manage the daily stressors that can trigger anxiety, you can improve your overall quality of life and even live longer. Here are some tips to help you live a healthier lifestyle while managing the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Healthy Supplements

If you don't have a routine of taking healthy supplements each day, consider your overall need to determine which might work for you. Natural supplements have been proven over the years to help reduce stress and anxiety levels while giving your overall health an added boost. Some supplements you may want to consider implementing into your daily routine include:

CBD oil: CBD oil is a healthy, natural way to reduce stress and anxiety. They come in a variety of strengths, so you can choose which strength will work best for your anxiety and stress levels.

Ashwagandha: This natural herb is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine as a healthy way to treat the effects of stress and anxiety.

Lemon balm: This powerful member of the mint family is known for its effectiveness in managing anxiety.

Green tea: Aside from the many positive health effects this supplement provides, green tea is also known to lower stress and anxiety levels.

Use Essential Oils

Scents have been proven to provide a powerful boost to mood and can also reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Certain scents, such as lavender, sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang, chamomile, and eucalyptus are known to be especially soothing. Play around with different scents to see which work best for you. You can disperse scents using a diffuser at night to make you feel relaxed and give you a better night's sleep.


Regular physical activity has been proven to help decrease stress in the body by releasing endorphins, which give you a natural high. Exercise also lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels in the body, which leads to less injury and a better overall sense of well being. Exercise doesn't have to be limited to high-energy activities such as running. Spin class, yoga, strength training, hiking, rowing, or walking are all great ways to get your daily exercise and provide your body with what it needs to reduce stress. Find the exercise that works best for your lifestyle and schedule and fit some in each day.

Mindfulness and Meditation

People are so busy running from one place to another that they don't take time to slow down and appreciate the world around them. The practice of mindfulness and meditation is growing in popularity for those who want to take a proactive approach to their health. Mindfulness and meditation are a way to gather your thoughts, be present and introspective. By taking time to implement intention into your daily activities, you can reduce the negative thinking that's often associated with stress and anxiety. Using deep breathing techniques as part of your practice can also slow your heart rate, relax your body, and activate your parasympathetic nervous system.


Everyone is connected in today's busy world, which can cause information overload and burnout. Being too connected to your devices and the outside world can have harmful effects on your health. Take at least 24 hours each week to completely unplug and unwind. Unplugging can reset your body and reduce stress. During your down time, spend time with your loved ones doing an activity you all enjoy, such as a walk outdoors, game night, or creative art activity. You'll feel rested and refreshed when you reenter the connected world.

By working to reduce your stress, you'll release more endorphins, which can improve mood and even help reduce pain, give you a better night's sleep, and even improve your confidence, which can give you more control over your work-life balance. Consider implementing these helpful tips into your daily life and you should see an immediate improvement to your overall stress and anxiety levels.

mental health

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